Uganda country coordinating mechanism ( Uganda CCM )
Uganda country coordinating mechanism ( Uganda CCM )
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About UCCM

The Uganda Country Coordinating Mechanism (UCCM) was created and established in accordance with the mandate laid out by the GFATM board since 2001 to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The structure and the concept of the Country Coordinating Mechanisms for the Global Fund is intended to reflect the principles of national ownership and participatory decision making.

This unique public-private partnership at the national level represents the governing body for the use of Global Fund resources in the recipient countries. The UCCM is responsible for coordinating submission of fresh proposals, process requests for continued funding, selecting principal recipients as well as oversight on all GFATM grants.

The Uganda CCM is a national multi-stakeholder public private partnership. The Uganda CCM comprises of members from the Central Government, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Academic Sector, Private sector, UN agencies and other Bilateral agencies.

The Uganda CCM Functions include among others the following:

  • Ensure country-driven, coordinated, multi-sectoral and participatory processes for leveraging and effecting additional resources to reduce morbidity and mortality from HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
  • Ensure coordination of the development of all Global Fund applications through transparent and documented processes that engage a broad range of stakeholders, i.e. members and non-members of the Uganda CCM.
  • Ensure and maintain strong coordination and engagement of the Public Sector, Civil Society Organisation (CSOs), Private Sector, Bilateral and Multilateral Agencies in the field of AIDS, TB and Malaria in order to promote efficient service delivery and prevent duplication.
  • Ensure membership of people living with HIV and organisations of people affected by TB or malaria and key affected populations.
  • Ensure the nomination of Principal Recipients (PRs) is documented and there is a transparent process for the nomination of all new and continuing PRs based on clearly defined and objective criteria.
  • Ensure effective oversight of Global Fund grants and Principal Recipients (PRs)
  • Ensure that all Uganda CCM members representing non-government constituencies are selected by their own constituencies based on a documented and transparent process, developed within each constituency.
  • Ensure the development, publication and implementation of a conflict of interest policy that shall help the Uganda CCM to manage those situations.
  • Ensure linkages and consistency between Global Fund and other development assistance programs in support of national priorities.
  • Develop standard guidelines for selection of PRs and minimum basic guiding principles for Sub-Recipient (SRs) selection/
  • Develop guidelines for proposal development and stakeholder participation in Global Fund activities
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