Women Rights Initiative (WORI)
Women Rights Initiative (WORI)

Our Story

WORI was founded in 2007 by three young Ugandan women to respond to the epidemic of poverty and denial of women’s rights in Uganda. Our main aim is to enhance the capacity of women to support their health and personal development. WORI has a special interest in the plight of women and youth, as they are the most susceptible to vulnerability in society physically, economically and psychologically.


To protect the most vulnerable and those needing legal, medical and psychological support; to empower women and youth to advocate against violence through human rights education, awareness and advocacy, as well as to provide them with skills and information to strengthen their capacities and visibility in society.


A society free from violence, which is a prerequisite to sustainable development. We believe a society free from violence cannot be achieved without recognizing the needs and rights of all women and youth, regardless of religion, tribe or sexual orientation. As the cornerstone of society whilst also being the most vulnerable, it is our duty to empower women for a healthier and wealthier society.

Our Values

WORI brings together people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and capacities. Our values are influenced by our staff, beneficiaries, stakeholders and volunteers, who work with WORI towards the common goal of advocating for the rights of women and girls. All our actions are guided by the following principles:

Company Information
Contact Name: Women Rights Initiative (WORI)
Contact Email: women.r.i@gmail.com , exwori@gmail.com
Contact Phone: +256 39 3252010
Contact Fax:
Since : 01-01-2007
Company Size: