7 District Action Center jobs at Rakai Health Sciences Program
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Vacancy title:
7 District Action Center

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Health Care , Category: Admin & Office ]

Jobs at:

Rakai Health Sciences Program

Deadline of this Job:
19 August 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Rakai , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, August 15, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Rakai Health Sciences Program jobs in Uganda

7 District Action Center

Offering counselling and social support to the GBV survivors at the District Action Center (DAC), attending to Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases sent through SAUTI child helpline and referring survivors that need both medical and social support services to the health facility and DREAMs safe spaces respectively. The DAC caretaker will work closely with the Probation and Social welfare officer, District technical officer and other community structures to ensure that all GBV cases reported at the DAC are responded to accordingly.

• Offer Counselling services to GBV survivors that seek /referred for services at the DAC center.
• Make referrals for additional services needed by the survivors and not offered at the DAC like medical services and legal services.
• Ensure complete documentation of all referrals, updating of GBV and community facility registers at the DAC center.
• Ensure follow up of all AGYW referrals to health facility and DREAMS safe spaces for service provision.
• Put in place case files for every GBV survivor who seeks services at the DAC.
• Receive and handle cases referred from SAUTI child helpline
• Work closely with sub county coordinators in the district and refer GBV survivors who fall under DREAMS age bands (9-24) for enrollment onto the DREAMS program.
• Update SAUTI system data at the DAC.
• Offer required support to all GBV survivors who spend a night at the DAC center before resettlement.
• Work closely with PSWO to follow up on cases that need legal support.
• Work with the CSO supporting DREAMS activities in the district to ensure facilitation of survivors that need linkage to both medical and legal services.
• Create awareness to the community about the availability of the DAC center in the district and SAUTIchild helpline through platforms like; AGYW curricula sessions, social media, Radio talk shows.
• Building a strong referral network and coordination between partners including health providers, police, education, LCs and community‐based services department.

• Certificate or Diploma in Guidance and Counselling or Social Work and Social Administration.
• O- level certificate.
• Minimum of one years’ experience in counselling
• Basic knowledge in computer skills ie micro-soft wordand excel
• Training in Child Protection, and LIVES is an addedadvantage.
• Good communication and interpersonal skills.
• Willingness to work and live in rural areas is required.
• Must be a resident of the respective district.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 12

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure

All interested candidates possessing the above attributes can send their; applications including a cover letter, updated CV with 3 referees, and copies of academic qualifications/certificates (In one PDF/ Word document), addressed to the HR Manager to jobs@rhsp.org . Kindly indicate the job title in the subject line of the email. OR HAND DELIVER to our offices in Kalisizo. Deadline for Submission: Friday 19th August 2022 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Any form of lobbying and canvassing will lead to disqualification

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 19 August 2022
Duty Station: Rakai
Posted: 15-08-2022
No of Jobs: 7
Start Publishing: 15-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 15-08-2066
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