Associate Job at CivSource - Career Opportunity in Uganda
2162 Days Ago
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Deadline of this Job:
14th April 2019  

Duty Station:
Kampala , Uganda , East Africa , 00256 , UG

Date Posted: 5th April 2019 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed , Employment Type: Full_Time , Currency: UGX , Value: 1000000 , Minimum: 700000 , Maximum: 3000000 , Period: MONTH


Our client CivSource supports the work of funding agencies and philanthropists in Africa. Particularly, they seek to connect with and support local/Africa led philanthropy by providing grant management and advisory services on context and strategy.
Post: Associate
Job Summary
To support the set-up of the CivFund. in addition, s/he will be responsible for the development and implementation of interventions under the CivFund that will largely focus on strengthening civil society efforts to more effectively champion human rights and social justice, as well as address obstacles to free participation. Working closely with the Senior Associate, the Associate will keep abreast with developments in the context related to funding and philanthropy (local and international), as well as specific issues related to effective civil society participation. The Associate may also be requested to present workshops and seminars, take on special projects and other initiatives as required, develop and manage relationships with colleagues and engage in other activities that generally serve CivSource Africa’s mission. The Associate reports to the Senior Associate..

  Key Responsibilities
• Program development and planning providing thought leadership in thematic areas of focus, and contributing to development of annual and quarterly work plans.
• Grants management: participate in the design of a system for grants management, and oversee the administration of grants to ensure accurate and efficient collection and reporting of grants data.
• Program implementation and performance: Ensure implementation of programs and activities under your direct responsibility. Strive to implement activities in accordance with workplans. in particular, ensure regular and consistent support to grantees including review of their proposals, reports and participating in their key events and/or activities. Provide reports and /or otherforms of documentation and/or updates on activities as required.
• Monitoring support to grantees: in coordination with colleagues on the program team, conduct due diligence and site visits for current and prospective grantee orgarriretionrr; monitor eotlvitlu and use of funds by current grantees; ovoluaio gruntrm performance
• Manage client relations on program issues: in close liaison with the Senior Associate, manage client relations related to your portfolio. This includes maintaining regular communication (e.g. through regular emails, conference calls and program reports), providing updates on the context and key program issues, providing critical feedback to international program staff on grant making decisions and recommendations; identifying and recommending grantees that align with clients’ programmatic priorities.
• Exercise field leadership: by networking and collaborating with donors and NGOs working in relevant fields; attend relevant forums, meetings and conferences. Contribute to the development of the context tracker, situation analysis and other key CivSource Africa documents.
• Networking and Alliance building: Build and maintain alliances and partnerships with other organizations. Engage and network with donors and NGOs working in relevant fields in Uganda; attend relevant forums, meetings and conferences that will enhance program quality

Knowledge and Skills Requirements
• 7+ years professional experience working in the fields of international development and/or human rights in Uganda;
• University degree required; graduate degree preferred;
• Prior experience with grant making or grants management;
• Ability to work across a range of programmatic issue areas; specific experience in the areas of human rights, economic development, women’s rights, reproductive health, and/or children's rights a plus;


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Job application procedure
 Please send your CV and cover letter with 3 work related referees to the address or e-mail below. Applications may not exceed
People Performance Group
Plot B Kitante Close, Kitante
P.0 BOX 12405
Closing date: Sunday 14th April 2019
While we thank all applicants for your interest, only those aimed for interview: will be contented. Any form of lobbying will lend to automatic disqualification.

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Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Officer jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 14th April 2019
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 05-04-2019
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 05-04-2019
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 05-04-2061
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