Consultancy Services-End Line Evaluation tendering at Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe
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 Consultancy Services-End Line Evaluation tendering at Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe

Project Title: Prevention of malnutrition and improvement of the hygienic status for vulnerable persons in the refugee settlement of Palabek and eight surrounding communities in UGANDA

  1. Background:

The Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development-Uganda] (ACORD-U) is a nationally registered organization. Through funding support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and in partnership with the Johanniter International Assistance, ACORD-U implemented a project focused on prevention of malnutrition and improvement of the hygienic status for vulnerable persons in the Palabek Refugee Settlement and surrounding communities in Lamwo District, Uganda. The project is scheduled to end on 30th April 2024.  

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Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe jobs in Uganda

The primary objectives of the project include:

  • Enhancing nutritional and hygienic status, with specific targets related to knowledge improvement, infrastructure development, and community engagement.
  • Approximately 21,015 vulnerable persons (refugees in the refugee settlement Palabek and members of the surrounding communities) have improved their nutritional and hygienic status.
  1. About Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. (Johanniter International Assistance)

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. (Johanniter International Assistance) is a German non-governmental organisation, dedicated to excellence in the field of first aid, ambulance service, social service programmes and other projects in the medical and social field. The Federal Headquarters are based in Berlin, Germany. Johanniter International Assistance is the department for development co-operation and emergency aid, implementing and supporting projects worldwide. our aim is to ensure the survival of people affected by disasters and to strengthen and secure the health, resilience and livelihoods of communities in the regions where we work. We develop our international programmes together with local communities in a culturally and gender-sensitive way, based on the community’s needs. We recognize the importance of addressing climate change challenges and gender equality, and include them as core topics in all programmes. Johanniter has been present in East Africa for close to a decade working to enable vulnerable people and communities to cope with the effects of crises, violent conflicts, natural disasters and climate change. Currently, Johanniter is present in South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique.

  1. Evaluation objectives, purpose and Rationale

a) Objectives of the Evaluation: 

The primary objective of the endline evaluation is using the OECD DAC criteria, assess the overall relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the project interventions. Specifically, the evaluation aims to:

  • Evaluate the achievement of project outcomes and outputs as outlined in the project proposal.
  • Determine the extent to which the project has contributed to improved nutritional status and improvement of hygienic status among vulnerable persons in the target areas.
  • Identify key successes, challenges, and lessons learned during project implementation.
  • Assess the sustainability of project interventions beyond the project duration.
  • Provide recommendations for future programming and improvement
  1. Purpose of the Endline Evaluation:

The purpose of this endline evaluation is to assess the overall impact and effectiveness of the project in achieving its objectives. The evaluation aims to provide an unbiased and comprehensive analysis of the project's outcomes, outputs, and strategies employed during the implementation period.

  1. Rationale for the evaluation

The project aims at contributing to improved nutritional status and improvement of the hygienic status for vulnerable persons in the refugee settlement of Palabek and five surrounding communities in Lamwo district, Uganda. The evaluation will be conducted to review the project performance against the planned deliverables. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation will enhance learning for the Johanniter and ACORD-U team in Uganda and among other key stakeholders, and support in future programming.  The consultant will work under the overall supervision of the Project team at Johanniter but under direct supervision of the PMEAL Johanniter Uganda.  

  1. Scope of Work, approaches and methods:

To conduct and implement the entire end-term evaluation: The evaluation will be carried out in a participatory manner to ensure the involvement of key stakeholders in all phases of the evaluation, including preparation, field visits, report preparation and dissemination. The following methods will be used as a minimum to collect information:   

  • Review of project documentation, including the project proposal, progress reports, monitoring data, and other relevant materials. Project documents-Project proposal, logical framework, workplan and budget, M&E plan and Monitoring reports, Periodic Progress Reports submitted to the donor, Baseline reports, Quarterly reports and interim report, Project outputs: activity reports, trainings assessment, stakeholder meeting minutes; Any relevant documents such as IEC materials used, publication etc. The desk review will allow the evaluator to make initial findings that in turn may point to additional or fine-tuned questions.  
  • Development of an endline evaluation framework and methodology, including data collection tools.
  • Conducting field visits to the project sites to collect primary data through interviews, focus group discussions, and observations; A list of interviewees including but not limited to project participants(beneficiaries), and local leaders will be handed to the evaluator by ACORD-U before starting the evaluation. The evaluator will undertake group/individual discussions with: ACORD-U project staff in Uganda, Experts (Consultants, trainers); VHTs, OPM team in the settlement, District focal teams.
  • Data analysis and interpretation to assess the achievement of project outcomes and outputs.
  • Preparation of a detailed endline evaluation report outlining findings, conclusions, and recommendations
  1. Methodology: The consultant should employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. This may include document reviews, interviews with beneficiaries and stakeholders, on-site inspections, and data analysis.

a) Key Evaluation Questions: The consultant should address the following key questions:


DAC criteria 

Evaluation questions 



1.    To what extent have the project's objectives remained aligned with the nutritional and hygienic needs of the vulnerable population in the refugee settlement and surrounding communities?

2.    How well did the project respond to the specific needs and priorities of the target group, considering cultural and contextual factors?



3.    How effective has the project been in achieving its intended outcomes related to improving nutritional and hygienic status?

4.    Were there any alternative cost-effective measures or approaches that could have improved the efficiency of project implementation?



5. How efficiently were project resources, including time and budget, utilized in delivering the planned activities?



6.    To what extent did the project outputs contribute directly to the achievement of outcomes, and were they implemented as planned?

7.    What notable changes have occurred in the nutritional and hygienic knowledge, behaviours and practices of the target population as a result of the project?

8.    How has the project contributed to broader social, economic, or environmental impacts in the project area?



9.    To what extent are the project outcomes likely to be sustained after the project's conclusion?

10. How have local capacities been enhanced to ensure the continued positive impact of project interventions beyond its duration?

11. What factors contribute to or hinder the sustainability of project outcomes?



12. How well did the project coordinate with local authorities, community leaders, and partner organizations to ensure a coherent and collaborative approach?

13. Were there any conflicting interventions or duplications of efforts within the project area by other organizations?

  1. Deliverables:
  2. An inception report: to be submitted one week upon signing the contract, explaining the methodology, work programme and timetable for the evaluation.
  3. Refined evaluation questions: Upon review of the available documents and an initial discussion, the evaluator will develop a detailed analytical framework of questions and sub-questions, based on the evaluation questions defined in this ToR, and consistent with Results-Based monitoring framework.
  4. Evaluation report: Final Endline Evaluation Report, incorporating feedback and recommendations. The main evaluation report should be concise and not exceed 30 pages, excluding annexes (supporting data and details can be included in annexes).
  5. A Power-Point presentation with the preliminary findings and recommendations to be presented to Johanniter and key stakeholder group.
  1. Timeline:

The evaluation will be carried out between 3rd April 2024 to 31st May 2024, with a final report submission done by 15th May 2024 The schedule is as follows:

Est. # of Days


7 days

This must define the scope of the work with a proposed work plan and evaluation questionnaires/tools to be submitted 5 days following the official commencement of the evaluation. The inception report will provide Johanniter Team and its partners, and other key stakeholders the opportunity to ascertain that the evaluator(s) share the same understanding about the evaluation objectives. The inception report should detail the evaluators’ understanding of what is being evaluated and why, showing how each evaluation question will be answered by way of: proposed methods; proposed sources of data; and data collection tools and procedures. The inception report should include a proposed schedule of tasks, activities and deliverables, designating a team member with the lead responsibility for each task or product. Before accepted to become the guide for the evaluation, the inception report must be discussed and agreed with the Johanniter Team Member.

3 days

Inception Report Presentation and feedback amendment: The consultant will conduct a presentation of the inception report and utilize two days to amend the corrections given the feedback from the team

2 days

Fieldwork Preparation: Recruitment, training and deployment of research assistants testing of tools and final validation

5 days

Data collection: Briefing, deployment of enumerators, data collection and post field work debriefing

5 days

Data Analysis: Lead Consultant and team analyse collected data and if need be allowed for review, questioning and field follow up and cross validation of collected data before writing draft report.

4 days

Draft report: The evaluator(s) must submit draft report for review and comments by all parties involved after analysis of the field data. The draft evaluation report to ensure that the evaluation meets the required quality criteria.

1 day

Presentation of the preliminary findings to Johanniter and the stakeholders

3 days

Final Report: This will be submitted within 3 days after receiving comments from Johanniter Team. The content and structure of the final analytical report with findings, recommendations and lessons learnt covering the scope of the evaluation should meet the agreed requirements, and must include the following:

•      Executive summary (1-2 pages),

•      Introduction (1 page),

•      Description of the evaluation methodology (6 pages),

•      Situational analysis with regard to the outcome, outputs, and partnership strategy (6-7 pages),

•      Analysis of opportunities to provide guidance for future programming (3-4 pages),

•      Key findings, including best practices and lessons learned (4-5 pages),

•      Conclusions and recommendations (4-5 pages).

Appendices: Charts, terms of reference, field visits, people interviewed, documents reviewed

30 days

Total estimated time for deliverables.

  1. Application and selection process:

The proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria hence interested candidates should submit the following:

a. Administrative Evaluation 

  1. The Ugandan Legal Company registration documents (Registration Certificates).
  2. Profile of the consultancy firm if not an individual.
  3. Tax clearance certificates including exemption certificates where applicable.
  4. Valid Trading License.
  5. Technical proposal
  6. CVs of lead consultant(s).
  7. Financial proposal
  8. Detailed Work plan
  9. At least Three (3) traceable references in the last five (5) years for similar works conducted.
  10. Duly signed and stamped copy of the declaration of suppliers.
  11. Duly signed and stamped copy of TOR.
  12. Appropriate methodology - Candidates should clearly outline the technical approach to achieve the assignment and mitigate project risks (qualitative and/or quantitative approaches).
  13. Demonstrated clarity and understanding of the assignment/interpretation of the ToR.

b. Technical Evaluation (70%).

  • Proposed personnel for the assignment. (10%): Lead Consultant(s)/ Team of Consultants have qualifications (PhD or Master’s degree) aligned to thematic sectors of the project or any relevant qualification (Health, WASH, Nutrition, Community Development, or developmental studies, Social Sciences) or any other relevant academic qualification.
  • Demonstrated / similar experience in the last 5 years with INGOs, International Organisations, Governments or the UN Humanitarian Response and development work. (10%)
  • Samples of previous works demonstrating expertise in designing and writing high quality documents for publication (where the publications cannot be shared, please share a list of works and the organizations worked for, with a contact person) (10%).
  • Contactable references in evaluation of WASH (Sanitation, Hygiene promotion) Nutrition, Health in Humanitarian Settings. (10%).
  • Consultant Teams have demonstrated ability to complete the assignment. (Please attach authentic completion certificates in the most recent five (5) years in similar practical work experience. (10%).
  • Previous experience of consultancies in the humanitarian and development contexts in Uganda (10%).
  • Length of the assignment. (10%).

c. Financial Evaluation (30%).

The consultant will develop a detailed budget and work plan based on the details in the TOR and should include the consultants’ professional fees and logistics costs separately.  The Consultancy fees should be inclusive of all relevant taxes. Prices should be quoted in Uganda Shillings (UGX).

7. Payment for the service

Payment will be made as follows;

  • 40% Payment upon submission of Inception Report
  • 30% Payment upon submission of Draft Report
  • 30% payment upon submission of Final Report

In the event that the consultant does not meet the agreed deadlines (without advance agreement from Johanniter), the second payment will be reduced by 5% for each calendar day if the submission is late.

Please send your email applications to:

Interested applicants are requested to apply by 25th March 2024. 

For inquiries and clarifications, please email: and copy

Johanniter reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to cancel the procurement process at any stage. The selected consultant(s) or firm will be expected to adhere to Johanniter's ethical standards and guidelines, and Johanniter’s safeguarding policy throughout the duration of the consultancy.

8. Intellectual property and data protection

All draft and final outputs, including supporting documents, analytical reports and raw data should be provided in electronic version compatible with WORD for windows. Ownership of the data from the evaluation rests jointly with Johanniter and ACORD-U. The copyright and intellectual property generated by the consultancy will rest exclusively with Johanniter. Key stakeholders can make appropriate use of the evaluation report in line with the original purpose and with appropriate acknowledgement. The consulting agency will follow the data protection policy of Johanniter while collecting, processing and storing the program related data.

9. Safeguarding and Protection

The consultant/Agency will be expected to sign a Johanniter safeguarding and protection policy ensuring adherence to high standards of safeguarding protection of its staff, enumerators and people we work with during the course of this exercise.

To apply, please use the RFP in the link below.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 25th March 2024
Duty Station: Palabek
Posted: 14-03-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-03-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-03-2067
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