Consultancy for External Evaluation of our Learning Work job at Girls Not Brides
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Vacancy title:
Consultancy for External Evaluation of our Learning Work

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Girls Not Brides

Deadline of this Job:
19 April 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Girls Not Brides jobs in Uganda

About Girls Not Brides Learning Work
The strategic objective of Girls Not Brides’ Learning work is “Leverage knowledge, learning, and evidence to address child marriage across the movement”. Our work in this area consists of:
Being a “go-to”’ and trusted source of information on child marriage for, civil society organisations, experts working in the field, interested governments, donors and the general public.
A global knowledge and learning hub, working with member organisations to document, collate and share information and evidence on what works to end child marriage, and supporting effective action and results within the global Partnership and broader movement.
Facilitating peer learning and knowledge exchange with and between member organisations, National and State Partnerships and coalitions and the broader movement.
Promoting the uptake of knowledge, learning and evidence by member organisations to increase the quality and impact of programming and evidence-based influencing.
Coordinating global, regional, and national evidence generation through convening diverse stakeholders, identifying evidence gaps and catalysing collective efforts to strengthen the evidence base on what works to end child marriage.
Amplifying member voices, priorities, expertise, and influence in the knowledge ecosystem.
Influencing the learning and evidence agendas at global, regional, and national level by centring member organisations’ needs.

Evaluation scope and objectives
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of Girls Not Brides’ Learning work from 2019 – 2023 and be accountable to our members, partners, donors, and – most importantly – the girls we serve. The evaluation is also intended to provide learnings and recommendations that will inform the Secretariat’s future work in these areas. The evaluator may also be requested to take stock of how our existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms support Girls Not Brides’ Learning goals and objectives.

Core evaluation objectives
• To assess the level of access and utilisation of our learning resources by members, donors, partners, and other key stakeholders in the sector, and how these have informed their work. 
• To assess the role of Girls Not Brides as a thought leader, sharing learning (including CSO learning), evidence and recommendations around ending child marriage and early/forced marriages and unions, building a global understanding of the issue and on what works to end child marriage.
• To draw recommendations for improving the Girls Not Brides knowledge, evidence and learning work in the next phase of strategy implementation. 

Approach and Methodology (to be refined by the consultant)
• The evaluation approach will apply mainly the OECD/DAC criteria (with a particular focus on relevance, effectiveness and impact). In addition, aspects of outcome harvesting together with documentation of most significant change stories will be pursued where possible.
• The consultant is expected to employ a variety of data collection and analysis techniques for both quantitative and qualitative data to ensure a comprehensive evaluation exercise. At minimum, the evaluation should use participatory mixed methods composed of two broad stages of data collection:
• Firstly, a secondary review of existing project, operational and organisational documents.
• Secondly, collection of primary data through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with key stakeholders and focus group discussion either in person (involving physical travel) or remotely (virtual engagements), depending on location of the consultant and interviewees.

Deliverables and timelines
Key deliverables will include:

• An initial in- person briefing with the Girls Not Brides team to understand the scope and purpose of the evaluation.
• A literature review of key documents relating to Girls Not Brides Learning work.
• Within 3 weeks of agreeing the contract, develop a brief inception report highlighting methodology, detailed work plan and a timeline for completing key phases.
• Development of primary data collection tools outlined in the inception report, including interview methodologies and questions.
• A summary of key evaluation findings for discussion and validation with the Girls Not Brides team.
• A final evaluation report.

Organisation of evaluation management
The consultant will work with a reference group made up of Girls Not Brides staff. The reference group will provide support with:
• Development of the methodology for the evaluation.
• Coordination in relation to access to documents, introduction to key stakeholders, and organisation of country visits for data collection.
• Review of drafts of the final evaluation report.
• The consultant will report directly to the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for Impact Manager.

Evaluation quality
The evaluation should conform to OECD/DAC’s Quality Standards for Development Evaluation. The evaluator should make use of the OECD/DAC Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and the evaluators shall specify how quality assurance, in accordance with DAC’s quality standards, shall be handled by them during the evaluation process.

Evaluation team qualifications
Suitable candidates will have the following skills, experience, and qualifications:

• Advanced level degree in relevant academic area e.g. development studies, social sciences
• Extensive experience working in monitoring and evaluation or research, including as lead investigator of an evaluation.
• Strong data management skills, experience in use of digital data collection platforms, and data analysis and software knowledge.
• Experience in international development, including with supporting networks of civil society organisations, on knowledge, learning and evidence work.
• Experience in measuring impact of knowledge, evidence and learning work.
• Good understanding of movement building for collective advocacy.

Desirable skills, knowledge and experience:
• Knowledge/ familiarity with the child marriage research landscape and its link to child marriage programming and advocacy.
• Knowledge and familiarity with the movement to end child marriage.
• Experience and understanding of how member/ partnership-based global organisations work.
• Ability to present complex information in a succinct and compelling manner.

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

Interested candidates and qualified click here to apply
Should submit the following documents:
Your CV.
A short statement of your capabilities and experience of undertaking similar assignments.
A sample of an evaluation you have led or taken a leading role in.
A short (not more than 3 page) description of your overall approach and methodology for completing this assignment, including expected number of days work needed.
Proposed Budget (including consultancy daily rates, communications).

Application deadline: 19 April 2023 at 23:59 UK

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 19 April 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 12-04-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-04-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-04-2067
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