Deputy Chief of Party job at Integrated Seed and Sector Development Uganda (ISSD Uganda)
820 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Deputy Chief of Party

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Team leader ]

Jobs at:

Integrated Seed and Sector Development Uganda (ISSD Uganda)

Deadline of this Job:
06 January 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, December 19, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Integrated Seed Sector Development
Integrated Seed Sector Development jobs in Uganda

Organizational setting
Integrated Seed and Sector Development Uganda (ISSD Uganda) is an independent local NGO in Uganda, which aims to be a leading agricultural development organization in fostering resilient seed and food systems for sustainable agricultural production. ISSD Uganda builds on the impactful outcomes and experiences of the successfully implemented seed projects that focused on; seed sector transformation; capacity building and knowledge transfer; partnerships and sector coordination, as well as supporting fragile communities including refugees.

Project Overview
Restoring Resilience of highland farmer communities and watersheds in Uganda is a 4-year project funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Kampala. The project is a land restoration and farming systems project in the Western and South Western Highlands of Uganda, implemented in a collaborative partnership between Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR) as lead partner, and ISSD Uganda, as the local implementing partner. The project works through three pathways to achieve its goal to build resilient farmer communities and watersheds in the highlands of Uganda. In Pathway 1 “resilient farming systems” the project focuses on empowerment and motivation of farmer households to work towards establishing resilient farming systems through the PIP approach; Pathway 2 “watershed restoration” focusses on restoring natural resources and ecosystem functioning to enable restored watershed resilience; and Pathway 3 “improved marketing” focusses on improved marketing opportunities for all farmers directly engaged in the project, and the wider community. The project headquarters will be in Fortportal.

Position overview
The purpose of Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) is two-fold. On the one hand, DCOP will take up a number of management and strategic orientation roles of the Chief of Party (COP), and on the other, provide guidance to various aspects of management of the project with greater emphasis on operational support functions of finance, admin, human resources, ICT and procurement. The DCOP reports to COP, and deputizes the COP during absentia; has direct supervision of project finance manager, admin, hr and procurement staff, and is part of the Project Management Team. The position oversees the human resource management function (staff performance monitoring and appraisal, staff welfare management, staff discipline supervision, staff payroll and leave supervision etc.), and ensures adherence to legal and ISSD HR policy and procedures.

Main Duties and Responsibilities
The DCOP has the following duties and responsibilities:
Management and administration
▪ Support the COP in developing a strong, coherent technical vision and initiate innovative strategies across the programme and deputise the COP as and when required
▪ Provide oversight and day-to-day support to all finance, procurement, HR, grants and administrative processes of the project
▪ Line manage and supervise the project operations team including finance manager, procurement officer, admin officers, and other project support staff
▪ Address HR issues raised by staff (voluntarily or whistleblowing) and for reporting to COP
▪ Implement management systems to successfully achieve performance and results targets within established budget parameters and critically reflect and make constructive recommendations for all project pathways.
▪ Ensure that the project provides timely deliverables (including work plans, performance reports and accountabilities) to meet M&E and donor requirements
▪ Help to ensure effective overall contract management, reporting, communications and partner relationship management.
▪ Ensure effective implementation and compliance with the overall finance policy, procurement policy and compliance with procedures required by WENR or grant or contract agreements
▪ Ensure the adequate operational, logistical and moral support for the implementation of all project activities.
Financial management
▪ Together with the COP, oversee the development, implementation and monitoring of annual project budgets
▪ Oversee and ensure a robust budget monitoring system that will minimize significant expenditure variances and provide frequent updates to the COP
▪ Review accuracy of accounts and carry out periodic internal audits on project financial matters
▪ Oversee the grant management system which is consistent with the overall organisation fund management policy and promote its application in accordance with donor rules and regulations to ensure low risk audits.
▪ Conduct final reviews and endorsement of grant contracts for final execution.
▪ Oversee the preparation and accuracy of financial reports to ensure they comply with all aspects of ISSD policies and donor funding requirements
▪ Oversee the timely submission of financial reports to the COP and WENR financial controller which includes reviewing the reports before submission
▪ Review and approval of monthly payroll
▪ Serve as the second principal signatory for the project’s bank account(s)
▪ Oversee the procurement processes according to the ISSD policy and provide final authorisation for all procurements within the DCOP approval limits.
▪ With delegated authority from COP through WENR, sanction procurements to an agreed limit
▪ Enforce zero tolerance policy on fraud and financial mismanagement, and ensure fair investigation of any rumours in this regard for reporting to the COP and onward reporting to the donor.
Human resources management
▪ Provide leadership support to project staff and promote best practices in human resources management
▪ Ensure compliance with established ISSD HR policy and guidelines and the Ugandan labour laws
▪ Conduct reviews of the HR policy and procedures and advise ISSD management of necessary updates ▪ Oversee implementation of the performance management system including performance objectives and planning, review, appraisal and staff development, in collaboration with the COP
▪ Oversee and monitor efficiency and fairness of the recruitment processes of the project
▪ Oversee the handling of staff disciplinary matters related to the project
▪ Ensure regular meetings with middle management team and all staff for the purpose of exchanging information, coordination and learning
▪ Discuss collaboration and other issues that need attention with the COP, regional coordinators, and thematic experts
▪ Serve as the main contact person for legal issues and requirements related to the project (tax exemption, work permit acquisition, etc.)
▪ In collaboration with the ISSD HQ COO, act as main project liaison for the organisation’s lawyers
▪ Develop and nurture relationships with statutory bodies like Uganda Revenue Authority, NGO Forum, Immigration Department
▪ Ensure good linkage and communication between the respective project team members and WENR/WUR; e.g., between finance team and the WENR Financial Controller; and between the project administration team and the WENR liaison officers and legal office.
▪ Keep abreast with the trends within the donor environment within the country and internationally

Qualifications, Experience, and Skills
▪ Master’s Degree in Social Sciences, Business Administration or its equivalent in a related field
▪ At least 10 years of senior management level experience in project/organisational management and team leadership for a 40 + team
▪ Proven track record in coordinating complex international projects
▪ Proven experience in human resource management, including staff supervision, coaching and development
▪ Excellent communicator with the ability to lead as well as serve the team
▪ Skills in mediation, negotiation and diplomacy and natural authority
▪ Being able to create a conducive working environment for staff and partners
▪ Able to work in a structured way and strong skills in planning and time keeping
▪ Able to understand the financial management and financial reporting systems of ISSD and WENR
▪ Experience of working in a multicultural setting
▪ Proven analytical and writing skills
▪ Professional working proficiency in English and local languages is an added advantage ▪ Proficiency in Microsoft Office packages such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint, etc.
▪ Personal and financial integrity is crucial to the position
▪ Willingness to travel extensively within Uganda is required

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 120

Level of Education:
Associate Degree

Job application procedure
To apply for this position, please read this job description carefully then email your application (Cover Letter and CV maximum 4 pages) to while indicating the job title and desired location in the email subject, not later than 6 January 2023 at 5:00pm EAT. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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06 January 2023
Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 06 January 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 19-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 19-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 19-12-2077
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