Gender Officer Job at Mercy Corps - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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Vacancy title:
Gender Officer

Jobs at:
Mercy Corps

Deadline of this Job:
3rd March 2017

Duty Station:
Kampala, Uganda

Job details:
Project Name: SIDA Transforming Agriculture for Improved Livelihood (TRAIL)
Mercy Corps is an international non-profit organization that has been working in Uganda since 2006. It has and continues to implement programs in Acholi and Karamoja sub regions. Mercy Corps is taking a community-led, market driven approach to address poverty and food insecurity needs through interventions that get to the root causes and contributing factors of economic vulnerability. Donors include the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Walmart Foundation (BUILD).

About SIDA TRAIL Programs:
Mercy Corps Uganda currently has funding from SIDA for a three year funded program- Transforming Agriculture for Improved Livelihood (TRAIL) which aims at scaling a proven partnership model to reach a total of 60,000 farmers with Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC). The expansion focuses on new and updated trainings that include organic techniques, tillage and cultivation, yield enhancing inputs, integrated pest management, post-harvest handling, financial literacy, business skills, male engagement platforms and women leadership training. The program works in setting up technology platforms that enable timely and efficient access to information (price and agricultural extension), management of farmer records, facilitate transaction between farmers, agents and GADC.

Job Summary: The Gender Officer will manage TRAIL Program’s farmer trainings and ascertain Gender sensitivity is exercised. This will include support to staff and Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC) private sector partners with the recruitment of female lead farmers and Field Officer, the development and review of appropriate training materials and monitoring the replication of the trainings to reach the farmer audience and continuously developing a business case in women and Youth as clients and employees. The GO will also ensure that gender mainstreaming across program sectors like access to finance, Agribusiness and Extension services. S/he will also work with Mercy Corps’ Regional Gender Advisor and Kitgum staff to build their understanding of the Mercy Corps gender policy and the creation and maintenance of a gender-friendly work environment.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
• Carry out research and advocacy activities to convince companies of the missed opportunities in failing to target women as employees and customers;
• Guide companies on how to engender outreach with farmers through pro-active recruitment and retention of lead farmers, agents and adjustments to marketing, sales and distribution strategies.
• Provide support in the development and review of training materials to ensure that they are inclusive and address gender concerns;
• Take the lead on supervising the Gender Interns and Business focal points in the monitoring and roll out of the Private Sector- Gender friendly Training materials.
• Mentor and train staff in the use of gender aware training materials and support Private Sector Players with roll out of community out-reaches that attain positive behavioral and social change. Monitor the replicated trainings with farmers and ensure that female, male and youth participation, learning and general quality remain high;
• Make recommendations for incorporating a gender perspective into farmer interventions in extension and trainings whilst working with teams to ensure that they are implemented correctly.
• Develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies for gender work that could have unintended and negative consequences for the groups that the program seeks to benefit.
• Build and maintain productive working relationships with district gender officers, coordinators of women’s networks and other stakeholders;
• Review programmatic assessment tools (surveys, questionnaires etc.) to ensure that they are thematically and technically sound from the point of view of gender;
• Support the team with the collection of sex-disaggregated, gender-sensitive data and the documentation of program activities;
• Submit timely monthly, and quarterly reports that reflect program progress during implementation with field proven documented stories
• Adhere to the country gender policy and humanitarian code of conduct;
• Deliver gender training to staff to build employee capacity to conduct effective gender work;

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
• The ideal candidate for the Mercy Corps Gender Officer career opportunity should hold a Bachelor’s degree in gender and economic development, women’s studies, sociology, law or a related field;
• At least three to five years of professional experience in the field of gender and development;
• Familiarity with gender mainstreaming tools (gender analysis, gender risk mitigation and use of gender-sensitive indicators etc.);
• Previous exposure and experience in working with Private Sector Partners.
• Good negotiation, representation, skills and the ability to work comfortably with a vast audience that have potential to positively impact the Program success
• First-hand knowledge of gender dynamics in the Acholi region is a must as well as a basic understanding of the national gender legal and policy framework;
• Show commitment to women’s rights, human rights and social justice;
• Extensive knowledge and experience in GBV prevention and response an asset;
• Proven skills in networking, collaboration, community consultation and organizational development;
• Demonstrated analytical and writing skills;
• Excellent reporting, communication and representation skills;
• Fluency in local languages is an advantage;
• Proven knowledge and capacity in using basic computer applications like MS Word, Excel and the World Wide Web.
• The ideal candidate will have the ability and curiosity to work comfortably and effectively in the Acholi sub region.
• S/he will be an excellent communicator, have a strong sense of humor, multi-tasker, and able to work difficult and often stressful environments.

Job application procedure
All suitably qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to send their applications via email to  addressed to the Senior HR and Legal Manager, Mercy Corps Uganda. Please include a cover letter clearly stating your salary requirements, CV (with 3 referees), and copies of academic qualifications/certificates. The subject of email should include the position you are applying for.

Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 3rd March 2017
Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda
Posted: 01-03-2017
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 01-03-2017
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 01-03-2040
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