Quality Assurance Coordinator job at U.S Embassy
587 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Quality Assurance Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

U.S Embassy

Deadline of this Job:
Monday, August 07 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala, East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, July 28 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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U.S Embassy jobs in Uganda

Job Details:
1. Minimum Requirements:
At a minimum, the successful candidate’s CV must demonstrate the following:
• Education: A Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant field such as Business, Health or Management is required.
• Experience: At least Five years of professional work experience in records management, audit, compliance, project management / Volunteer management
• Strong background in data standardization, process facilitation and management (organizational development, tracking tasks and processes and ensuring accurate documentation)
• Experience effectively coordinating complex processes across multiple business units.
• Experience in planning and delivering training.
• Experience working with database management software.
• Professional oral and written English proficiency required.
• Advanced computer proficiency in MS Office: Windows, Excel, Word, Power point
• Demonstrated intercultural competence, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility related skills and experience.
• Demonstrated ability to synthetize, interpret, and apply regulations.
• Versatility; ability to take initiative to resolve problems
• Detail-oriented and organizational skills
• Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural team.
• Strong written and oral communication skills
• Ability to pass a background check and maintain a security clearance.
• Must be legally able to work in Uganda.
• Ability and willingness to travel throughout Uganda.
• Ability to work on a regular Monday through Friday schedule with occasional evening and weekend hours when necessary.

2. Preferred Qualifications:
• Experience implementing and improving quality assurance systems, including developing information management processes.
• Experience in a multinational NGO or similar organization

Objective of the Position
The Quality Assurance Coordinator (QAC) will champion a culture of quality assurance (QA), continuous quality process improvement, and system simplification at Post. A key goal of quality assurance is to optimize systems and processes, and make it easier to accomplish Post priorities while ensuring compliance with Agency policies. In order to advance the quality assurance agenda, the QAC will take the lead on integrating a QA approach into relevant Post activities, serve as Records Liaison/Records Management point of contact, and also train up and support staff in QA related areas. The QAC will play a supportive role in the coordination of site management and site history documentation, ensuring that clear guidance and systems are in place to assist Post staff in adhering to high quality and complete site management planning, execution and documentation. The QAC will be responsible for the oversight of VIDA (Volunteer Information Database Application) at Post, providing trainings to Post staff on topics including site management and the latest VIDA updates. The QAC will also be responsible for tracking deadlines and completion status of all mandatory trainings for all Post staff, in addition to directly providing trainings when necessary. Similarly, the QAC will support Post through preparations for Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits and evaluations, along with presenting recurring findings to assist Post in proactively addressing common issues. The QAC will track OIG and Regional Peace Corps Safety and Security Officer (PCSSO) recommendations, and support staff in order to bring timely closure to any outstanding recommendations. The QAC will be a key resource in providing quality assurance and process simplification input to Post and the Agency.

Reference Materials
• Peace Corps Manual and associated referenced documents (Manual Section 270; Safety and Security Instructions (SSI) 401, 410, 415, 420, and 430;
• Medical Technical Guidelines (TG) 204, 385, 110) and other guidance published on the Peace Corps Intranet
• The Peace Corps/Uganda Staff Handbook
• Post Site Management Manual
• The Peace Corps/Uganda Volunteer Service Handbook (VSH).

5. Tasks & Deliverables

Continuous Quality Improvement Process
Post champion for adopting a quality assurance and compliance culture.
• Designs and oversees a yearly compliance calendar for reoccurring tasks and deadlines at Post.
• Works with office/department heads to identify reoccurring tasks, trainings, Post policies, or periodic reviews and reports that are mandated by agency policy/procedure and are required to be tracked. Adds key deadlines to the compliance calendar, to assist all departments with compliance.
• Distributes compliance calendar or task reminders periodically to assist managers and staff in proactively meeting compliance related deadlines.
• Provides status updates to Country Director (CD) and supervisors on completed and outstanding tasks.
• Integrates a QA approach into relevant Post activities. (e.g. administration of annual performance improvement or compliance tools, such as the Administrative Management Control Survey (AMCS)).
• Reflects on current practices, identifies potential risks and areas for improvement, and works with relevant parties to document and implement.
• Works with Post leadership and Post Equity Council to identify opportunities for the integration of equity/ICDEIA into core business practices across operational units.
• Serves as the Records Management POC (Records Liaison) for Post.
• Coordinates distribution, completion, and return of annual File Plan to the Records Management Office.
• Advises Post on records management questions and issues.
• Collaborates with Senior Staff to ensure required documents are appropriately stored at Post (e.g. MOUs, other agreements etc.), and monitors to ensure expiration timeframes are known and tracked.
• Coordinates with Regional Quality Assurance Experts, PCSSOs, and Regional Security Advisors (RSAs), where applicable.
• Coordinates with Office of the Chief Compliance Officer (OCCO) in informing and adopting compliance best practices.
• Other quality assurance related duties as assigned.

Site Management (including Site History Files)
Post champion for adopting a quality assurance approach for site management and promoting compliance with site management documentation.
• Serves as resource and technical expert on site management process and procedures and can assist Director of Programming and Training (DPT) (and other Post staff as applicable) in meeting site management requirements.
• In collaboration with DPT and other responsible staff, is responsible for training and mentoring staff in adhering to site management requirements.
• Under the DPT’s leadership, helps coordinate Post planning meetings regarding site ID and site visits to ensure all requirements from Site Management Guidance, including key Manual Sections, Safety and Security Instructions (SSIs), and Medical Technical Guidelines (TGs) are accounted for in the planning and implementation stages of site management (e.g.: Manual Section (MS) 270 – Volunteer/Trainee Safety and Security, SSI 401 Site History Files, SSI 410 Housing Standards and Inspection, etc.).
• Monitors compliance with required site management documentation in VIDA; advises staff on status and required actions.
• Supports DPT to ensure Post’s site management manual is aligned with current Regional Site Management Guidance.
• Coordinates with programming staff, Peace Corps Medical Officers (PCMOs), and Safety and Security Manager (SSM) to ensure that site selection materials are fully completed and approved by the relevant parties with any appropriate programming, safety, security or health related considerations properly documented in VIDA.
• Conducts ongoing and routine quality checks on site management documentation (e.g. Housing Information, Community Information, Volunteer Request Form, Site Contact Form information) in VIDA to ensure alignment with policy and approval process and site history files.
• Provides supervisor and Post staff with periodic updates on site management and history file compliance, highlighting missing documents and/or data points for follow-up.
• Assists with occasional data entry as directed by supervisor in order to ensure compliance.

VIDA Point of Contact (POC)
Responsible for oversight of VIDA at Post, ensuring VIDA is used by all relevant staff throughout the Site Management, Volunteer Management, and Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Event Management processes.
• Serves as the principal Point of Contact for VIDA and liaises with the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)/HQ VIDA Product Manager for relevant VIDA updates and troubleshooting of the VIDA system at Post.
• Serves as Post VIDA administrator with special permissions to edit data.
• In consultation with VIDA Product Manager at OCIO/HQ, trains relevant staff on VIDA capabilities and on-going enhancements.
• Works with responsible staff to conduct ongoing review of Volunteer and site data within VIDA, ensuring that information is accurate and complete as outlined in agency guidance. The QAC should not be the originator of data.
• Conducts ongoing and routine quality checks on key Volunteer information (e.g. phone numbers, e- mails, GPS coordinates, site visit information) to ensure alignment with policy.
• Ensures Post’s naming convention for site names and site geographic areas are followed consistently in VIDA.
• Works with appropriate staff to ensure there is documentation in VIDA of: a) adverse safety, security, health or programmatic concerns for sites that result in Peace Corps not placing a Volunteer, or b) other incidents or events that raise concerns for Volunteer safety and well-being.
• Works with SSM to ensure that EAP events are properly documented.

Tracking Mandatory Staff Trainings
• Tracks status of all mandatory staff trainings in collaboration with Senior Leadership.
• Provides periodic updates to supervisors on staff compliance with mandatory trainings.
• Coordinate with administrative staff to ensure that all staff (inc. part time, short term, and intermittent) are appropriately enrolled in mandatory training (e.g. staff are entered into a personnel tracking system).
• When staff are unable to complete on-line trainings, ensures that staff complete and appropriately record (e.g. in Learning Space) off-line trainings; may also facilitate off-line training sessions for staff.

OIG/PCSSO Recommendation Support and Follow-Up
• Tracks Office of Inspector General (OIG) and Regional Peace Corps Safety and Security Officer (PCSSO) recommendations for Post, along with other formal recommendations from other offices if appropriate.
• Provides periodic (monthly/quarterly) reports to CD, SSM, and other relevant Post staff on status of open recommendations.
• Supports Post leadership, as appropriate, to track work on addressing open OIG/PCSSO recommendations. Coordinates with other parties outside of Post as necessary, under direction of CD.
• Assists Post with organizing, collecting, and submitting documentation to support closure of OIG/PCSSO recommendations, as appropriate.
• Coordinates with Region, and as appropriate Office of Safety and Security (OSS) and OCCO, to discuss challenges related to addressing OIG/PCSSO recommendations, and to share best practices.
• Periodically presents OIG recurring recommendations to Post staff.
• Facilitates process improvement solutions to proactively address recurring recommendations, as appropriate.
• Supports Post preparations for OIG evaluations and audits.
• Supports Post during OIG visits, as appropriate.

Additional Responsibilities
• Performs other duties or assignments, when deemed necessary by the Country Director and/or DPT if applicable, for the successful implementation of Peace Corps program(s) and/or operations in Uganda.
• May also have Communications duties/responsibilities which are spread out amongst various positions including the Executive Assistant and other staff.
• May have duties regarding implementation and compliance of agency priorities and initiatives such as Intercultural Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Only Electronic Submissions will be accepted.
Please submit only Ms. Word formatted documents to include: a letter of interest (one page maximum), resume (three pages maximum), names and contact information for three references to ug-applications@peacecorps.gov 

Clearly indicate your name and the position applied for on the subject line of the cover email as well as on all the attachments: For example “Katungu Bonita_ Quality Assurance Coordinator”. Do not write any other words in the subject line of your mail. Submitted documents become the property of the Peace Corps and will not be returned.

Peace Corps Uganda provides equal opportunity, fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. ONLY candidates deemed to be qualified will be contacted.

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, August 07 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 28-07-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 28-07-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 28-07-2077
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