Situation analysis job at Christian Blind Mission (CBM)
1171 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Situation analysis

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Christian Blind Mission (CBM)

Deadline of this Job:
05 January 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

A Situation Analysis identifying the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Entry points in Uganda

CBM is an international Christian development organization, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. CBM visualizes, “An inclusive world in which all persons with disabilities enjoy their humanrights and achieve their full potential”. CBM Uganda country office has been working with different partners in Uganda to implement inclusive Eye Health (IEH) and Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) initiatives. The Uganda office would like to expand its scope of work to include humanitarian action intiatives. The new area of work contributes to achievement of CBM Federation Strategy 2023 goal 4, which focuses on populations affected by natural and manmade disasters have access to inclusive humanitarian assistance.
Worldwide development initiatives lack data related to persons with disabilities and rarely consult persons with disabilities about their needs and how they can be addressed. Persons with disabilities are more vulnerable when disaster strikes, not only due to aspects of their disabilities, but also likelihood to experience adverse socio economic outcomes than others. Poorly planned disaster responses and recovery efforts exacerbate these disparities; leaving persons with disabilities struggling to cope during and after emergency. Yet disasters can cause significant permanent injuries and impairments that can worsen the pre existing conditions for persons with disabilities. CBM is committed to build the capacity of its staff, partners and disaster management entities in Uganda to plan and deliver disaster risk reduction programs that include persons with disabilities. CBM believes in programs that are built on principles of non discrimination, promote accessibility and participation of vulnerable presons. Vulnerable peope such as persons with disabilities should not be left beind in the aftermath of a disaster. In order to plan the necessary interventions, there is need to conduct a situation analysis in the country to understand entry points, actors in the field, existing projects, practices and gaps, indication of the hazards and risks that exist within the prone regions/districts.
Scope work and intended use
The Situation analysis will explore and identify DiDRR entry points in Uganda. The findings will inform CBM country office to develop effective programs that will address DiDRR needs at community, regional and national level. The key areas of this study will include.
• Documentation of existing disaster risk reduction projects, practices, lessons learnt and inclusivity of existing initiatives.
• Identification of existing disaster risk reduction gaps that CBM can address.
• Identification of DiDRR entry points.
• Recommendations to CBM on appropriate interventions, approaches and monitoring and evaluation.
• Mapping of hazards and risks in the targeted regions
Specific deliverables
The consultant is expected to submit to CBM:
• Inception report outlining the; methodology, tools and timeliness
• A Situation Analysis report.
• Summary reports with information collected.
 Consultant’s roles and responsibilities.
The consultant will offer technical and strategic direction for the entire situation analysis exercise. Putting into consideration the participation of CBM country office staff in relevant activities. Specific tasks will include
• Development of data collection methodology and present it to CBM.
• Development of the required data collection tools and guides.
• Conduct data collection: required interviews, FGDs and desk reviews based on Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
• Analyze data collected and identify gaps/recommendations that should be incorporated in the project.
• Compile the situation analysis report that addresses CBM information needs.
• Present situation analysis findings to CBM
• Incorporate feedback from CBM to improve the report
• Identify recommendations that can be adopted by CBM DiDRR project.
• Produce the final report.
Ethical considerations regarding data collection should be highlighted in the methodology. Ensure the confidentiality, do no harm approaches, and respect information sharing protocols at participating institutions.
Technical and Financial proposal
The consultant is expected to submit a technical and financial proposal demonstrating the assignment methodology, detailed workplan for the assignment, and budget. The Consultant should also submit a Curriculum Vitae and details of technical team if applicable.
6. Time schedule
The assignment is expected to commence on 17 January 2022, and expected to last 21 days. A workplan indicating activities to be undertaken.
Review technical and financial bids- Consultant that meets the set criteria will be selected and notified in writing;
Meetings with the consultant to finalize workplan and methodology for the assignment, duration 2 days - Consultant presents a work plan to be approved by CBM
Conduct data collection activities based on the proposed methodology, duration 8 days - The required data is collected
Data analysis, interpretation, and generation of summary reports; 4 days-
Data is analysed into reports to inform entry points, current practices and recommendations.
Preparations and presentation of findings to CBM; Duration 2 days- Findings shared with CBM
Report writing, duration 3 days- Draft report developed
Feedback meeting with CBM on draft report; duration day 1- CBM and Consultant agree on comments to be incorporated in final report.
Consultant reviews and finalize the report for submission to CBM- duration 1 day- Final report is produced and presented.
Required profile of Consultant/team
• The consultant must demonstrate the following qualifications to be eligible for the assignment:
• A master’s degree in disaster risk management or related field.
• A minimum 5 years of experience providing technical support to Disaster Risk Reduction programs.
• Past experience conducting a similar assignment in Uganda and or another country.
• Experience interacting with key actors in the field especially .
• Experience interacting with organizations of persons with disabilities.
• Demonstrated experience working with remote and marginalized areas.
• Proven record producing quality and timely reports.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Job application procedure
Application procedure and deadlines.
Expression of Interest must include a technical proposal demonstrating the methodology, technical team, and workplan (maximum 3 pages). Annex, CV with contact details of lead consultant, and summary budget. Applications must be received by 5 January 2022 at CBM offices located on Plot 4, Upper Kololo Terrace, opposite Protea Hotel new entrance or emailed to: Please note that applications must be submitted in hard copies or soft copy marked/email titled: Situation Analysis for DiDRR Project Bid.
Code of Conduct
CBM Uganda Country Office’s work is deeply held on values and principles of child safe guarding and protection of adults at risk. Consultants, research Assistants and Interpreters must adhere to the CBM code of Conduct and will need to sign the code before being commissioned for the study.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 05 January 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 21-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 21-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-12-2065
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