Social Norms Research and Baseline Survey job at African Youth Development
1234 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Social Norms Research and Baseline Survey

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

African Youth Development

Deadline of this Job:
01 November 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, October 25, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Job title: Social Norms Research and Baseline Survey
Background about AYDL and Diakonia
African Youth Development Link is a youth-focused Non-Govermental Organization in Uganda on a mission to Empower youth to participate in governance and development at local and national levels. AYDL mobilizes youth for social change and coordinates the National Youth Manifesto initiative through the Youth Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda (YCED).
Diakonia Sweden is a faith-based development organization that was founded in 1966. Diakonia works for a just, equal and sustainable world.
AYDL and Diakonia Sweden have partnered to implement a "Strengthening Participation, Accountability and Civil Society Empowerment for Youth and Girls" (SPACE 4 Youth & Girls) project in Abim Gulu, Oyam and at national level.
The objectives of the project are:
• To build the capacity of male and female youth leaders at the sub county, district, and national level to improve their effectiveness
• To provide platforms for youth to engage with duty bearers to influence policies and programs that have a great bearing on youth
• To enhance the institutional capacity of AYDL and other youth organizations to effectively implement the program and influence change within the youth movement
Purpose and Objectives of the study
The objectives of the study are to:
• Assess the factors that influence women's and girls' participation in leadership/ governance roles at community and national level.
• Map out the social norms that influence behaviors and attitudes of girls and boys towards participation in leadership/governance roles at community and national level.
• Establish how the different social norms contribute to or deter early marriage, teen pregnancies and sexual and gender-based violence.
• To identify the progressive cultural practices which inculcate feminist principles, gender justice, and promote respect of human rights.
• To establish avenues of minimizing the negative impact of social norms and maximize the positive impacts to the members of the community.
• To identify barriers and opportunities for gender and social justice in the target communities.
Scope of Work
The baseline will be conducted the in 3 target districts of Abim (Lotuke, Molulem and Magamaga), Gulu (Patiko, Bungatira and Owoo sub counties) and Oyam (Minakulu, Acaba and Oyam Town Council). The study will target youth in their diversity, adolescents, cultural institutions, religious leaders, women's groups, and local authorities. This study is expected to be concluded within a period of 30 days starting with submission an inception report and ending with submission of final reports. The study will focus on collecting information related to the abovementioned specific objectives of the study.
Study Methodology
The methodology for the study is expected to adopt both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and the research design should be clearly defined and rationale for the choice provided. The consultant is at liberty to suggest study design and study approaches (to apply) as long as reasons for choice are clearly articulated. The approaches and research design should be described in enough detail to ensure that the study can easily be replicated by any other researcher. The methods should be sensitive to the target population (unit of analysis), and robust enough to provide adequate responses to the stated study objectives/ research questions. Overall, the methodology section should cover details of study approaches and design, sampling, sample size determination, data collection methods/instruments, data analysis techniques, plan for dissemination of study
Study Outputs/Deliverables
• A detailed inception report detailing a clear methodology, data collection tools to be used and a feasible work plan for the evaluation
• Submission of final set of tools and other study materials (agenda, tools protocols, etc.).
• Submission of clean datasets for both quantitative data and qualitative interviews.
• Field Debriefing Report 3 days after field data collection to discuss field experiences related to data collection.
• Draft baseline report to be presented to AYDL (no more than 30 pages excluding annexes, including executive summary not exceeding 2 pages).
• Submit a draft copy of the final baseline report within three (3) days after receipt of formal feedback to the draft report.
• Submit 03 final copies of the evaluation report (02 hard and 01 soft copies) after final review.
Note: All clean dataset(s), transcriptions and other study materials MUST be handed over to AYDL at the end of the study. Besides, the report should be prepared and packaged in a way that can be able to guide project implementation.
Time frame and estimated working days The assignment will be undertaken from 5th November 2021 to 17th December 2021, lasting a total of 32 working days from the date of signing the contract.
Qualification and Experience of the Consultant/Team
A Masters' Degree in Gender, Social Sciences, Development Studies or any other relevant field. Expertise and track record on methodologies and conducting baseline studies in the scope of a lobby, policy, and advocacy programme. Knowledge on the current situation of women, youth, and girls in Uganda especially for those with multiple, compounded vulnerabilities. Experience in working with project teams, from diverse backgrounds. Experience working on feminism, gender, policy analysis, capacity strengthening, and SRHR related topics in Uganda (the applicant has experience with at least 2 of the mentioned expertise above).
AYDL and Diakonia Sweden are equal opportunity employers. Therefore, we invite all applicants from all backgrounds (including those with special needs) to apply for this position.
Supervision/management of the assignment The consultant will work under the supervision of the Head of Programs for African Youth Development Link with support from the Program Officer, Democracy, and governance.
Submission of Technical and Financial Proposal Interested applicants are expected to submit the following not later than 1st November 2021.
• Technical proposal highlighting their interpretation of the terms of reference (TORS), proposed methodology, as well as study framework and plan,
• Financial Proposal: the financial proposal should provide cost estimate for services to be rendered including consultancy fees, transport, accommodation and living costs, stationeries and supplies needed for data collection etc.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree


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Job application procedure
Send your proposal with a subject labeled "Proposal for Social Norms Research and Baseline Survey" to and copy to; by 17:00hrs, 1st November 2021. Further details about the consultancy ToR can be accessed from our Website:

All Jobs


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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 01 November 2021
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 25-10-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-10-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 25-10-2065
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