Team leader job at Makerere University, School of Food Technology, Nutrition & Bioengineering
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Vacancy title:
Team leader

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources , Category: Admin & Office ]

Jobs at:

Makerere University, School of Food Technology, Nutrition & Bioengineering

Deadline of this Job:
17 March 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, February 24, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Makerere University, School of Food Technology, Nutrition & Bioengineering
Makerere University, School of Food Technology, Nutrition & Bioengineering jobs in Uganda


The InNuSens project (Innovations and capacity building for inclusive nutrition-sensitive value chains in Kenya and Uganda) contributes to developing food production and supply systems of underutilized horticultural crops - African Indigenous Vegetables. A broader spectrum of African indigenous vegetables is available on farms and markets in East Africa. These highly perishable vegetables are usually consumed as side dish to Ugali (mais swallow). Processed and conserved products and recipes of such nutritious dishes are rare, despite the high potential to overcome hidden hunger. Part of the project is developing nutrition-sensitive products, in this specific case from amaranth grain and leaves in Uganda.
InNuSens builds individual, organisational, and institutional capacities for problem-oriented transdisciplinary (TD) research and education activities at PhD and postgraduate levels. The project works with selected Value Chain Stakeholder Networks (VCSN), which is in Uganda the “Gombe Amaranth Multi-Stakeholder Platform”, a practitioner network with members along the whole value chain - producers, transporters, middlemen, traders. The network pursues upgrading strategies (logistics models, processing, and post-harvest handling schemes) mainly on grain amaranth. There is a high demand for new healthy products. The aim is to develop strategies to make use of the leaves, too, with a main challenge to deal with the problem of perishability. The research is supported by the Makerere University, School of Food Technology, Nutrition & Bioengineering (Particularly the Food Technology and Business Incubation Centre).

The main objective of the study is to analyse consumer preferences on amaranth products, to increase the market potential of existing and new amaranth products and to promote the food and nutrition security through nutritious and healthy local (indigenous) vegetable products, incl. packaging, product size, particularly in institutions such as schools.

The following outputs are expected from this study:
1. Inception report with study design and approach
2. Feasibility study (80 pages) incl. approaches for scaling; executive summaries in English and Kiswahili
3. Product inventory incl. recipes, nutrition information and financial aspects
4. Stakeholder policy workshop report Uganda
5. Hybrid presentation of study
6. Faciliatation of research process

1. Team leadership skills and experience in facilitiating junior research teams in international and interdisciplinary settings
2. Professional based in Uganda
3. Several years of professional experiences in science and practice, experiences in the development of a research project according to a given proposal, application of (participatory) emprical research methods in the field of International Cooperation (IC)
4. at least Master's degree in an agri-food related field (e.g. agriculture, food economist, food science/nutrition)
5. Confidence in conducting market / food consumer behaviour research
6. Fluent English language skills, Kishwahili language, German language skills are an advantage, very good writing skills
7. Good competencies in structured, conceptual research work and empirical social research, including participatory research methods
8. If possible, expertise in the value chain approach, sustainable food systems, marketing Very good communication skills are required. The team leader conducts a practice-oriented interdisciplinary project with international postgraduates from Uganda, Kenya, and Germany (5 postgraduates). S/he is expected to coordinate and to encourage the team and the network partners in this goal- and solution-oriented research.

Special features for the assignment:
The collaboration usually lasts 6.5 months. Mid June & July: part time (online participation in planning); August – Mid September: field research in Uganda/Districts close to Kampala/Gombe; Mid-End September to Mid October: review first draft 15. October: first draft is due; Mid-End October: policy workshop; Until December: coordinate second draft (part time).
The results are published and presented to partners in Uganda, Kenya and Germany from international cooperation and research. The team will be supported by a senior researcher in Germany. The team leader will receive support from experienced staff of Makerere University and Thaer Institute/SLE in all steps of the work. Team leaders are self-employed and remunerated with a flat fee.

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Level of Education:
Professional Certificate

Job application procedure

Applications should be sent to: Dr. Thomas Aenis, 
For queries email 
The application deadline is March 17, 2023.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. The online interview will take place on 30 March 2023.

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 30 March 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 24-02-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 24-02-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-02-2066
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