consultant to manage Print and electronic documentation of challenge fund and youth skilling and employment component of SUPREME project. job at SNV
1254 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
consultant to manage Print and electronic documentation of challenge fund and youth skilling and employment component of SUPREME project.

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Computer & IT ]

Jobs at:


Deadline of this Job:
08 October 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Arua , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed


Project background
SNV is part of a consortium of 4 development organisations implementing the European Union funded Security, Protection and Economic Empowerment Program (SUPREME) in West Nile 4 districts of Uganda. The overall goal is to improve economic well-being for 25,000 refugees and host community members.
Project geographical coverage is 4 districts in West Nile and 12 sub counties i.e. Terego (Odupi, Omugo Uriama sub counties), Madi Okollo (Ewanga & Rigbo sub counties), Obongi (Itula, Gimara and Palorinya) and Moyo (Moyo, Lefori, Laropi and Metu Sub Counties).
• The project targets to benefit both host community and refugees at a ratio of 50% by each category. The refugees and host community will be targeted through community structures known as Savings and Development Clusters (SDCs)- being community groups formed and carrying activities including savings and lending, farming, and other group enterprises.
Specific Outcome: increased access to decent employment and economic opportunities for refugees and host communities.

Project Outputs
The project has 3 output areas:
Output 1: Financial inclusion and social cohesion among Savings and Development Clusters (SDCs) increased.
Output 2: Sustainable agricultural value chains and non-agricultural enterprises developed.
Output 3: Young women and men (aged 18-30 years) from SDC member households linked to private sector employment. Under output 3 of SUPREME project, SNV leads activities of skilling and creating employment opportunities for young men and women.

Purpose of the ToR
The purpose of this ToR is to seek the services of a suitable consultant (individual) to support and manage the SUPREME project team in managing and ensuring the print and electronic documentation of the SNV output 2 (challenge fund) and output 3 (youth skilling, mentorship and internship) activities including success stories writing, business profiling, Photography, videography, print media content, social media content, and coordinating internally and externally sharing of this content for visibility.

Specific Scope of activities for this ToR
• Develop together with project team the print and electronic (audio and visual) documentation plan for the project outputs.
• Professional development of business profiles of challenge fund grantees and documentation of success stories.
• Connect with the services of other related professional service providers for design, production and editing contents for print, visual (Photography, video clips), audio, and social media platforms.
• Undertake field visits and participate in identification, planning, of sites and subjects for documentation in line with SNV and EU communication guidelines.
• Other activities that may be related to the documentation of the project output activities

Expected output/deliverables:
The following outputs are expected from the consultant:
• Challenge fund businesses profiles professionally documented (print)
• At least 10 Challenge fund success stories (related inclusive business) identified and documented (print and electronically) within the project period.
• 20 Success stories identified, developed and documented (print and electronically photographic and video) for youth skilling and employment program (5 on Skilling, 5 on mentorship, 5 on internship and 5 on employment)
• Successfully managed the process of execution, content and quality of outputs (print and electronic documentation services) leveraged from other elated service providers

Duration of the Assignment and work planning.
The overall duration of this assignment is anticipated to be spread within a period of 2 years with deliverables spread but contracting will be annually. The total number of days for this assignment spread over the 2 years shall be 100 days in total. The consultant is expected draw work plans against the 100 days to deliver on different deliverables listed above but synchronising it with the overall program execution timelines discussed and agreed with the Project implementation technical team.
Desired Qualifications and experience

SNV SUPREME is looking for an individual consultant with the following qualifications:
• An individual consultant with CV qualification in communications an/or marketing or development studies
• Evidence of at least 5 years successfully implementing or delivering on communications or marketing assignment and outputs related to development projects or a project with a nexus of business and social development.
• Should have been in the field of development work and/or business over the last 10 years
• Possess a strong working knowledge of print and electronic material production and designs
• Proven skills in story writing and communicating in story form in both visual and print
• Self-motivated with development impact and good planner.
• Able to work with diverse teams and stakeholders especially at district level, refugees and host population.
• Experience with online and social media communication strategies and tech servy,
• Possession of strong network in the media fraternity is an added advantag
• Reporting
The selected consultant shall report to SUPREME project Manager. Technically will work closely and be supported by both the Project technical Advisors on regular basis.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree


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Job application procedure

The applicant should respond by submitting:
• An expression of interest with a detailed CV as proof of the required expertise for the terms of reference (TOR). The consultant should also submit a maximum of 5 page proposition of he/she shall work with the project to deliver on the assignment outputs.
• Submit a proposal of expected professional fee (only) per day for executing this assignment.
• At least names of 3 referees from previous clients / similar assignments conducted

Additional information
Send to the above documents to

All Jobs


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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 08 October 2021
Duty Station: Arua
Posted: 29-09-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-09-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-09-2050
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