3 Community Based Trainers Job at Child Rights Empowerment and Development Organisation ( CEDO ) - Career Opportunity in Uganda
1646 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
3 Community Based Trainers

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Admin & Office ]

Jobs at:

Child Rights Empowerment and Development Organisation ( CEDO )

Deadline of this Job:
18 September 2020  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Masindi , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, September 09, 2020 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

CEDO Uganda is a child focused not for profit development organization established in 1992. The organization is dedicated to supporting vulnerable children and their families. Over years, the Organization has focused mainly on child rights protection and advocacy, promoting the right to education to the most disadvantaged children, the right to food and good health. CEDO has also engaged in promoting civic rights and good governance and promoting rights of women and other underprivileged groups.
CEDO has been implementing the Tugende-Tutandike Program targeting vulnerable children and their caregivers in three (3) Sub-Counties of Masindi District; i.e. Budongo, Karujubu, and Pakanyi and Koch Goma sub county in Nwoya district The program undertakes to challenge underlying causes of poverty at a household level by empowering the most at risk populations through knowledge, appreciating their rights and promotion of other sources of income to improve livelihoods.
CEDO is therefore seeking to hire services of a Project Officer and 03 Sub County Based Community Based Trainers with the requisite qualifications as listed below. The successful Project Officer Applicant shall be based in Masindi, but with frequent travels to Nwoya District, while Community Based Trainers shall located at Masindi Field Office but with direct support to sub county based activities.
POSITION: 3 Community Based Trainers
Vacancy Location: (Masindi) [Uganda]
Town/City: Masindi
Category: Food Security, Education & Livelihoods
Position: Community Based Trainer (3)
Report to: Project Officer
Location: Budongo, Pakanyi and Karujubu in Masindi District
Purpose of the position:
The successful applicants shall be required to implement all project activities in a designated program area (Pakanyi, Budongo, Karujubu) and promote the adoption of recommended farming and business practices in line with Government of Uganda (GoU) and CEDO Programming policies in that community. .

Project implementation and reporting
• Promote the use of modern farming practices and techniques through training, advising farmers, farm visits and demonstrations so as to transform targeted families from subsistence to commercial farmers in line with GoU policy.
• Promote the Farmer Field Schools Program (FFS) Model for faster adoption of improved farming technologies towards building secure livelihoods for the marginal poor in the supported community.
• Participate in the reviews, planning, budgeting, implementation as well as in the monitoring of project progress.
• Mobilize and facilitate the engagements of stakeholders during project reviews / planning and development meetings, workshops and other fora.
• Responsible for community level engagement and advocacy
• Identify project beneficiaries in collaboration with Local structures and in accordance with the laid down guidelines/rules and timeframe.
• Coordinate project activities with sub-county authorities, government extension agents and other partners at community level.
• Ensure Small holder farmers’ groups are mobilized, organized and strengthened into strong business groups/cooperatives (Area Cooperative Enterprises, Producer Groups, marketing groups, VSLAs) for bulk purchase of inputs, value addition, bulking and collective marketing of produce
• Develop the farmer's capacity to improve production and productivity of selected enterprises of desired quality by the market through demonstrations to farmer's
• Establish and follow up demonstrations to facilitate production and productivity among the farmers
Documentation, Reporting and knowledge management
• Document and maintain records pertaining to training, production activities forward issues to management for decisions and appropriate action in line with CEDO policies.
• Write up accurate and timely reports pertaining to all planned activities in the required format and submit to the Project Officer
• Ensure Care givers of sponsored children are members of farmer groups/ Area Cooperatives Enterprises / VSLAs and are accessing business developments services.
• Participate in monthly / quarterly reflection meetings with Village Agents and guardians/parents and ECD teachers to address findings from field monitoring.
Child Protection and Wellbeing
• Carry out regular visits to the ECD Centre within your program community
• Monitor the wellbeing and child abuse cases and report any incidents in line with child protection policy and guidelines.
• Work with local leaders to protect children from child violations and abuses by employing the RTRR (Reporting, tracking, referral and response) guidelines on violence against children in schools.
• Sensitize children including most vulnerable, guardians/parents and other stakeholders about children’s rights and responsibilities.

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience
The following knowledge, skills and abilities may be acquired through a combination of formal schooling, self-education, prior experience or on-the-job training.
• Minimum of a Diploma in Education, Agriculture or Agribusiness or any other relevant discipline.
• One to two year Experience in community work and engagement in Agricultural, Education, Economic Development and Livelihood is an added advantage
• Experience of the local context of West Nile is an added advantage
• Experience in Entrepreneurship, micro finance and strong agribusiness skills
• Outstanding knowledge of facilitation/training skills and process skills
• Computer literate
• Writing and reporting skills
• Networking and influencing skills
• Ability to communicate in applicable local language(s) is an added advantage
• Passion for children.
• Track record of high integrity, reliability and dependability
• Ability to work with minimal supervision
• Class A Driving Permit.

Job Education: Diploma

Job Experience: 1- 2 years

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure
If you are interested and meet the requirements for any of the above positions, please apply by email to: hr.cedouganda@gmail.com  with the position title in the subject line and on the Application Letter. Hand delivered applications SHALL NOT be accepted. Any form of conversing or lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification. Send ONLY your Application Letter and CV, with names and telephone contacts of three professional referees.

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 18 September 2020
Duty Station: Masindi
Posted: 09-09-2020
No of Jobs: 3
Start Publishing: 09-09-2020
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 09-09-2064
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