4 Social workers job at Musana Community Development Organization (MCDO)
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Vacancy title:
4 Social workers

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Musana Community Development Organization (MCDO)

Deadline of this Job:
02 May 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Iganga , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Musana Community Development Organization (MCDO) jobs in Uganda

The School Laboratory assistant makes critical contribution to the success of MVHS science laboratories by supporting in the preparation and the conduct of a wide variety of science subject experiments, helping subject teachers setup specimen and equipment, supporting students conducting laboratory experiments, making requests for purchase of laboratory specimen and equipment, entering data for reporting, storage of samples, cleaning up equipment, and providing required technical support to enable the laboratory to function effectively while adhering to Standard Operating Procedures for education and safety. In addition, the laboratory Assistant helps the subject teacher monitor and maintain the laboratory, making detailed observations, laboratory inventory, taking preventive and protective actions, remaining in the laboratory to ensure health and safety guidelines are adhered to.

Key Duties and Responsibilities.
• Receiving samples from suppliers according to MVHS procedures, ensuring that the equipment, reagents and supplies are correctly stored and held away from students.
• Maintaining laboratory equipment to ensure that they are fit for the requested experiments (e.g. appropriate and clean, test tubes…) and clearly labeled.
• Conduct science-experiments and pass trial results to the subject teacher before students’practical sessions.
• Performing guided laboratory experiments assigned by the science subject teacher to produce reliable and precise data for learning investigations.
• Ensuring that required reagents and supplies are in sufficient stock and are kept securely in recommended conditions.
• Proactive during practical experiments in the laboratory to ensure safety of the learners.
• Conducting laboratory experiments according to standard operating procedures and requirements. Including but not limited to:
• Identifying the guidelines to be used for the subject experiments or procedure and ensuring that all necessary resources are available.
• Reviewing, updating and writing guidelines wherever necessary following approval by the subject teacher.
• Preparing the laboratory environment & equipment to ensure cleanliness and optimal function; reporting to the subject teacher in case of problems.
• Preparing or checking the reagents and kits; ensuring that they are correctly prepared, kept under correct conditions.
• Ensuring that all safety precautions recommended by the guidelines are in place; reporting any safety incidents to the science subject teacher or concerned authority.
• Help coordinating subject experiments and procedures according to guidelines and procedures; ensuring successful learning from experiments.
• Monitoring results and checking that controls are within limits; trouble shooting where necessary.
• Collect laboratory equipment after use and manage laboratory waste according to good laboratory waste disposal practices.
• Implementing support laboratory practices: Cleaning and disinfecting equipment; tracking equipment servicing requirements; and monitoring temperatures.
• To carry out data entry and reporting activities in a timely and accurate manner. Including but not limited to:
• Forecasting quantities of laboratory reagents, equipment and supplies in time to meet requests.
• Ensuring that laboratory students records are continuously and accurately updated.
• At the end of each practical lesson, supporting the subject teacher with collecting student records of experiments.
• Updating the laboratory inventory and reporting to the head of department.
• Ensuring all records captured in the laboratory are regularly and safely stored for assessing students’ performance.
• Assist in training through demonstrating practical procedures to new staff and laboratory attachments.
• To ensure that reagents are stored in good condition and in a manner that facilitates quick and easy retrieval when required. Including but not limited to:
• Ensuring that appropriate storage facilities are available at all times; giving early warnings to the science subject teachers.
• Following guidelines to ensure fridges are operating at the correct temperatures; taking appropriate corrective action and reporting to the subject teacher.
• In case of a fridge malfunction, quickly transferring reagents to alternative storage facilities according to the guidelines and informing the subject teacher.
• Updating the subject sample inventory after reagents are placed into storage.
• Ensuring safety as per rules and guidelines by conducting safety induction to students.
• Disposing of out-dated reagents as appropriate and in accordance to reagent disposal standards.

Education/Knowledge/ Experience
• Holder of a diploma in Laboratory Technology; extensive experience in a busy laboratory,
• Background in education is an added advantage.
• 2-3 years of work experience in a school set up.
• Should be 25 -45 years of age. Other Competencies & Attributes
• Computer literate and proficient in Ms Office packages, Data handling and usage of Internet.
• Committed Christian, with strong integrity.
• Good report writing skills.
• Able to work with minimum supervision and able to meet deadlines.
• Exhibit spiritual growth and possess understanding of child rights.
• Critical thinking and ability to use logic and reasoning to identify the strength and weaknesses of alternatives solutions, conclusions and approaches to problems
• Understanding of sustainability and measuring impact

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 24

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Qualified applicants should submit their application letters, detailed resume (CV) indicating 3 recognizable referees, physical addresses and functioning day-time telephone contacts or Mobile phone numbers to: Addressed to:
• The Human Resource Manager
• Musana Community Development Organization,
• P.O. Box 35, Iganga
• Or Send by E-mail to:- humanresources@musana.org   Closing date for receiving applications is Monday, 2nd May, 2022 People with disability are encouraged to apply.

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 02 May 2022
Duty Station: Iganga
Posted: 29-04-2022
No of Jobs: 4
Start Publishing: 29-04-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-04-2066
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