Agribusiness Coordinator job at Care Uganda
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Vacancy title:
Agribusiness Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Agribusiness ]

Jobs at:

Care Uganda

Deadline of this Job:
06 September 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Specific responsibilities
Responsibility 1: Technical implementation of the project (50% of time)
• Ensure development of detailed annual and quarterly implementation plans and related budgets while ensuring synergies among the project team members.
• Ensure timely implementation of planned activities and within available resources andimmediately report any problems or deviations from plans.
• Responsible for technical implementation of the core areas of the project i.e. Farmer Field Business school FFBS model, agricultural production, market access/business management, Multistakeholder platforms, private sector, nutrition; gender equality.
• Responsible for development of a capacity strengthening plan to adopt gendertransformative programmatic approach that emphasizes gender equity and diversity.
• Ensure implementation of collective marketing and market access for the targetedcommunities, linking up with private sector.
• Responsible to monitor overall project implementation and propose adaptations in a timely manner.
• Ensure logistics for all training, capacity building, research and other events have been
• prepared and organized in line with CARE’s & donors’ internal procedures.
• Responsible for preparation of procurement plans for all goods and services related to the project, according to approved budgets and activity plans and in line with both CARE and the donors’ procurement rules and policies.
• Proactive management of partner staff performance through day-to-day guidance andcoaching.

Job Responsibility 2: Lead field-based Monitoring, Evaluation, and Accountability of the project (20%)
• 2.1 Ensure the project achieves results based on availability of an effective monitoring andevaluation system.
• 2.2 Responsible for guiding partners on key project indicator monthly data collection as required and ensure the data addresses, sex and age disaggregation as well as gender transformation of the core project deliverables.
• 2.3 Ensure the project has a database to allow keeping track of project participants in eachcomponent, without double counting across components.
• 2.4 Ensure participation in CARE and partner staff training and development monitoring and evaluation systems.
• 2.5 Ensure active participation in regular project reviews with key partners and ensure thesereviews inform project implementation and are used to improve project quality.
• 2.6 Responsible for participating in write up of project progress reports documenting projectoutputs and impact results as well as project briefs, human interest stories and papers that can be used for advocacy or information purposes.

Responsibility 3: Management & capacity building of implementing partners (10%) Key Tasks:
• 3.1 Oversee partners’ capacity development plans and ensure on-going capacity building at institutional, organizational, and technical level,including attention to Gender Equity and Diversity: ensure scope of work, work-plans and budgets are reviewed and revised from time to time toaddress any emerging issues.
• 3.2 Ensure partner deliverables are met timely and with the required quality; In cases wherepartners also work with CARE’s long term development program team, this may involvecoordinating with colleagues in other parts of CARE Uganda.
• 3.3 Responsible for ongoing review and assessment of partners’ performance and provision ofsupport as needed through development, implementation and monitoring of partners’ capacitydevelopment plans and close tracking of progress against scopes of work, work plans and budgets.
• 3.4 Ensure partners’ reports both financial and narrative, are generated and submitted timely and analyzed and that feedback is shared.
• 3.5 Ensure all partners’ agreements and general operations are in line with CARE’s sub agreement policy.
• 3.6 Ensure partners have in-depth knowledge of the projects’ objectives and strategies and all key CARE policies including the anti-fraud andPSEA policy.
• 3.7 Ensure that partners are involved in all critical moments and events of the projects and that all key information is shared with them in atransparent manner and in real time.

Responsibility 4: Quality assurance anddevelopment of gender, youth, and conflictsensitive interventions (10%)
• 4.1 Responsible from time to time, contribute when required to the Livelihood resource mobilization (through proposal writing).
• 4.2 Ensure the day-to-day implementation of the project addresses the following;
• 4.2.1 Reduce the risk exploitation and abuse, including of GBV by offering dignifiedlivelihood enhancing opportunities to vulnerable groups, with a focus on women andgirls.
• 4.2.2 Are at least environmentally friendly and if possible, even have a positive impact onthe environment.
• 4.2.3 Do not exacerbate the risk of conflict between groups or and between refugees andhosting communities.
• 4.2.4 Focus on youth and take the specific needs and potential of women, girls, men and boysinto account.
• 4.2.5 Lead to Women and Girls Economic Empowerment and resilience.
• 4.2.6 Promote innovations including use of cash, use of ICT and mobile technology, pilot newideas.
• 4.2.7 Build on CARE Uganda’s strengths in the financial inclusion sector, in Women’sEconomic Empowerment and on relationships with existing partners (banks, privatesector, e.t.c).
• 4.2.8 Ensure coordination with other key stakeholders that are focused on the core thematicaspects of the project i.e. FFBs, market access, value chain, agricultural. Production, gender equity.

Responsibility #5: Promote Gender Equityand Diversity and Safeguarding Practices(5%)
Practice a behavior consistent with CARE’score values, and promotion of gender equityand diversity goals.
• 5.1. Plays a leadership role in identifying and implementing initiatives that enhance CARE’s
• commitment to gender and diversity.
• 5.2. Ensure that CARE Safeguarding policies and procedures are adhered to by all and thestaff that s/he supervisors both directly or indirectly.
• 5.3. Ensure that staff and related personnel under your jurisdiction are familiar with the following organizational policies and procedures and can identify when needed how these may have been breached, The CI Safeguarding policy, Protection from Sexual Harassment,Exploitation and Abuse and Child Abuse, The anti-discrimination and harassment policy, Thecode of conduct and the organizations Values.

Responsibility #6 any other duties (5%) Relationshipsand Collaboration:
• Upon delegation, the Agribusiness Coordinator will represent CARE in internal and externalcollaborative meetings within Livelihoods WENG, Humanitarian Response and implementingpartners. In addition, collaboration will be required with governmental (OPM, Local district governments) and non-governmental counterparts (other INGOs) and Private Sectorstakeholders.

Work conditions:
• The position is based in Fort Portal City. A significant amount of time is expected to be spent in the field operational areas of Kyegegwa and Kyenjojo districts, liaising –>

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 06 September 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 31-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 31-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 31-08-2066
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