Community Linkages &Referral Specialist job at Trust AIC Foundation (TAF)
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Vacancy title:
Community Linkages &Referral Specialist

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Trust AIC Foundation (TAF)

Deadline of this Job:
Friday, September 15 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Soroti, East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, September 04 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Trust AIC Foundation (TAF)
Trust AIC Foundation (TAF) jobs in Uganda

Key Duties and Responsibilities
• Coordinate the provision of mentorship to front line health workers within the district health facilities in delivery of elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV services (Option B+), Early Infant Diagnosis care in the region.
• Support implementation and use of MoH guidelines and ensure compliance with MoH policies.
• S/he coordinates required trainings for the district staff in relation to implementation of EMTCT/EID and NACS.
• Support professional continuous medical education sessions at the health facilities in line with EMTCT areas.
• Facilitate continuous quality improvement (CQI) activities to improve EMTCT within the district health facilities.
• Participate in QA/QC for services in project-supported facilities in the region.
• Ensure that all heath facilities make and submit required reports in time and also generate reports for the program reporting on Cohort analyses
• Ensure the health workers obtain the updated and required tools to support care
• Coordinate and support follow up of clients (Mother-Baby Pairs) to improve retention in care for Option B+ patients and their exposed infants.
• Support integration of maternal care within EID care points to support client centered care.
• Coordinate technical support supervision for Health facilities in the region.
• Scale up integration of family planning counselling and services including condoms provision into all eMTCT and HIV services.
• Support the provision of family planning services (including dual protection) through community-based structures that provide support to HIV-infected women and partners.
• Disseminate tools to facilitate integration of FP eMTCT and HIV services
• Work with Health facilities to provide quality infant feeding counselling and support during ANC, delivery, post-natal and immunization clinics including during outreach service provision.
• Build capacity of the district eMTCT/HIV & AIDS, TOT teams, with public and private sector representatives, in eMTCT, EID and Paediatric HIV care and treatment through training, refresher courses, orientation meetings and support supervisory visits
• Work with the DHTs to coordinate Nutritional Assessment and Counselling Support (NACS) and provision of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Feeds (RUTF) to malnourished infants and young children
• Work with the DHTs and PHFs to facilitate the provision and access to Early Infant Diagnostic (EID) services for HIV-Exposed Infants (HEI).
• Coordinate modular training/refreshers of health providers (with practical component) in eMTCT, EID and Paediatric HIV care and treatment as defined in the Regional and District training plans.
• Conduct mentoring and QI learning for health workers already trained and providing services in general PMTCT, infant feeding, EID and adult ART to also deliver Paediatric HIV care and treatment, using modules of the updated training materials.
• Compile best practices and harmonize approaches into a comprehensive community service package that can be owned and sustainably implemented at all levels.
• Support existing community organizations, civil society activities, local culture group activities and professional organizations that can be used to support and build capacity of community structures in delivering the national plan for eMTCT.

Minimum Academic Qualifications
• A Master’s degree in public health, global health or a related field with Training in elimination of
• mother to child transmission Option B+

Additional Qualifications
• Postgraduate training in M&E
• Certificate in TOT

Required Experience and Skills
• At least 5 years’ experience in HIV/AIDS programming, preferably with PEPFAR-funded projects.
• Program management experience with implementation of EMTCT/EID program
• Knowledge and understanding of maternal and child health, elimination of mother to child transmission issues especially goal-oriented ANC
• Report writing skills and basic knowledge of Microsoft word, Excel and power point packages.
• Attention to detail, especially regarding data accuracy
• Team player, management and supervisory skills
• Good communication skills, including making oral presentations
• Sensitivity of cultural differences and understanding of the political and ethical issues surrounding HIV and EMTCT services

Other Qualities/ Attributes
• Ability to work with others and maintain compatibility among project staff, sub-contractors, consultants and the community leadership.
• Ability to manage projects, set priorities and plan for the successful implementation of programs.
• Ability to work with minimum supervision, team player with drive as an initiative
• Familiarity with decentralized public health systems.
• Willingness to work in rural settings

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure

Send your soft copy application via email to:  stating your salary expectation and start date.
Combine all your application documents i.e, cover letter, CV & certified copies of academic documents into one PDF document.
Deadline for application is 15th September, 2023, 5:00pm.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.
Only online applications submitted via email will be accepted. Consider your application unsuccessful if not contacted within five (5) weeks after the closing date of the advert.
AIC is an equal opportunity employer committed to having a diverse work force and does not ask for money at any stage of recruitment.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15 September 2023
Duty Station: Soroti
Posted: 04-09-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-09-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-09-2067
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