Consultancy to provide targeted Business Development Support job at United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP )
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Vacancy title:
Consultancy to provide targeted Business Development Support

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP )

Deadline of this Job:
23 March 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, March 18, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP )
United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) jobs in Uganda

Consultancy to provide targeted Business Development Support (BDS) for selected SME’s in Northern Uganda

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is a UN organization with a capital mandate (unique in the UN System) focused on reducing poverty and inequality first and foremost in the least developed countries (“LDC”s). UNCDF develops and tests out financial models which mobilize and recycle domestic resources to meet local needs and which raise investor confidence in these local economies so that they can become centres of growth. UNCDF works with local governments, promoting financial and fiscal accountability to its citizens through local development funds, performance-based grant systems, structured project finance, and by strengthening local revenue streams. It also supports accountable planning, budgeting, and decision-making at the local level, recognizing the importance of having decisions about resources being made locally, and those resources being spent or invested locally.
UNCDF in partnership with the European Union under the 11th EDF is implementing a five year Programme referred to as the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU). The general objective of the programme is to consolidate stability in Northern Uganda, eradicate poverty and under-nutrition and strengthen the foundations for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. The programme aims to steer a paradigm shift from a sector-oriented support to an integrated territorial approach, and ‘connect the dots’ between key sectors and areas for an inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development of the region. UNCDF contributes to the programme in three areas:
1. Food Security and Agriculture: UNCDF will design and implement a mechanism for providing Business Development Services and seed capital in the form of loans, grants and reimbursable grants to promising projects. Women and youth will be deliberately targeted, and project that aim at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities (green economy) will be promoted. To support implementation of this component, UNCDF will establish and manage START Facility (Support to Agricultural Revitalization and Transformation in Northern Uganda) designed to finance small and medium agribusinesses.
2. Transport Infrastructure: UNCDF will support rehabilitation and upgrading of selected numbers of priority districts and community access roads within four priority districts (Amudat, Adjumani, Abim, Moyo) to enable implementation of roads rehabilitation programs by districts; will provide training in road maintenance and technical assistance in integrating the road rehabilitation and maintenance component in the LG annual and mid-term planning, budgeting and implementation frameworks.
3. Good Governance: UNCDF will use local public financial management systems as the entry point to enhance capacities of local authorities to better fulfil their core and broad mandates (notably in relation to the other sectors targeted by this programme) and better respond to local needs and deliver quality services to its citizens, improving upwards accountability mechanisms. This component includes two funding facilities: District Local Government Excellence Fund and District Revenue Mobilization Fund.
The START funding facility is designed to support the implementation of DINU food security and nutrition component, in particular Activity 1.2.2, which aims at providing seed capital to incubation projects along agricultural value chain as part of its overall objective to increase local production of diversified food. The Facility is intended to offer access to affordable medium-term finance for agricultural value adding projects in Northern Uganda through provision of Business Development Services and seed capital in the form of loans, grants and reimbursable grants. The medium to long-term development objective will be to stimulate pro-poor economic growth in northern Uganda, better retain the economic benefits of agriculture in the North, and improve local food systems and food security. The secondary medium-term objective will be to transform the Facility into a sustainable and adequately capitalized loan/grant facility providing technical assistance and seed capital to small and medium-sized value adding agribusinesses in Northern Uganda with the further intention to scale up its operation and coverage nationally.
START is structured as a blended facility providing a customized mix of Business Development Services, project development and structuring services, and financial products. Accordingly, the START has three lines of business managed by the three participating institutions respectively, the Private Sector Foundation of Uganda (PSFU), UNCDF and the Uganda Development Bank Limited (UDBL). In addition to managing the line of business that provides project preparation and development services, UNCDF will be responsible for the overall administration of the Facility.
After shortlisting and due diligence applicants under the 3rd CfP, applicants who did not make it for proposal development are given capacity building support to address their challenges relating to record keeping, financial management, compliance, out-grower engagement, marketing among others so that they become bankable. The applicant SMEs are spread in the sub-regions of Northern Uganda (West Nile, Acholi, Lango, Teso & Karamoja).
UNCDF is looking for five independent dynamic Individual Contractors (ICs) capable of supporting the SMEs by providing targeted pre-investment business Development Services (BDS) to enable the SMEs address the gaps and proceed to full proposal Development.
Application Process
Applicants are requested to apply online at  by 23rd March 2022. The application document can be accessed on Candidates are invited to submit applications together with their CV for these positions. UNDP applies a fair and transparent selection process that will consider the competencies/skills of the applicants as well as their financial proposals. Qualified women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should send an email to: for any inquiries.

Duties and Responsibilities
The consultant will rely on information submitted by the SMEs during application, shortlisting report and findings as well as recommendations from the Due Diligence missions (where available) with a view to:
1. Support selected companies to develop capacity to consistently prepare and maintain all the relevant business records including information on purchases, expenses, sales, stock, raw materials, processing/production.
2. Work with selected companies to improve on their financial management practices including proper book keeping, setting internal controls, preparing management accounts, preparing audited financial reports, stock management, debtor management, bank reconciliations among others.
3. Assist developers to make financial projections for their business/ enterprises basing on historical and current financial information available.
4. Build capacity of entrepreneurs to develop their skills in identifying and documenting all relevant business transactions as well as proper costing of goods and services.
5. Support companies to undertake proper enterprise selection and develop some concrete business ideas.
6. Assist companies to undertake relevant feasibility studies and produce appropriate business plans as required by financiers.
7. Work with selected SMEs to appreciate and set up necessary and relevant governance systems and structures for smooth business operation.
8. Assist companies to understand and fulfil business compliance requirements such as tax compliance, legal compliance, environmental compliance e.t.c.
9. Assist selected companies to deliberately set and track social, economic and environmental indicators (triple bottom line) to enable their business create value to the communities.

Corporate Competencies:

• Demonstrates commitment to the UN’s mission, vision and values;
• Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; and
• Ability to maintain effective rapport with different kinds of people.
Functional Competencies:
• Demonstrated adequate technical experience and know-how to prepare business plans and financial models for SME projects; Significant experience in providing investment and advisory services to SMEs in Uganda.

Required Skills and Experience

• Master`s degree in Finance/Accounting, Business Administration or Economics
• Bachelor`s degree or equivalent in Finance/Accounting, Business Administration or Economics combined with CPA or equivalent and additional two years of relevant experience.
• At least 5 years of relevant experience in investment/financial analysis for SMEs;
• Demonstrated track record in undertaking Due Diligence, business development services, proposal development and financial closure of SME agribusiness projects in developing countries;
• Demonstrated track record of innovating in project development and financing processes, adapting the development, structuring, risk mitigation, and financing as needed;
• Computer proficiency, including working knowledge of MS Office products (especially excel), capacity in web-based management tools and;
• Significant experience in writing/editing reports for large organizations, especially within the UN system.
Language requirements
Fluency in written and spoken English.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 23 March 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 18-03-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-03-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-03-2065
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