Consultant – Call For Proposal(Agri-Technical Training material with Graphics & Illustrations) job at Human Capital Business Solution
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Vacancy title:
Consultant – Call For Proposal(Agri-Technical Training material with Graphics & Illustrations)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Consulting , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Human Capital Business Solution

Deadline of this Job:
Monday, March 11 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala, East Africa

Date Posted: Sunday, March 03 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Human Capital Business Solution jobs in Uganda

Call for Proposal for development of Agri-Technical Training materials with graphics
and Illustrations.

The Common Ground project (CG) with its goal of building resilient farmer communities
and watershed in the highlands of Uganda (Kigezi, Rwenzori, and Elgon), based on
sustainable farming systems, restored watersheds, and improved marketing opportunities,
aims at empowering farmers to become self-reliant and to farm and manage the land in
balance with nature. It also aims at developing the capacity of households and
communities to take actions towards better performing farming systems and integrated
development in general. This will result into farmers being empowered to become self-reliant and to farm and manage the land in balance with nature.
The project works through three pathways to achieve its goal; Pathway 1 “resilient farming
systems” the project focuses on empowerment and motivation of farmer households to
work towards establishing resilient farming systems through the PIP approach; Pathway 2
“watershed restoration” focusses on restoring natural resources and ecosystem
functioning to enable restored watershed resilience; and Pathway 3 “improved marketing”
focusses on improved marketing opportunities for all farmers.
Resilient farming systems (Pathway one) has three result areas of, empowered and
motivated households, better performing farming systems and empowered and motivated
farmer communities.

Better performing farming systems focuses on supporting farmers to achieve
sustainable farm and land management practices. The aim is to ensure that farmers realize and achieve the following:
• Establish a resilient farm (different crops and farm activities, at least one cash crop,
accessing different value chains, having a vegetable garden for improved
nutrition, and all crops sufficiently productive),
• Apply an integrated set of sustainable land and crop management practices on
their land to be able to cope with environmental shocks and improve soilfertility,
• Reduce land degradation and control erosion, especially on steeper slopes where
high runoff during intensive rainfall is an imminent threat.
The project is planning to disseminate agri-technical training materials to enhance the
knowledge and skills of farmers in sustainable land and crop management practices on
their land to be able to cope with environmental shocks, improve soilfertility, reduce land
degradation, and control erosion, especially on steeper slopes.
CommonGround is therefore seeking a qualified and experienced individual or
organization to develop agri-technical training materials with graphics and illustrations for
smallholder farmers. The aim is to empower farmers with practical knowledge and skills in
sustainable farming practices, improving their productivity, sustainability, and income.

Objectives of the consultancy
The overall objective of the consultancy is to develop simple but quality training leaflets
that are suitable for farmers (that means, limited text and many pictures), as well as
review and add-on to one existing manual. As a start, the project is interested in the
following five farmer-level training leaflets: each with a range of 2-8 pages.
1. Leaflet on composting.
2. Leaflet on green manures (suitable crops/plants and how to grow them).
3. Leaflet on suitable soil and water conservation practices on steep slopes.
4. Leaflet for kitchen gardens (guidelines).
5. Revising an existing manual on the use of the A-frame to determine contour lines
for anti-erosion ditches and related soil conservation practices.

Specific objectives
• Design illustrations that are informative and add concise information (Captions or descriptions of the illustrations) for easy reference by farmers in the field.
• Ensure the materials are tailored to the specific context, needs and challenges
faced by smallholder farmers in Rwenzori, Kigezi and Elgon region.
• Review existing Manual on use of A-frame and include more illustrations of
practices including contour ploughing, anti-erosional ditches, and contour bunds.

Scope of Work
• Create visually engaging leaflets summarizing key information, suitable for farmers with varying literacy levels.
• Ensure that the materials incorporate gender-sensitive approaches and address the
needs of both male and female farmers.

Key deliverables
• Professional illustrations depicting what is required for training.
• Visually appealing and easy-to-understand leaflets with guiding information.
• Submit both soft copies and hard copies of designed illustrations to ISSD Uganda
with copyrighting to translate or reproduce.

• The task is expected to be completed within 30 days from the commencement date. A detailed timeline should be provided as part of the proposal.

Qualifications and Experience
• Proven experience in developing agricultural training materials for smallholder
• Expertise in adult education and designing materials suitable for individuals with
varying levels of literacy.
• Familiarity with the agricultural practices and challenges specific to highlands areas
of Rwenzori, Kigezi and Elgon regions.

Proposal Submission
• Interested individuals or organizations are invited to submit their proposals by 11th March 2024. Proposals should include a detailed methodology, budget, timeline, and examples of similar past work.

• Proposals should provide a breakdown of costs, including but not limited to
• research, content development and design.

Evaluation Criteria
• Relevant experience and expertise.
• Methodology and approach.
• Cost-effectiveness.
• Timeliness of delivery.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months:

Level of Education:

Job application procedure

Applications from Individual consultants (Uganda Nationals Only) meeting all the above
requirements are invited to submit their CV’s and Cover Letters, specifying their interest
and availability for the task, and clearly highlighting how the assignment will be
undertaken to deliver the outputs of the task. Applications and cover letters should be
sent to not later than Monday 11th March 2024.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 11 March 2024
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 03-03-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 03-03-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 03-03-2068
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