Deputy Chief of Party job at Healthpartners Connect
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Vacancy title:
Deputy Chief of Party

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Healthpartners Connect

Deadline of this Job:
13 October 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, October 06, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

The Cooperative Development Program (CDP) is a global initiative that strengthens cooperative businesses and credit unions across multiple sectors throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The program partners with U.S.-based cooperatives and Cooperative Development Organizations (CDOs) for five-year activities. The purpose of the program is to foster sustainable cooperative systems that deliver value to cooperative members and their communities. This is accomplished by improving cooperative business performance, creating environments where cooperatives can thrive, and enhancing the development community’s support to cooperatives.
The project is delivered by training health care providers to manage insurance partnerships and developing responsive health system networks that meet the needs of girls age 10-24, led by local leaders from villages to medical bureaus to the Ministries of Health and Gender to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives. Locally led, sustainable development means HealthPartners role is to facilitate feedback to support systems that meet local stakeholder needs. The Cooperative training approach and technical assistance interventions enhance the capacity of the informal sector to demand and access quality health care by training trainers and care providers to manage cooperative health insurance and to strengthen the sustainability and governance of new and existing cooperatives. Cooperative Girs Centers link health care to life skills, economic empowerment and leadership capacity strengthening with the ultimate goal of expanding membership and adding value for cooperative members and their communities.

The Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) is responsible for using indicator data to direct activity implementation to maintain progress toward goals, coordinating efforts and clearly communicating direction to the team even as that direction changes. The DCOP will directly supervise technical advisors, making sure partnership training takes place as scheduled. The program work plan and indicator monitoring tool will guide the DCOP’s development and coordination of travel planning, maintaining rigorous schedules to achieve measurable stakeholder capacity outcomes. The DCOP will travel to join staff field activities every month to facilitate the process of learning and adapting while validating data and meeting district partnership goals. The deputy will primarily focus on learning and adapting following the program work plan to maintain measureable progress toward program goals each month. The DCOP will serve on the leadership team to ensure rational allocation of resources and appropriate tracking of data to inform necessary adjustments within set budget and timelines.

• Advanced degree in public health, health services management, social sector planning and management, development studies or related field.
• Bachelor’s degree in a related field.
• Minimum eight years experience managing staff to achieve goals within budget and set timelines
• Experience managing teams of 10 or more people.
• Strong leadership skills.
• Ability to think strategically to leverage impact of investments and to recommend and implement program process and systems improvements.
• Ability to recognize and address potentional programmatic root and stem challenges.
• Proven ability to learn and adapt and provide clear direction to move a team through the change process, measuring results through an interative process.
• Abilty to assess staff skills and assign responsibility to provide professional challenges and opportunities for staff without unwarranted or unhealthy stress. Ability to build a staff envinronment that embraces change. Proven ability to monitor results and provide clear direction to enable a team to adapt while maintaining a healthy team environment.
• Strong commitment to improve the health of the community and health systems in Uganda.
• Experience implementing programs with rigorous monitoring and evaluation components.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Self motivated and able to motivate others.
• Ability to prioritize and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
• This position may be based in Mbarara or Kampala and will require field travel every month.

Corporate Responsibility Scorecard
• Support COP
• Fills COP roles as needed.
• Represent HPU at key meetings.
• Support team when COP is away or on leave
• Participate in partner meetings and ensure partnership roles are filled
• Sign off administrative and financial instruments on behalf of COP.
• Lead team coordination of efforts to advance indicator results
• Indicator progress toward goals shows implementation is prioritized and coordinated to avoid scheduling conflicts and delayed activities
• Lead staff weekly meetings to keep staff focused on indicators
• Review staff monthly reports and provide advice to coordinate efforts and increase personal professionalism. Highlight good work from reports in weekly meetings for people to learn from positive examples where staff are achieving results
• Develop strategic meeting agendas to showcase lessons and make it easy for others to adopt strategies that lead to measurable results
• Leverage impact by strategically coordinating driver and implementation schedules
• Maintain two months of activity planning in meeting minutes, removing activities after completed and helping staff to focus where time investments will lead to indicator results
• Coordinate efforts with M&E for a consistent, strong data led program
• Track and share progress toward indicator goals using the workplan

• Staff management
• TAG and TAGC indicators show progress toward goals
• Manage your direct reports meeting at least every other week, tracking activity planning deadlines beginning at least two months before results are due.
• Lead by example. Support your direct reports and coordination of all implementer schedules. Check in early and often to make sure staff have what they need to progress. If they are stuck, address the barrier within two weeks so their implementation and results show measurable progress every month.
• Set your direct reports up for success.
• Engage in the detail and know realities on the ground by moving with the TAG and TAGC to their activities at least one time a month.
• Fill TAG or TAGC roles if they are not making measurable progress.

• Implementation gaps are identified and quickly resolved
• When new opportunities, needs and challenges arise, solutions are found within 4 week
• Use indicator data to inform your priorities for the coming month in your monthly reports. Set measurable, observable objectives with deadlines based on those priorities.
• Each time a gap is identified, document it and discuss what needs to change with person responsible.
• Share plans with leaders/supervisors so they can support improved performance and on time results.
• Review progress each month and if no results are seen—change your approach for the coming month and keep leaders informed about changes and priorities.

Ensure procurement is done in a timely manner and in compliance with USAID and HPU policies.
All procurement needs are met in less than four weeks.
• Manage rational allocation of resource decisions
• Build a healthy team workplace by making the need for balanced spending easy for staff to see
• Review procurement plan with staff the first week of the month
• Meet with Chief Financial officer to discuss procurement planned two months in advance

Quality reporting and leadership by example
Your monthly reports follow guidelines and are submitted on time.
• Submit monthly reports on time showing progress and challenges. Include Vehicle maintenance log in your reports

Actively contributes to team efforts to meet overall project objectives
District partner and officers are kept in loop with key issues at least quarterly
• Lead the regional office and ensure staff have what the need to do their work.
• Participate in events in the region
• Support partnerships with districts through attending district meetings, submitting required information and reports and make sure HPU commitments are met.
• Maintain strong district partnerships in the areas of operation

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 96

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree


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Job application procedure
To apply, please submit your resume and 3 references by October 13, 2021 via email to:
Jennifer Wenborg at Copy to Georginah Byanjeru at gbyanjeru

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 13 October 2021
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 06-10-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 07-10-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 06-10-2065
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