Development of the USAID OVC Kampala Activity Database tendering job at Reach Out Mbuya
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Development of the USAID OVC Kampala Activity Database

Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative (ROM) with funding from USAID is implementing a five (5) year OVC mechanism, USAID OVC Kampala Activity aimed at preventing New HIV Infections and reducing vulnerability among OVC and their caregivers.

The activity will support interventions that lead to three outcomes:
Epidemic Control: Strengthened identification, retention on treatment, and viral load suppression of HIV among children, adolescents, and their caregivers.
Comprehensive Services: Enhanced access to quality services including health, education, protection, skills training, and socio-economic strengthening of the family.
Prevention: Reduced risk of HIV infection through strengthened prevention initiatives and response to violence against children and youth.
ROM has for the past 2 years been using the DHIS2 Database for the USAID Integrated Child and Youth Development Activity whose engagement ended on November 30th, 2023. To ensure continuity and a smooth transition for proper management for the new activity, the database has since been migrated to a new server (Virtual Server Configuration details: Processor: AMD 2x 4284 @ 3.00 GHz (24-core), RAM: 48GB, Storage: 500GB SSD, Network Connectivity: 1Gbps Port, Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) and is currently operational.

This database was built on the DHIS2 platform with robust tools, reports and OVC indicators, which forms a basis for the required improvement in the new enhanced Management Information System.

The consultant/sub-contractor will conduct a detailed analysis of the existing database, forms, OVC data and reporting needs for MER indicators, USAID custom indicators, and project custom indicators and determine upgrades and improvements.

Over time, several revisions were/ are made on the already existing physical data collection forms, additionally, new tools are developed to suit the USAID OVC Kampala Activity requirements hence the need for updates in the system (DHIS2).

It is upon this background that ROM seeks for a qualified Consultant/ firm to improve the existing database.

Purpose and objectives:
The purpose of the assignment is to improve the existing DHIS2 Management Information System (Database) to meet the needs of the USAID OVC Kampala Activity
To enable hosts and users to interface with an M&E OVC platform that will enable them to add new indicators and tools as they come online, monitor project implementation, track progress and data collection, share trends, provide an interactive Dashboard, GIS, and data management, and generate reports across 5 divisions managed by ROM.
The consultant/sub-contractor will be required to write programming code, create software, web applications, and other database processes. It is expected that the consultant/sub-contractor will train/build capacity of the OVC Kampala Activity M&E team to customize and troubleshoot database issues within one year.

System Design Requirements
Incorporate new revisions on the existing tools to mirror the revised data collection forms (Hardcopy) in the system.
Create new data entry forms for the new data collection tools to suit the Activity requirements.
Improve existing data entry screens like the group related forms to make them more user friendly in terms of data entry.
Develop interactive dashboards with frequently used favorites and standard reports based on the user-determined information products.
Configure the GIS module to visualize the progress of activities and trends of different project interventions across units on GIS maps.
Develop/ improve various types of reporting content, formats, and frequency based on indicator plan and donor requirements.
Configure the data visualizer for the database to generate the required reports.
Configure mobile (light and smartphone) data entry modules to ensure data entry via mobile devices.
Develop and configure automated SMS reminders module for missed appointments as required.
Develop an offline module to enable collection and upload of data.
Develop an API to enable automated reporting of granular data into the national OVCMIS.
Generation of Activity Reports: The system able to Auto generate activity reports based on the project requirements (e.g. Para social workers’ reports, social workers’ report’ among other reports as deemed necessary).

Testing and Refinement: All features should be tested from data entry to report and dashboards outputs. A comprehensive back-up system must be included in the end product, such that data resources are secure and replicated at regular intervals.

Deployment: The consultant will aid in the deployment including any further tweaking for maximum performance (as necessary).

Staff Training and Capacity Building: The consultant will train and mentor key staff on usage and changes made to the database system. The consultant will ensure that all staff are able to navigate the system with the User Manual.

This may include:
Develop training materials for the core team.
Deliver training on customization, system management, and administration.
Build the capacity of the ICYD M&E and IT staff on development/customization, e.g., warehousing; as well as assisting in the development of client-based data systems, particularly at the community level, using DHIS2 tracker application.
Technical Support: The consultant will provide continual technical assistance where necessary as per the maintenance plan. This will include continual tweaks where necessary, and “on-demand” problem solving when there is an issue with the system.

Additional Requirements
Source Code/Design: Complete source code, design of the final application and database will be the property of USAID OVC Kampala Activity/ROM. The consultant will hand over all required materials to ROM.
Ownership and intellectual property: ROM shall acquire the ownership of all assignment deliverables in their tangible form (both hard and soft copies, including the customized source code) and the right to use them as required. The deliverables in any circumstances should not be published or used by the consultant without the permission of ROM.
Confidentiality: Due to the sensitivity of programming, the Consultant/sub-contractor must sign a confidentiality agreement.
How to apply: Any individual consultant or a firm with practical DHIS2 implementation experience should submit one (1) hard copy of Technical Proposal (max 5 pages excluding attachments/appendices) and one (1) hard copy of a Detailed Budget. Only consultants that pass the technical evaluation, will be evaluated financially.

Illustrative points to include in the technical proposal:
A description of your experience developing the DHIS2 platform/company background (including CVs of proposed consultants and lead consultant to work on this).
A complete list of references of clients that the consultant has worked with on a similar assignment.
A description of your proposed method for completing the project, including planning sessions, an outline of the key steps, and the sequence of the work.
Clear and detailed estimated timeframe to complete the tasks. It should be clearly identified as to when ROM can expect to see the progress of individual deliverables within this timeframe (please use a Gantt Chart and organize by the stages in the table above).
3-4 examples of DHIS2 related databases that have previously been designed/implemented.

Required qualifications of lead consultant(s):
Degree in social science, statistics, international development; experience or background in epidemiology, public health, health information management, biostatistics, or a related discipline.
Demonstrated experience in database design, development, and follow-up support, specifically in DHIS2.
Demonstrated experience working in complex environments and tailoring technological solutions to a specific project.
Ugandan nationals and Uganda based firms strongly urged to apply.

Criteria for Evaluation of Responses: ROM will evaluate the responses to this based on the consultants’ or firms’ ability to provide a general overview of the services you or your organization provided in the past including number of years in the business, number of relevant professional consultancies, and experience of working with clients on a similar assignment, preferably in DHIS2. Both the submitted technical and financial proposal will be evaluated.

DEADLINE: Applications must be received by Wednesday 31st January, 2024 at 4:00pm EAT.
Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 January 2024
Duty Station: Mbuya
Posted: 18-01-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-01-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-01-2068
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