Invitation To Bidders tendering job at Bunyangabu District Local Government
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573 Days Ago
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Invitation To Bidders
Bunyangabu District Local Government has received funds from GOU under PHC, DWSCG and SPG to be used for Construction of Schools, Staff houses and Gis among others. The Entity invites sealed bids from eligible and interested bidders as detailed below:
Prequalification Financial Year 2023-2024 

(a)Supply of School and Office fumiture
(b)Supply of Computers, GPS and Accessories
(c) Supply of Live-Stock, Tools and improved planting Materials.
(0) Supply of Bee Hives, Tsetse Traps

(a) Architectural, Engineering Designs & survey services.
(b) Electrical installation and repair services 
(c) Road Fumiture
Supply and road marking

(a) Printing Services for General Office stationery
(b) Supply of Stationery, toner, Office Equipment & consumables 
(c) Supply of fuel, lubricants, Batteries, tyres, tubes & Servicing of vehicles 
(d) Supply of gravel/ mumam, sand, road lime, primer, bitumen, stone aggregates, stone dust, cement and hardware materials and timber For gravel, 
(e)Individualal owners of borrow pite are encouraged to apply. 
(f) Supply of Reinforced concrete culverta
(f) Repair and Servicing of Computeral Photocopiera
(g) Drama Shows and Radio Programa.
(h) Repair, maintenance and servicing of District vehicles (i)Repair and maintenance of District motorcyclee
Maintenance and cleaning of compound, offices and Toilets at the District HQTR.
(K)Provision of catering services, venue for workshopal meeting (Provision of Hire services for road equipment.
(m) Drainage System Installation

Note. For prequalification the conditions of tender are in the bidding document.

Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the open national bidding procedures contained in the Local Governments public procurement and disposal of public assets (Regulations 2006 revised 2014) and is open to all bidders.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the address given in 6 (a) from Thursday 10/8/2023 between 8:30 am-5:00pm Mon-Friday.

Open national bidding
01-BUNY/823/ Suple/23-24/00001 Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kateeba HC
2-BUNY/23/wrka/23-24/00001 Rehabilitation of Kacanango HC III Maternity ward-Terrazzo Flooring-
3-BUNYI622/ wika/23-24/00002 Extension of Yerya GFS IN Kjoga-Rengabi-Buguziko in Kisomoro SC
04-BUNYI823/wrk/23-24/00003 Construction of a 4 stance waterborne toilet with a bathroom at Kibito Market
5-BUNY/323/wrka/23-24/00004 Construction of a Classroom block at Kaburaisoke PS and supply of 20 Desks
6-BUNY/323/ wika/23-24/00007 Construction of Kibito Town council Headquarters phase 1 
7-BUNY/823/SRVS/23-24/0001 Hire Leasing of Kisomoro maize mill in Kisomoro Sub County 
8-BUNY/323/SRVS/23-24/00002 Design and Documentation of Gatanga motorized piped water supply system in Ruim Town Council.

Bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on submission of a Written application to the address at 11(a) and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of UGX 70,000 (Seventy thousand shillings only) to: Bunyangabu District General Colection Fund A/C No1300072344, HOUSING FINANCE BANK FORT PORTAL BRANCH. Same amount for all categories

Bids must be delivered to the address at 6(c) at or before 11:30 am 31-8- 2023. Late Bids shall be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend at the address given at 6(0) at 12:00 NOON on 31/08/2023.
There will be a pre bid meeting on the 16/8/2023 at 10:00 am.

Documents may be inspected at 
• The Office of the Head Procurement Disposal Unit Bunyangabu District Local Goverment R. O. Box 148 Fort Portal-Uganda
• Documents will be issued from: Procurement Disposal Unit
• Bunyangabu, District Local Government R. O. Box 148 Fort Portal
• Bids must be delivered to: Procurement & Disposal
• Unit Bunyangabu District Local Government, R. O. Box 148 Fort Portal (C) Address of bid opening: Council Hall Bunyangabu District Headquarters 

The planned procurement schedule (subject to changes) is as follows: Activity
a. Publish Bid Notice  11/8/2020
b.Pre-bid meeting site visit  16/8/2023
C.Bid Closing Date31/8/2023
d. Evaluation process 1-9 to 4-9/2023
e.Display and Communication of best evaluated bid  7/9/2023 
Notice Contract award and Signature 20\9\2023
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 August 2023
Duty Station: Bunyangabu
Posted: 11-08-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 11-08-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 11-08-2067
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