Malaria Technical Officer - Health Product Management job at The Ministry of Health
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Vacancy title:
Malaria Technical Officer - Health Product Management

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Health Care , Category: Doctors & Other Health Professionals ]

Jobs at:

The Ministry of Health

Deadline of this Job:
17 February 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, February 10, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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The Ministry of Health jobs in Uganda


Job Purpose:
The Ministry of Health, National Malaria Control Division (NMCD) through the Uganda Malaria Reduction and Elimination Plan (UMREP 2021 2025) aims to accelerate nationwide scale up of evidenced-based malaria reduction and elimination interventions.
The Malaria Technical officer will provide support to the NMCD, work with the Department of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Medicines (DPNM)- Quantification and Procurement Planning Unit, National Malaria Control Division, National Medical Stores (NMS), Joint Medical Stores (JMS), National Drug Authority (NDA), health facilities and other key stakeholders to improve Malaria health products management. S/he will be tasked with conducting integrated, harmonized, and streamlined supply chain activities, including quantification, ordering, reporting, reconciliation, expenditure analysis and coordination of distribution of Malaria commodities. S/he will support the NMCD to ensure drug availability and avoid stock-outs and expiries by liaising with the central warehouses (NMS & JMS) and health facilities. He/she shall participate in relevant therapeutic studies and technical advisory committee for improvement of Malaria treatment in Uganda.
Malaria Technical Officer will be responsible for ensuring that the Malaria commodities' management requisite documents are updated timely including the Programmatic Updates and Disbursement Requests (PUDR), Health Products Management Tool (HPMT), Procurement tracker, and quarterly and annual supply plans and any other information required by the Ministry of Health and the Global Fund. Finally, the technical officer will work with appropriate medicines unit to improve pharmacovigilance for Malaria Medicines and quality monitoring for diagnostics.

Key Duties and Responsibilities
1) Work with the Quantification and Procurement Planning Unit within the Department of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Medicines of the Ministry of Health to conduct quantification, supply planning and ordering of health products through the Global Fund.
2) Support NMCD in all grant application processes.
3) Monitoring pharmaceutical and health product procurements and pipelines through the Wambo system
4) Track expenditure on Malaria medicines procured through Global Fund and Government of Uganda and provide timely updates on grant performance including analysis of savings.
5) Support reconciliation for Malaria commodities at NMS and JMS to inform payment of warehousing and distribution fees.
6) Conduct capacity building of districts and health facilities in the management of malaria commodities
7) 0 Reconcile and verify health facility delivery of malaria commodities by the warehouses.
8) Participate in bi annual statutory stock take exercise at NMS and JMS
9) Provide weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual stock status reviews and updates to the NMCD.
10) Strengthen systems to improve stock reporting and provide early alert on possible stock- outs or expiries for Malaria commodities.
11) Conduct activities aimed at improved downstream coordination and management of Malaria commodities by improving and optimally using available tools such as the District Health Information Software (DHIS2) and the NMS+ Client Self Service Portal (CSSP). Conduct logistics data quality analysis and audits to ensure that the data received at MOH from medicine orders and HMIS reports from health facilities is usable for decision making.
12) Participate in regular NMCD activities geared towards Malaria commodities logistics including meetings, support supervision, surveys, etc.
13) Support for Pharmacovigilance activities for malaria commodities
14) Conduct operational studies to improve availability and management of Malaria commodities
15) Participate in therapeutic efficacy studies for malaria medicines and diagnostics

Qualifications, skills and Experience.
1) Minimum qualification of a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University and three years of relevant technical experience. Further training in pharmaceuticals health products Management is an added advantage.
2) Demonstrated experience with National pharmaceuticals logistics management information systems.
3) Working experience in Uganda with knowledge and comprehensive understanding of the Uganda public health system.
4) Demonstrated ability to collaborate with other stakeholders in developing creative and strategic solutions to achieve common goals.
5) Ability to be flexible and adaptable to changing priorities and shifting deadlines.
6) Demonstrated strong organizational, administrative, communications and reporting skills.
7) Strong English skills required, including ability to write lucid technical reports and documents.
8) Excellent computer skills, including knowledge of Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point.
9) A fully subscribed member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

ALL Applications should be addressed to the
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health,
P.O. Box 7272, Plot 6,
Lourdel Road, Wandegeya, KAMPALA,

(and should be hand delivered to Ministry of Health Headquarters Security Registry in Room A.102, between 8.00 am - 5.00 pm working days) to be received not later than Friday 17th February, 2023 at 5:00pm
For further details, please visit the Ministry of Health Website on 

Please note that;
All applications should bear the title of the post being applied for.

Applicants should include their telephone and email contacts on their application forms. Applicants should attach the following to their applications;
1) Recent passport-size photograph.
2) Detailed Curriculum Vitae.
3) certified copies of certificates and testimonials and three referees, one of whom must be from your current or previous employer
4) Photocopies of Professional registration certificates and valid practicing licences where applicable.
5) Copy of National Identity Card.

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Job Info
Job Category: Health/ Medicine jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 17 February 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 10-02-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 10-02-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-02-2066
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