National consultant job at International Labour Organization
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Vacancy title:
National consultant

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

International Labour Organization

Deadline of this Job:
15 December 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Uganda , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, December 06, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

National consultant to undertake an assessment to map existing administrative data sources on labour migration statistics in Uganda

Labour migration has always been part of the socio-economic landscape of East and Horn of Africa. The sub-region is vast and complex, and it broadly covers: Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda.
The East and Horn of Africa is also one of the region with the largest increase in the number of migrants and refugees globally. Climate change and environmental degradation, armed conflict, and political, economic and food crises continue to force people to flee, resulting in a growing need for assistance. Mixed migration flows, which include refugees, asylum-seekers, displaced persons, and migrants pursuing family reunification, education or employment, put a strain on governments in the region as they struggle to cope with the large number of migrants crossing their borders and moving through their countries. The men, women and children making up these migrant flows frequently resort to unsafe modes of transportation and smuggling networks during their journey, exposing themselves to injury, violence, detention, exploitation and abuse.
Each country has its own labour migration profile, yet it shares the overall labour migration trend in Africa, which is largely represented by intra-regional flows and mainly characterized by the migration of low-skilled workers. Of great importance in the sub-region are South-South migration corridors to neighbouring labour markets in the search of better employment opportunities. Indeed, today, most East African countries participate in labour migration flows, whether as countries of origin, transit or destination. Demand in economic sectors such as agriculture, fishing, mining and construction as well as services such as domestic work, health care, cleaning, restaurants and hotels, and retail trade are significant drivers for labour migration within the sub-region and beyond.
The ILO’s work on labour migration statistics in East Africa is guided by the ILO’s 2018 ICLS Guidelines Concerning Statistics of International Labour Migration.[1] Through its United Kingdom Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office funded project entitled “*Better Regional Migration Management*”, the ILO, is seeking to hire a qualified consultant to support a national scoping study in Uganda to map existing data on labour migration and assess its quality and completeness vis-à-vis relevant international standards and identified data needs and priorities . The overall purpose of the Project is to assess the current status of labour migration statistics at national level, build the capacity of the national statistical institutes and relevant line ministries to and provide recommendations to strengthen and/or expand national programmes for labour migration statistics derived from a variety of sources. Over the long term, this will contribute to building national and regional labour market and migration information systems (LMMIS) with a view to feed into labour migration policy development and inform sub-regional and interregional dialogue on bilateral labour agreements and regular migration pathway.
The planned start date of the consultancy is the 21 December 2021 and expected to be completed on the 31 January 2022. Number of days required to complete the assignment = 30 days

Objective of the consultancy
The consultant will work under the supervision of Technical Specialist leading the assessment to compile the necessary information, analyse and summarise the findings.
The consultant will carry out a national scoping study in Uganda to document the current status of labour migration (including labour migration trend and policy context), map existing administrative sources of data on labour migration, and assess their quality and completeness vis-à-vis relevant international statistical standards and identified data priorities. The scoping study should include a mapping of institutions responsible for different administrative sources of labour migration statistics and assessing existing institutional capacities, mapping existing administrative sources and assessing the source coverage, quality and alignment with good practice and international standards, and mapping existing administrative data on labour migration and assessing its quality and gaps, as well as providing recommendations based on the findings.

During this period (21 December 2021 – 31 January 2022), the consultant will:
• Conduct background review of labour migration trends and policy environment and draft a summary for inclusion as background in the Country assessment report
• Undertake a mapping and an in-depth assessment with respect to administrative sources of labour migration data covering relevant national institutions, existing institutional capacities, data and sources on international labour migration to identify existing strengths, limitations and gaps.
• Issue recommendations to close the identified data gaps, expand national capacities and strengthen key sources of labour migration statistics.
Because of the short duration of this initial phase of the project, it is important that the assessment be completed by the 31 January 2022.
Assessment Methodology
ILO has prepared an assessment template that will be used as a guide to map institutions, data sources, data needs on international labour migration in Uganda. Further to the methodology proposed below the consultant can propose additional methodology as required:
• A desk review will appraise the existing evidence and analysis on labour migration in Uganda. To have background of the migration profile of each country, particular use of the analyses conducted by the ILO on labour migration and other actors (IOM, AU, and any other quality reports) should be considered. It should also document recent trends in labour migration, and key migration patterns and also highlight the policy environment with respect to labour migration
• Primarily relevant stakeholders will be conducted to establish and agree on a road map for the assessment.
• The ILO assessment template will be pre-filled with information (if available) relating to international labour migration from Uganda and will be utilised to collect the latest information and in cases where the latest available data is the pre-filled information, the information should be verified with the relevant institutions.
• Undertake assessment of institutional capacities, available administrative data sources and data gaps on labour migration statistics.
Deliverables and due dates

Submission Deadline
1. All relevant materials, including administrative forms, manuals, technical reports, analysis reports, etc. and data compiled to carry out the assessment
Compile relevant materials (questionnaires, administrative forms, manuals, technical reports, analysis reports, etc); conduct desk review of the labour migration context and prepare a draft of key trends and policy environment.
10 January 2022
1. Completed templates for each available administrative data source, mapping existing administrative sources, responsible institutions and relevant stakeholders, institutional capacities and indicators of labour migration statistics for the country.
Conduct the mapping and assessment of administrative data sources, institutional capacities, data gaps, using ILO template as basis.
17 January 2022
1. Report with summaries of the findings, domains of quality, administrative data gaps, and recommendations; background review of labour migration trends and policy environment.
Draft report on the background context, scoping and assessment prepared.
Compile relevant microdata and conduct data quality assessment (if there is available micro-data)
Submit final report
20 January 2022
25 January 2022
31 January 2022
1. Provide inputs on the assessment of survey-based data sources.
Assist with the finalisation of the assessment of survey data sources.
25 January 2022
Payment terms and duration
The consultancy is expected to start from, 21 December 2021 to 31 January 2022.
• 30% of the contract agreement upon submission of deliverable 1; i.e., within 3 weeks after the signing of the agreement.
• 30% of the contract agreement upon submission of deliverable 2; i.e., within 4 weeks after the signing of the agreement.
• 30% of the contract agreement upon submission of deliverable 3; i.e., within 6 weeks after the signing of the agreement.
• 10% of the contract agreement upon submission of deliverable 4; i.e., a week before the end of the contract period

Minimum qualification & experience required
• A first degree in Statistics, Economics, Social sciences, or related field with more than 3 years of professional working experience.
• Experience working with statistics derived from administrative data sources and/or with household surveys, preferably labour force surveys and labour migration statistics
• Experience working within the national statistics office or related ministries in producing statistics.
• Knowledge of international standards on international labour migration and/or labour force surveys.
• Experience in data analysis and report writing and using excel.
Evaluation criteria
Maximum mark
A. Technical Proposal
Does the applicant have a degree in Statistics, Economics, Social sciences or related field 20
Does the applicant have 3-5 years’ experience working with labour force surveys or other household surveys 20
Does the applicant have experience working with labour migration statistics 20
Does the applicant have experience working with national statistical offices or ministries of labour or related ministries that produces statistics 20
Does the applicant have experience and expertise in working with similar assignments with proven record of accomplishment? 10
Knowledge of international standards on labour force surveys, international migration, and/or international labour migration statistics. 5
Does the applicant have an understanding and reach of the target group 5
Maximum Points 100
Minimum Acceptable Score to be Technically qualified 70

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
All interested Individual Consultants can send questions if any to the ILO’s Procurement Unit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia until 08 December 2021. Questions will be answered and shared with the interested organizations by Close of Business on 10 December 2021.
• Completed technical and financial proposals are to be submitted to by Close of Business on 15 December 2021.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15 December 2021
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 06-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 06-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 06-12-2065
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