National consultant to conduct a Perception Study on the efficacy of COVID 19 risk communication and community engagement approaches among refugee populations tender job at UN Women
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I.UN Women Organizational Context

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. UN Women provides support to Member States’ efforts and priorities in meeting their gender equality goals and for building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.

In March 2022, UN Women received funding from the Government of Japan to implement a one-year LEAP program that aimed at strengthening the protection, leadership and empowerment of over 6,360 vulnerable women, men and youth affected by COVID-19 and forcibly displaced into IDP and refugee camps in Uganda. This Programme will contribute to the immediate lifesaving and emergency needs of 6,360 (30 percent hosts) as direct beneficiaries in Kyegegwa, Yumbe and Adjumani refugee hosting districts. It will indirectly benefit with 10,000 (5,000 female and 5,000 male) refugee and host community women, men, girls and boys. The aim is to ensure that refugee women and girls are protected from the impacts of the emergency refugee crisis, and COVID-19 through the provision of gender-responsive COVID-19 services, protection and, enhancing women’s leadership, capacity development and peaceful co-existence for better recovery and resilience.

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II.Program Overview / Results

Since April 2021, Uganda experienced an increase in protection and socio-economic vulnerability in the refugee crisis, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as the country battled a second wave of viral infections, the lockdown measures and severe underfunding for humanitarian assistance. This proposed project sought to support women and girls affected by the COVID-19 crises and displaced into refugee and IDP camps in Uganda. It sought to facilitate a responsive environment, conducive for gender equality and that supports the needs of refugee and host women and girls, in conformity with human rights standards and international best practice.

Overall Goal:

To strengthen the protection, leadership and empowerment of over 15,760 vulnerable women, men and youth affected by COVID- 19 in IDP and refugee camp of Uganda and Somalia.

The program aims at achieving the following Outcomes:

OUTCOME 1: 4,530 vulnerable women, men and youth lead and participate in COVID-19 prevention, response and recovery interventions in Uganda.

Output 1.1: 3,000 Refugee and host community women have increased capacities & skills to participate and lead in the management of COVID-19 interventions within refugee and IDP camps in Uganda

Output 1.3: 1,530 benefit from initiatives promoting positive gender norms in support of women's leadership and protection from violence and access to COVID-19 awareness and sensitization measures in Uganda.

OUTCOME 2: Positive coping mechanisms improved for 1,830 vulnerable refugees, IDPs and host communities’ women and girls most affected by COVID- 19 crisis in Uganda

Output 2.1: 500 women in refugee and host communities most affected by COVID- 19 have increased access to ICT skills and services through existing women empowerment centers in Uganda

Output 2.2: 1,330 refugee women and girls affected by COVID- 19 have increased access to effective safety and protection services at the PCR testing and vaccination sites in Uganda.

III.Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of approaches used by humanitarian actors to communicate and raise awareness on COVID-19 prevention and vaccination amongst refugee populations especially amongst refugee women and girls in Yumbe, Adjumani and Kyegegwa districts. The study will establish what approaches were used, how effective these approaches were and identify barriers to effective risk communication and community engagement amongst refugee populations and make strategic recommendations that can guide future programming.

Specifically, the study will:

1.     Examine the understanding of COVID19 as a risk among refugee communities

2.     Identify barriers to uptake of COVID-19 vaccination amongst refugees especially refugee women and girls

3.     Establish approaches used by humanitarian actors in raising awareness on COVID-19 prevention and vaccination and how these addressed the needs of women and girls

4.     Assess the underlying security and safety concerns for women and girls in the refugee settlements regarding COVID19

5.     Provide actionable recommendations with respect to the strategies that can enhance risk communication and engagement amongst refugee populations in Uganda 

As of Dec 2022, a total 26,299,538 vaccine doses were administered by MoH with support from partners. This represents at least 40 percent of people who have received at least 1 doze of the vaccine. Overall, those who are fully vaccinated are at 27 percent despite the concerted efforts by government to mobilize the population to accept and get vaccinated against the COVID19 virus. This study also seeks to understand the factors that influence the level of acceptance of the covid19 vaccine among the refugee population.

It is a priority for UN Women that this study is gender-responsive and actively supports the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment. The views and perspective of women and girls must be clearly sought for in this study through ensuring their effective representation in the study.

The primary intended users of this Study are:

·         Relevant staff in target ministries, local government and targeted government institutions, and participating CSOs

·         Target beneficiary communities/groups

·         Members of community leadership structures

·         Relevant staff in participating UN-agencies.

·         Staff of implementing partners

·         Sector leads in the participating UN-agencies and refugee response coordination.


Duties and Responsibilities

I.Methodology and key questions

The consultant is expected to design this study and refine the methodology of the study including the questions to be asked. The study is expected to deploy both qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting and analyzing data and information. Participatory approaches and methods should be employed in the process of conducting the study and use of primary and secondary information as well as application of different tools and techniques are envisaged in the process of the study. If the study team will feel additional information are needed, the innovative ideas regarding the methodologies of the study could be considered given the short period for this study. Data collection methods such as Focused group discussions, key informants’ interview and questionnaires may be used during the study. The Study will seek to answer the following strategic questions.

1.     What perceptions do refugee communities have about COVID19 as a risk?

2.     What barriers inhibits communication and access to COVID19 information in your communities. What are the communication channels most accessible, preferred and trusted across different population groups for general and COVID-19 related communication?

3.     What kind of the social groups exits in your communities and the roles they play in the proliferation and dissemination of the COVID19 related information and misinformation?

4.     What kind of COVID19 risks exists in your communities and how does it affect the women and girls?

5.     What role does trust, social networks, economic considerations, and other external factors play in weakening or amplifying individuals’ perceptions of risks related to COVID-19?

6.     What factors inhibits access, acceptance, uptake of the COVID19 Vaccines in your communities?

7.     What perceptions do affected communities have about the response of government and humanitarian actors to COVID-19?

8.     What are the underlying security and safety concerns for women and girls in the refugee settlements regarding COVID19?

II.Scope of the Study

The study will cover the project areas in Kyegegwa, Yumbe and Adjumani districts targeting the refugees in the settlements in those districts where the project activities are implemented since Nov 2022 – March 2023. The study is expected to draw samples from the host communities in those districts.  The consultant will work with the implementing partners in those districts including Refugee law Project and its sub grantees i.e., TPO and Peace Winds Japan as well as COACT and the district local governments.

The study is expected to effectively reflect the perspective of women and girls regarding risks associated with COVID19, factors for vaccine hesitancy and perception of the communities on the response by government and other actors.

III.Study approach

The study will be conducted by the consultant in collaboration with Refugee law project and TPO. The Study is expected to be completed in 25 days beginning 13th February 2023. The study shall provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful and will be based on gender and human rights principles.

The study methodology will employ mixed methods and an innovative approach for capturing results, while ensuring that the views of the most excluded groups of women are represented in the study. An initial desk review and brief discussions with key stakeholders will support the refinement and finalization of the methodology and analytical framework. The study is expected to follow a collaborative and participatory approach ensuring close engagement with refugees, host communities and key stakeholders in the study areas.

The main recommended phases of the perception study are:

1.     Inception Phase:

·         Conduct an initial desk review of available documents, gather and analyze Programme data, conceptualize the study approach and develop a clear study design then consult internally on the approach, develop data collection tools, stakeholder mapping, sampling strategy, engage reference group.

·         Conduct inception interviews with key stakeholders to refine the scope and methodology.

·         Draft an Inception Report that will be reviewed by the UN Women team.

·         Refine the study design based on feedback and integrate proposed changes (as appropriate).

1.     Data collection Phase

·         Collect survey data from refugees and key stakeholders as informed by the stakeholder analysis

·         Deliver PowerPoint presentation of preliminary field key findings.

1.     Analysis and Report Writing Phase:

·         Prepare first draft of the report and submit to UN Women for comments and possible endorsement.

·         Revise report based on the feedback from UN Women  

·         Compile final report. The report should not be longer than 30 pages.

·         Develop a 4-pager summary of key findings and recommendations that can be used for communication purposes  

IV.Time frame and Deliverables

The primary perception study deliverables are:




 Anticipated Timeframe

 % Payment


Conduct an initial desk review and design the study methodology, data collection tools

Deliverable 1

·         Inception Report with a detailed workplan, timeline, Study Design and data collection tools

1 week after signing of the contract



Conduct field data collection

Deliverable 2

·         Draft Report with preliminary findings

3 weeks after signing of the contract



Analysis and Report Writing

·         Final Report

·         Communications piece (4-page summary of key findings and messages)

5 weeks after signing of the contract




Core Competencies:

·         Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues

·         Accountability

·         Creative Problem Solving

·         Effective Communication

·         Inclusive Collaboration

·         Stakeholder Engagement

·         Leading by Example

Functional Competencies

·         Ability to create, edit, and present information in clear and appealing formats.

·         Ability to manage data, documents, correspondences, and reports.

·         Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate and work well with diverse and multicultural supervisors and staff members.

·         Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure.

·         Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.

·         Focuses on impact and results for partners and responds positively to feedback.


Required Skills and Experience


The selected consultant should fulfill the following requirements:


A Master’s degree related to any of the social sciences, political science, international relations, economics, gender studies and monitoring and evaluation

Work Experience

·         A minimum of 10 years of working experience in conducting similar studies including proven practical professional experience in designing and conducting major studies within humanitarian settings.

·         Over 5 years’ experience conducting perception studies, behavior change communication assessments and evaluations.

·         Extensive knowledge and experience in the application of quantitative and qualitative research methods with a strong gender focus. 

·         High level data analysis skills in both quantitative and qualitative data; 

·         In-country or regional experience in programming in refugee setting;

·         Flexibility and Ability to work with teams in multicultural settings

·         Demonstrable ability to work under pressure to meet challenging deadlines

Language Requirements

·         Fluency in written and spoken English is essential

·         Working knowledge of another official UN language is an asset;

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 23 February 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 10-02-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 10-02-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 16-02-2066
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