Nutrition coordinator job at Alliance Forum for Development(AFOD)
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605 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Nutrition coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Alliance Forum for Development(AFOD)

Deadline of this Job:
24 July 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kiryandongo , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, July 10, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Alliance Forum for Development(AFOD) jobs in Uganda

Job summary:
Coordinate and provide technical guidance/support in the design and implementation of nutrition activities for targeted population and in health facilities in line with Ministry of Health and donor guidelines and support with the overall building of capacity of local staff and stakeholders in nutrition programming.

Duties & Responsibilities
Project Implementation and Development

• In collaboration with the Head of Program, Nutrition officer, Health coordinator and MEAL manager work to achieve program objectives and smooth implementation of the program.
• Ensure that implementation of SFT, MCHN and MIYCAN activities conform to Ministry of Health and internationally accepted standards and guidelines.
• Coordinate and follow-up on nutrition programs implementation to review progress towards objectives through organizing regular review meetings, update and experience sharing meeting among staffs.
• In collaboration with the team, identify existing project implementation gaps and new opportunities for nutrition and nutrition-related projects and lead on the concept note or proposal development while liaising with interested partners and stakeholders to ensure that proposed activities and programs align with best practice in the nutrition sector.
• Lead, plan and conduct nutritional assessments and surveys in existing and in potential new areas, following the nationally approved survey protocol, for program expansion. and feed assessments results into proposals if needed.
• Lead the implementation of the referral mechanism and communication strategies and train nutrition staff in case detection and referrals between health facilities adapted to the local context.
• Support the nutrition staff to ensure proper functioning of reporting systems data flow mechanisms for regular assessment, monitoring and evaluation of the program against its objectives and expected results. And conduct critical ALLIANCE FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT (AFOD)-UGANDA
• monitoring of all aspects of nutrition activities and identify areas of concern. Submit workable solutions for identified challenges.
• Demonstrate understanding of multi-sectoral approach to malnutrition and ensuring that nutrition project beneficiaries are linked with other sector interventions and provide guidance to staff on the integration of a nutrition component into other sectors as appropriate such as food security, Health, WASH and disaster prevention and preparedness.
• Ensure that the nutrition program is integrated and implemented in line with the AFOD 2-P and ICLEM model.

Capacity Building
• Assess the training needs of nutrition staff; develop a training program to meet these needs; conduct nutrition training for project nutrition and Health facility staff, and Care Group Volunteers implementing nutrition programs, focusing on all aspects of community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) and IYCF.
• Assist Nutrition officers and Assistants to facilitate the development/adaptation of nutrition education training manuals and facilitator's guide based on existing national nutrition protocols and curricula including training follow-up
• Coordinate with other sectoral program managers with IMC's program to ensure that other parts of the program are functioning in order to maximize nutrition intervention's impact.
• Liaise with nutrition experts, nutritionists and others to ensure that specialized support is available at the field/district/activity level to increase coverage and overall efficacy of the program.
• Coordination & Representation
• Actively participate and represent Alliance Forum for Development (AFOD) in nutrition sector coordination forums, discussions and activities, serve as an AFOD nutrition resource person, and display technical and organizational leadership in sectoral activities.
• Create and maintain smooth relations and open collaboration with Government and local stakeholders and serve as the nutrition resource person.
• Coordinate AFOD nutrition activities and across a wide range of actors including MoH, donors, UN and NGO partners to ensure consistency of programming.

Program Finance, Logistics and Administration
• Prepare detailed work plan and budget plan for nutrition activities and ensure implementation of planned activities according to the work plan adhering to the budget according to AFOD standards and oversee program spending per budgets and commodity pipelines.
• Support and motivate program/logistics/administrative/finance staff in their work, by ensuring appropriate training, coaching and supervision by technical leads
• Manage staff recruitment and training, conduct performance monitoring in collaboration with HR and Nutrition Managers, ensure that standards and protocols are adhered to.
• Ensure equitable allocation of human, material and financial resources.
• Coordinate very closely with logistics in order to ensure that there is no break in nutrition program supplies.
• Organize and follow-up on all other procurements needed for the projects.

Minimum qualifications

• A degree in nutrition, Public health, or related field. A relevant master’s degree is an added advantage.

• A minimum of five years of experience in nutrition programs.
• Working experience in MIYCAN and multi-sectoral nutrition programs.
• Project & community level experience in SBC programming and approaches.

Core Competences
• Ability to work independently as well as in a team and flexibility.
• Excellent interpersonal, organizational and communication skills.
• Good writing and presentation skills.
• Advanced skills in MS Office English fluency (spoken and written).

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

Address your application to the Human Resource Officer, AFOD Uganda. Include a cover letter, vacancy reference, CV (with 3 referees and their functional email & contacts) and copies of academic qualifications/certificates. Clearly state only the Position as the email subject line. Send your application by email to  or by hand delivery to AFOD offices listed below:

Adjumani field office located on Kelvin Road Karoko Village Biyaya Parish Adjumani Town council.
Moyo Town Field Office. For Obongi drop at the Palorinya base camp, Obongi
Koboko field office located at Lipa Village – Near Koboko Parents Senior Secondary School.
Kiryandongo District Headquarters, Office of the DHO-District Health office.
Kampala Country Office located on Block 216 Plot 3973 Kanfirst Drive-Canon Road, Off Kyambogo Road Buye -Kigowa Ntinda.
Deadline for submission: Application should be submitted before or by 5:00pm EAT on 24th July 2023.

AFOD is a smoke free, and equal opportunity employer, any form of lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification of a candidate.
Warning!! Be aware of Fraudsters, AFOD-Uganda does not charge money or any kind of bribe at any stage of the recruitment process.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 24 July 2023
Duty Station: Kiryandongo
Posted: 10-07-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 10-07-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 10-07-2067
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