One Hundred Forty Nine (149) Jobs at Oyam District Local Government - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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1601 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
One Hundred Forty Nine (149)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Public Administration, and Government , Category: Civil & Government ]

Jobs at:

Oyam District Local Government

Deadline of this Job:
27 November 2020  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, October 30, 2020 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Post title: Parish Chief
Scale: U5
No. of position: 07
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/11/2020
Post title: Office Typist
Scale: U7
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/12/2020
Post title: Driver
Scale: U8
No. of position: 03
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/13/2020
Post title: Office Attendant
Scale: U8
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/14/2020
Post title: Senior Education Officer
Scale: U3
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/15/2020
Post title: Education Officer (Special Needs)
Scale: U4
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/16/2020
Post title: Head teacher
Scale: U4
No. of position: 09
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/17/2020
Post title: Deputy Head teacher
Scale: U5
No. of position: 20
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/18/2020
Post title: Senior Education Assistant
Scale: U6
No. of position: 20
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/19/2020
Post title: Education Assistant II
Scale: U7
No. of position: 46
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/20/2020
Post title: Senior Assistant Accountant
Scale: U
No. of position: 03
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/21/2020
Post title: Assistant Accountant
Scale: U
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/22/2020
Post title: Orthopaedic Officer
Scale: U5Med
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/23/2020
Post title: Radiographer
Scale: U5Med
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/24/2020
Post title: Medical Clinical Officer
Scale: U5Med
No. of position: 02
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/25/2020
Post title: Enrolled Nurse
Scale: U7Med
No. of position: 06
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/26/2020
Post title: Enrolled Midwife
Scale: U7Med
No. of position: 06
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/27/2020
Post title: Laboratory Assistant
Scale: U7Med
No. of position: 04
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/28/2020
Post title: Health Information Assistant
Scale: U7Sc
No. of position: 02
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/29/2020
Post title: Health Assistant
Scale: U7Sc
No. of position: 03
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/30/2020
Post title: Mortuary Attendant
Scale: U8
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/31/2020
Post title: Askari
Scale: U8
No. of position: 09
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/32/2020
Post title: Community Development Officer
Scale: U4
No. of position: 01
Ref. no: DSC/OYM/33/2020

Job Responsibilities: Not Specified

Job Skills: Not Specified

Job Qualifications: Not Specified

Job Education Requirements: Not Specified

Job Exprience Requirements: Not Specified

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure
Oyam District Local Government
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill vacant positions currently available in Oyam District Local Government as listed below. Please indicate reference number of the position applied for.
Applications should be filled in triplicate on PSF 3 (original in own handwriting) and submitted to the Secretary District Service Commission Oyam P.O.Box 30 Loro, Oyam not later than 27/11/2020. Application forms can be obtained free of charge from District Service Commission Offices, Chief Administrative Officer's Office or Public Service Commission website.
Applicants must attach certified copies of academic documents, three Passport size photographs, Photocopies of school ids of all schools attended, registration certificate and license where applicable, National Identity card and other relevant documents.
Applicants already in service should attach appointment letters, confirmation letter and route their applications through their Heads of Department Responsible Officer who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay
Job Descriptions and Person Specification can be accessed from Oyam District Service Commission Offices, Public Service Commission and Health Service Commission websites ( or shortlisted candidates shall be contacted and any form of canvassing when discovered shall lead to disqualification of the applicant.
Shortlisted Candidates shall be required to present certified and original academic documents, Identity Cards of all schools attended and National Identity Card at the time of sitting Oral interviews.

All Jobs


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Job Info
Job Category: Government jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job:  27 November 2020
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 30-10-2020
No of Jobs: 149
Start Publishing: 30-10-2020
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 31-10-2065
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