Outcome Harvesting Expert job at SoCha LLC
1149 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Outcome Harvesting Expert

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics , Category: Management ]

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Deadline of this Job:
21 January 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Outcome Harvesting Expert

The Organizational Development Activity (ODA) delivers organizational development interventions to improve individual, team, cross-team, and organizational performance at USAID/Uganda. SoCha aims to support the ODA activity through the provision of diagnostic tools that measure behavior change, performance, and inform ODA interventions.
To identify the outcomes of ODA interventions, SoCha seeks the assistance of an Outcome Harvesting Expert to lead the planning and execution of a six-month outcome harvesting assignment.

Scope of Work:
This activity is expected to provide additional guidance and bandwidth to increase the number of overall outcomes harvesting interviews, and in turn, increase the number of overall outcomes harvested over a six-month period in 2022. The Outcome Harvesting Expert will collaborate with the MEL Specialist to conduct 30 interviews and uncover 15 outcomes over a six-month period, aiming for five interviews per month.
The Outcome Harvesting Expert will collaborate with SoCha’s MEL Specialist to redesign the current outcome harvesting process, to develop an interview guide, to conduct 30 interviews, to substantiate outcomes through additional interviews or information from third-party sources, to analyze and classify outcomes, to develop findings, to facilitate reflection, to catalogue outcomes, and to deliver a final brief.
The Outcome Harvesting Expert is expected to perform the following tasks:
• Review current outcome harvesting process and achievements, how they were identified, and by which ODA activities they were achieved.
• Reflect on the previous outcome harvesting process and lessons learned.
• Design the harvest and draft outcomes.
• Meet with ODA staff and propose potential outcomes of ODA interventions.
• Identify information needs, respondents, and questions focusing on change and influence.
• Interview informants to confirm potential outcomes or uncover unexpected outcomes.
• Substantiate outcomes through third-party sources.
• Classify outcomes according to interventions, organizational health domains, or ODA objectives.
• Develop preliminary findings.
• Facilitate learning sessions with ODA staff to review outcomes harvested, reflect on preliminary findings, and develop preliminary conclusions about the influence of ODA interventions on changes in organizational health domains.
• Deliver a catalog of outcomes harvested and a brief of preliminary findings and conclusions.

Minimum qualifications and experience:
• A minimum of 2 years of experience leading and/or executing outcome harvesting activities.
• A minimum of 2 years of experience conducting informant interviews and conducting qualitative analysis.
• A minimum of 2 years of experience assessing, analyzing, or evaluating organizational development activities is preferred.
• Experience working in Uganda or East Africa is preferred.
• Experience working with USAID or similar donor agencies preferred.
• Excellent English writing skills.
• Experience working remotely and conducting online meetings with stakeholders preferred.
Period of Performance:
January 2022 – June 2022.
Remote and/or in Kampala, Uganda, if required.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 24

Job application procedure
To lodge an application, please submit your CV via the following link: https://jobs.socha.net/outcome-harvesting-expert-uganda-10-01-2022/
Applications close on 21 January 2022; application review will be on a rolling basis.

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 21 January 2022
Duty Station: Arua
Posted: 12-01-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-01-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-01-2065
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