Professor – Head of Theme – Viral Pathogens job at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
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Vacancy title:
Professor – Head of Theme – Viral Pathogens

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Health Care , Category: Teachers & Education ]

Jobs at:

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)

Deadline of this Job:
Monday, June 24 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Entebbe, East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, June 10 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) jobs in Uganda

The Unit
The MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit (the Unit) was established in 1988 to improve the understanding and control of the HIV epidemic in Uganda and globally. Since its establishment by the UK’s Medical Research Council (MRC) the Unit has grown and now also conducts research on other infections, neglected, and emerging infections, as well as research on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The Unit is based in Entebbe, with established field stations in the Kalungu district and Masaka. In 2018, the Unit became part of the LSHTM family, boosting research capacity into some of the current and emerging health issues in Africa and globally. Today, the Unit hosts over 60 lead scientists and around 34 PhD students. The Unit, with a compelling record of scientific achievement and a suite of cutting-edge platforms and capabilities (including clinical trials capacity), is uniquely placed to play a leading role in tackling the changing health needs in the region, while directly supporting the development and training of talented African researchers. While maintaining strong partnerships working with LSHTM and with the MRC, the Unit is empowered to develop and deliver its own scientific strategy. The Unit’s science is organized under three research Themes, each led by a senior scientist – the Viral Pathogens Theme, the Vaccine Research Theme and the Non-communicable Diseases Theme. Social sciences are firmly embedded in all the Unit’s Themes, with a vision to examine the social determinants of health across the life course, to better understand individuals’ and communities’ lived experiences of health and disease and to inform intervention design, uptake, and evaluation.

We are seeking a dynamic research leader to take on the role of Head of Viral Pathogens
Theme. Your expertise will be in Virology or Viral Immunology and/or Epidemiology of Viruses, and your expertise may include modelling, virus host interactions, molecular virology or other wet and dry laboratory approaches.

The Unit’s close affiliation to UVRI (one of few African institutes devoted to virus research) offers unique opportunities for partnership, through shared laboratory and capacity building initiatives. We have long-standing strengths spanning HIV epidemiology and prevention, immunological and virological studies, tumor virology, emerging viruses and viral bioinformatics. Work under the theme is dynamic, evolving to address the complex and changing viral landscape in Uganda with on-going HIV challenges as well as new threats – the Head of Theme plays a critical role for the Unit in assessing scientific opportunities for the Unit and driving forward cutting-edge research programmes around a coherent scientific vision.

The Theme currently includes two professors, one associate professor, four assistant professors, five post docs and 19 PhDs, eight shared with the Vaccine Theme and one with the NCD Theme.

UVRI Partnership
The Unit is hosted and operates in close collaboration with UVRI, an institution of the Uganda Government’s Ministry of Health under the Uganda National Health Research Organization (UNHRO). The UVRI is the largest Government research institution dealing with diseases of viral aetiology of public health importance in Uganda. It conducts training, research, surveillance, diagnostics, and provides expert advice. UVRI hosts several national and international (including WHO) reference and specialized testing laboratories.

The Institute’s scientific mission continues to be enriched through collaboration with on campus institutions/partnerships, with the MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit being the largest partnership; other partner institutions include the USA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention laboratories; the UVRI/International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) HIV Vaccine Program and USA National Institutes of Health.

This setup, which includes sharing of training facilities, laboratories and a joint ethics committee, provides a rich environment for collaborative research and facilitates links of partner institutions with the Ministry of Health. This was acutely exemplified the COVID-19 pandemic when MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit made a major contribution to the national response as the main source of SARS-CoV-2 genotype data to enable genomic surveillance.

The portfolio of duties outlined below will vary in accordance with the academic expectations of the role and any additional role to which you are formally appointed, which may be varied from time to time, and agreed at your annual Performance and Development Review (PDR).

Job Description
Main Activities and Responsibilities
Knowledge Generation
• To deliver high quality research & scholarship in your field of study, individually and in collaboration with others, by maintaining a substantial programme of research supported by good research funders, publishing peer-reviewed outputs, undertaking, and supporting colleagues in, generating and securing (where relevant) intellectual property, and evaluating teaching practice;
• To oversee and participate in doctoral student supervision and examination;
• To demonstrate research leadership and promote and ensure compliance of self and others with good practice in relation to the conduct of research, the ethics policy, inclusivity, and other relevant LSHTM policies;
• To lead on, monitor and advance, the development of early-career researchers;
• To demonstrate a visionary outlook on research and research funding opportunities that can contribute to the Unit’s strategy.
• To develop, implement and evaluate strategic and operational goals for the Viral Pathogen Theme, in alignment with the Unit’s overall scientific strategy and appropriate for the unique location and positioning of the Unit.

• To deliver high quality, inclusive education and assessment in relation to your specific subject and within the broader area covered by your department and disciplinary field;
• To contribute to the improvement of the quality and inclusivity of LSHTM’s education, by participating in the review and development of new and updated learning and teaching materials or approaches, and/or improving assessment practices, and/or improving aspects of the student experience;
• To demonstrate educational leadership and management by taking responsibility for a specific element of the faculty’s education portfolio;
• To contribute to the development and improvement of the Unit’s training activities.
• including overseeing and participating in doctoral student supervision and examination.

Internal Contribution
• To demonstrate good internal citizenship by undertaking PDRs and promoting staff development, and by leading on the recruitment, mentoring and support of colleagues as appropriate;
• To take on senior leadership and managerial responsibilities in a Faculty, Department, MRC Unit or Centre and LSHTM committee roles as appointed, and by supporting activities that ensure a vibrant, supportive and productive academic environment;
• To proactively demonstrate LSHTM’s EDI goals in your work and behaviour;
• To contribute to the effective running of the Unit in Uganda
• Take strategic leadership for the Unit as part of the Unit Management Committee and Unit Executive Committee.
• To contribute intellectually and managerially towards coordinating large strategic funding opportunities such as infrastructure/strategy awards.
• Support initiatives that aim to make research more sustainable.

External Contribution
• To demonstrate good external citizenship by initiating and building LSHTM’s links with appropriate external and international organisations, supporting LSHTM fundraising and development activities and maintaining a strong national and international profile;
• To promote knowledge translation and enterprise by exploiting academic knowledge beyond academia;
• To continue existing collaborations in the region and globally and initiate new ones.
• To work towards and take leadership in strengthening a productive Unit-UVRI partnership.

Professional Development and Training
• To keep up-to-date with the latest research/thinking in your academic field and with changes to pedagogic practice within LSHTM and more generally;
• To undertake and successfully complete the mandatory training required by LSHTM appropriate to the role;

All academic staff are free within the law to question and test received wisdom, and put forward new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions, to enable LSHTM to engage in research and promote learning to the highest possible standards.

All staff at LSHTM are also expected to:
• Act at all times in LSHTM’s best interests;
• Treat staff, students and visitors with courtesy and respect at all times;
• Comply fully with policies, procedures and administrative processes relevant to the role including when acting as Principal Investigator, accepting academic, managerial, financing and ethical responsibility for a project;
• Uphold and support LSHTM’s values (as set out in the LSHTM Strategy);
• Act as ambassadors for LSHTM when hosting visitors or attending external events;

Academic Expectations
• All academic roles have a statement of academic expectations attached to each level. Please ensure that these have been read and understood. For further information please refer to the Academic Expectations page.
• The above list of duties is not exclusive or exhaustive and the role holder will be required to undertake such tasks as may reasonably be expected within the scope and grading of the role.
• Role descriptions should be regularly reviewed to ensure they are an accurate representation of the role.

Person Specification
• This form lists the essential and desirable requirements needed by the post holder to be able to perform the job effectively.

Applicants will be shortlisted solely on the extent to which they meet these requirements.

Essential Criteria:
• PhD in a relevant discipline, for example addressing the epidemiology of infectious diseases, virology or viral immunology.
• Distinguished academic achievement appropriate for appointment as Professor.
• Proven ability to obtain research funding from major funders, including salary recovery, and manage a significant portfolio of research projects.
• Excellent track record of publishing as lead, senior and co-author in peer-reviewed outputs, as expected by the subject area/discipline in terms of types and volume of output; significant contributions to at least four outputs within the most recent 5 years which are internationally excellent and/or world leading ; supporting members of own research team to also meet their expectations for outputs.
• Clear vision of a future research agenda.
• An understanding of the strategies for improving equity and inclusion in research and/or learning and teaching.
• Experience of leading and managing research teams.
• Evidence of ability to deliver high quality research-informed teaching at postgraduate level and supervise doctoral students to successful completion.
• Substantial evidence of recognition within external research community.
• Demonstrate strategic leadership in the development of research.
• Track record of successful teamwork and collaboration in an academic environment.

Desirable Criteria
• Evidence of ability to forge productive, long-term collaborative research relationships.
• Experience of innovation in teaching delivery and assessment.
• Experience of senior teaching management such as Programme Director, and/or Exam Board member, Periodic Review panel member etc.
• Demonstrable evidence of improving equity and inclusion in research and/or learning and teaching.
• Experience of engagement with national and/or international research and/or policy advisory bodies.
• Demonstrate adaptability in research interests and undertake multidisciplinary research.

Salary and Conditions of Appointment
• The post is full-time 35 hours per week, 1.0 FTE and is currently funded until 31 March
• 2028, subject to renewal as part of further Unit funding cycles. The post is funded by the MRC (part of UK Research and Innovation) and is available immediately. The salary will be on the Professorial salary scale in the range £71,332 - £114,827 per annum pro rata (inclusive of London Weighting).
• The post will be subject to the LSHTM terms and conditions of service. Annual leave entitlement is 30 working days per year, pro rata for part time staff. In addition to this there are discretionary “Wellbeing Days”. Membership of the Pension Scheme is available.
• LSHTM has a Hybrid Working Framework, which alongside agreed service requirements, enables teams to work more flexibly (if the role allows), promoting a greater wellbeing and work/life balance.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months:

Level of Education:

Job application procedure

Applications should be made on-line via our jobs website. Applications should also include the names and email contacts of 2 referees who can be contacted immediately if appointed. Online applications will be accepted by the automated system until 10pm of the closing date. We regret that late applications cannot be accepted. Any queries regarding the application process may be addressed to

The supporting statement section should set out how your qualifications, experience and training meet each of the selection criteria. Please provide one or more paragraphs addressing each criterion. The supporting statement is an essential part of the selection process and thus a failure to provide this information will mean that the application will not be considered. An answer to any of the criteria such as "Please see attached CV”, “Yes” or “No" will not be considered acceptable and will not be scored.

Please note that if you are shortlisted and are unable to attend on the interview date it may not be possible to offer you an alternative date.

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Job Info
Job Category: Education/ Academic/ Teaching jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 24 June 2024
Duty Station: Entebbe
Posted: 10-06-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 10-06-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 10-06-2068
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