Psychosocial Counselor (PSC)/Gender Based Violence (GBV) Officer Job at Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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Vacancy title:
Psychosocial Counselor (PSC)/Gender Based Violence (GBV) Officer

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Center for Victims of Torture (CVT)

Deadline of this Job:
31 December 2020  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Gulu , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, December 09, 2020 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Job Title: Psychosocial Counselor (PSC)/Gender Based Violence (GBV) Officer Location: Gulu, Uganda
Reports to: Psychotherapist Trainer
Organization: The Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) is headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota,
USA and is a humanitarian non-governmental organization that provides mental health rehabilitation to refugees around the world. In Uganda, CVT provides mental health rehabilitation services to survivors of LRA-inflicted torture and violent trauma; provides on-site mental health clinical mentoring and supervision to counselors in partner NGOs; and works to build a network of mental health service providers in northern Uganda.
Location: Based in Gulu with travel to field sites if needed
Objective: To assist individuals, groups, and communities to recover from the effects of torture and war trauma, and enable them to rebuild their lives and their communities. .

• Counseling: Works to provide mental health services to individuals, groups and communities to assist them to recover from the effects of torture and war trauma by:
• Completing an initial screening and intake assessment; individual and group treatment plans; case management including timely referral, follow-up, and advocacy if necessary; home visits; and follow-up assessments.
• Carrying out individual or family counseling sessions with clients affected by war trauma or torture.
• Work to ensure safety and stabilization of survivors who are at risk of harm to self or others.
• Facilitating of group counseling processes, including selection of group members, planning the group process, and group facilitation.
• Providing interpretation between clients and other CVT staff members when needed.
• Ensuring that all clinical documentation is competed in a timely and professional manner.
• Ensuring that all work with clients is confidential and that ethical practices are observed at all times.
Intensive Case Management
• Work closely with survivors of GBV to ensure the necessary referrals and linkages to protection, livelihood, medical and other relevant services
• Develop referral networks and relationships with relevant partners to ensure safe, holistic service provision
• Provide training to external partners who work with survivors of GBV
• Lead outreach efforts to reach survivors of GBV, particularly women between the ages of 18-25.
Community Sensitization, Collaboration and External Training:
• Assist in planning and implementing community’s awareness, sensitization, education campaigns, understanding and engagement with the issues relating to mental health, war trauma, and torture.
• Make the CVT services known and accessible to people whose psycho-social functioning has been impaired by their experiences of torture and war trauma.
• Representative of CVT: Good knowledge of CVTs policy, program objectives and interventions to be able introduce to others.
• Identification of potential clients, identification of potential external training participants, facilitating access to CVT services, development of referral systems and encourage collaboration between local groups and leaders, CBOs, local and international NGOs, and government ministries.
• Attend interagency meetings to improve service delivery to our client groups and access opportunities to forward CVT’s work.
• Assist in designing, planning, implementing and facilitating external and community training programs in order to develop a more supportive environment for people whose psycho-social functioning has been affected by experiences of torture and war trauma.
• Ensure that the reporting and documentation of community activities and external trainings are completed in a timely manner. Reporting:
• Assist with gathering of information and writing of regular reports regarding clinical and training activities.
Liaise with Admin and Logistics as needed to ensure:
• Planned coordination and requisition of needed counselling and office supplies in good time, and to ensure stewardship and care of materials and supplies.
Promote Self-care through Support and Supervision
• Attend regular support, debriefing, case conferences, and/or supervision meetings to ensure information and skill-sharing.
• Attend trainings provided by CVT and other agencies as directed by Psychotherapist • Trainer or Associate Psychotherapist Trainer
• Request support and provide feedback to Psychotherapist Trainer or Associate
Psychotherapist Trainer on training and supervision as needed.
• Submit files to Psychotherapist Trainer or Associate Psychotherapist Trainer for regular review and support.
• Set objectives for each week and month which contributes to achieving the objectives of the site. Plan the activities required to achieve these objectives.
• Submit weekly and monthly M&E forms and reports.
• Set and follow through on a personal self-care schedule to avoid burnout and vicarious traumatization.
• Perform other duties as assigned by the Psychotherapist Trainer or Associate • Psychotherapist Trainer

Job Skills: Not Specified

• A diploma or above in Counseling, Social Work or related field.
• Psychosocial Counselor, page 3
• Fluency (spoken and written) in English and Acholi.
• Experience (at least a year working as counselor, social worker or in a similar position with LRA survivors). Experience working with survivors of GBV, including counseling and case management.
• Demonstrated flexibility to adapt to changing program requirements and client needs.
• Skilled at working as a member of a team

Job Education: Not Specified

Job Experience: Not Specified

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure
Applications deadline is 31st December 2020 at 5pm (East Africa Time).
Please send all applications to:  

All Jobs


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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 December 2020
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 09-12-2020
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 09-12-2020
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 10-12-2065
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