Request for Applications for Consultancy for data collection activities in Uganda at Right To Play
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357 Days Ago
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1.    Right To Play International

Right To Play is a global organization committed to improving the lives of children and youth affected by conflict, disease, and poverty. Established in 2000, Right To Play has pioneered a unique play-based approach to learning and development which focuses on quality education, life skills, health, gender equality, child protection and building peaceful communities. With programming in 16 countries, Right To Play transforms the lives of more than 2.3 million children each year, both inside and outside of the classroom. In addition to our work with children,

Right To Play advocates with parents, local communities, and governments to advance the fundamental rights of all children.

Right To Play is headquartered in Toronto, Canada and in London, UK and has operations in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Our programs are facilitated by more than 500 international staff and 31,900 local teachers and coaches. For more information, follow @RightToPlayIntl and visit

2.    SHARE Project Overview

The Sexual Health and Reproductive Education (SHARE) project is a five-year project carried out by a consortium of partners with the aim of improving sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) among young people in Ghana, Mozambique, and Uganda. Funded by the Global Affairs Canada, SHARE is led by Right to Play International (RTP), in collaboration with WaterAid (WA) and the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE). FHI 360 serves as a key technical partner for the project.

3.    Research Overview

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and SRH rights (SRHR) are critical to supporting the health and well-being of young people. Group-based mentoring interventions are a promising approach to improve SRH and realize SRHR among young people. However, key evidence gaps remain in our understanding of the role of group-based mentoring in supporting positive SRH and SRHR among youth, particularly adolescent boys and young men, and our current knowledge relies on heterogenous approaches implemented across diverse settings.

In response, under the SHARE project, FHI 360 is leading an implementation research study that will assess the implementation of an evidence-based mentoring program implemented by the SHARE project in two districts in Uganda. Originally developed and tested in one setting in Uganda, the mentoring program will enroll out-of-school adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) and adolescent boys and young men (ABYM) ages 15 to 24 years in gender-specific mentor groups in local communities within Buyende and Adjumani Districts. This research will systematically examine implementation following the RE-AIM/PRISM implementation research framework, which will provide the opportunity to collate valuable information on how the intervention is carried out and what adaptations are implemented to overcome identified challenges which will help future implementation.

This study aims to contribute evidence on what is necessary to implement an evidence-based, gender-specific, group-based mentoring intervention at scale. By also assessing pre-post changes in key SRHR-related outcomes, this research will contribute to our understanding of how mentorship programming may help the global development community achieve positive outcomes for young people.

To meet this aim, the study’s primary objective is to examine key aspects of implementation for the SHARE project mentoring activities targeting AGYW and ABYM, including reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance, and external and organizational contexts in two settings.

Additionally, the SHARE project will also be working to strengthen delivery of adolescent-responsive SRH services in health facilities within the two districts, as well as actively link youth who take part in the mentoring program who are in need of such services to those strengthened services. Therefore, as a secondary objective we will document the experiences of youth mentoring program participants who seek SRH services within the community, and their perspectives with regard to the quality and responsiveness of the services to their needs.

This implementation research study will apply the revised/enhanced RE-AIM/PRISM model described above to examine intervention implementation for both the girls and boys mentoring activities (separately) under scaled conditions in Uganda. The study will gather and analyze data from a variety of sources including:

  • Individual-level data using structured questionnaires administered during face-to-face interviews with a cohort of intervention participants (men-tees) and mentors at two time points (per-intervention and immediately post-intervention) to document changes in targeted outcomes
  • Focus group discussions with a subset of mentee research participants and in-depth interviews with mentors, both at the conclusion of the six-month intervention period to explore implementation and potential adaptations to the intervention
  • In-depth interviews with program-level, district-level, and other relevant key informants at the end of the six-month intervention period to explore factors that may contribute to intervention maintenance and adoption as well as both internal and external contexts where the intervention is implemented
  • Secondary analyses of programmatic data collected for project monitoring to explore implementation fidelity to design, document other aspects of implementation
  • Cost data from project budgets and financial reports specific to the mentoring activities Study populations include:
  • Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) ages 15 to 24 years enrolled in the SHARE project mentoring program for out-of-school youth
  • Mentors for AGYW who are engaged to lead mentoring groups as part of the SHARE project mentoring program for out-of-school youth
  • Adolescent boys and young men (ABYM) ages 15 to 24 years enrolled in the SHARE project mentoring program for out-of-school youth
  • Mentors for ABYM who are engaged to lead mentoring groups as part of the SHARE project mentoring program for out-of-school youth
  • Key informants, the full list of which is yet to be determined, but will include program implementer, and district/regional/national stakeholders relevant to intervention implementation and sustainability.

A timeline of study activities is included as Section 5 below.

4.    Purpose of Consultancy

Right To Play is seeking to procure the services of an independent, Uganda-based research organization, academic institution, or consultancy firm to work closely with FHI 360 and lead the implementation of main data collection activities in Uganda. FHI 360 will supply an approved study protocol, and related tools, including informed consent forms, questionnaires, IDI guides, and FGD guides. The Service Provider, in close collaboration with FHI 360 researchers, will plan and carry out data collection activities associated with the study. The Service Provider will also support data cleaning, using approved plans and procedures. The Service Provider will be responsible for following the study protocol exactly, unless otherwise agreed upon with FHI 360 and RTP.

In support of the data collection activities, the Service Provider will also coordinate activities preparatory to study implementation, including hiring/procuring the services of qualified data collectors/interviewers; and planning and carrying out a training of these data collectors, with oversight from FHI 360 staff. The Service Provider will also plan and carry out data collection activities in study sites, including: working with FHI 360 and RTP to obtain any required permissions to collect data in the target districts; identifying, recruiting, screening, obtaining informed consent, and enrolling study participants into the study; and collecting data using approved study instruments.

All data collection activities will be conducted face-to-face with study participants by trained data collectors.

Structured questionnaires will be administered in an electronic format using computer tablets. In-depth interviews

(IDI) and focus group discussions (FGD) will be administered following a semi-structured interview guide and will be audio recorded. The Service Provider will be responsible for transcribing interviews in the language in which they took place, translating the transcribed interviews into written English, and responding to any queries from the FHI 360 data analysis team related to the meaning and interpretation of translations.

Participants will be offered compensation for study participation. We estimate compensation to be 15,000 UGX for each participant for each interview. These costs should be included in the Service Provider’s budget.

5.    Proposed Scope of Work

Specific responsibilities and tasks for the Service Provider will include:

Study Preparation (April-early May 2024)

  • Recruit, hire, and manage data collectors and supervisors according to a staffing plan that will be approved by FHI 360
  • Ensure all data collectors, supervisors, and other Service Provider personnel who will take part in this research will have completed and obtained certification of that completion for a research ethics training curriculum prior to the beginning of data collectors’ training
  • In accordance with guidance provided by FHI 360, plan the logistics required for the first round of data collector training to be co-led by the Service Provider and FHI 360 staff on study procedures, data collection, and data management. Each training is expected to be 5 consecutive business days in length, and to include a field test of data collection instruments Training materials will be jointly developed between the Service Provider and FHI 360 staff.
  • Participate in finalizing data collection tools, including reviewing and improving translations

Data collection (May 2024-November 2024)

  • Prior to and throughout data collection for all evaluation components, ensure that relevant authorities and stakeholders are well informed about the study.
  • Perform all coordination and logistical tasks related to the planning, scheduling, and relationship-building necessary for successful completion of all data collection activities.
  • Manage data collection and ensure day-to-day technical and logistical aspects of data collection (including participant incentives) in accordance with procedures described in the protocol and in consultation with the Project Leader. The Service Provider is responsible for developing a detailed schedule for each data collection component in advance, and for submitting it to FHI 360 for approval.
  • Conduct the following data collection activities:
    • Pre-intervention data collection with a structured questionnaire with 13 groups of 30 mentees each in Buyende and Adjumani health districts for approximately
      • 780 AGYW mentees enrolled in the SHARE mentoring program (May 2024)
      • Up to 52 mentors for AGYW groups (26 per district) (May 2024)
      • 780 ABYM enrolled in the SHARE mentoring program (May 2024)
      • Up to 52 mentors for ABYM groups (26 per district) (May 2024) o Re-contact and conduct post-intervention interviews with a structured questionnaire with approximately
      • 780 ABYM enrolled in the SHARE mentoring program (September 2024)
      • Up to 52 mentors for ABYM groups (26 per district) (September 2024)
      • 780 AGYW mentees enrolled in the SHARE mentoring program (November 2024)
      • Up to 52 mentors for AGYW groups (26 per district) (November 2024) o Enroll up to 40 AGYW and 40 ABYM mentors carrying out mentorship activities for the SHARE project and conduct IDIs (Oct/Nov, 2024 – ABYM; Nov/Dec, 2024 - AGYW)
    • Conduct follow-up FGDs with a subset of mentees (up to 80 participants) (October – ABYM;

Nov/Dec - AGYW) o Conduct IDIs with up to 20 key informants (November-December 2024)  Data collectors will obtain informed consent prior to enrolling study participants. For non-emancipated adolescents ages 15 to 17, if they wish to enroll in the study, we will obtain both parental permission and adolescent assent for mentees.

  • In addition to obtaining consent and collecting data, data collectors will be required to provide participant compensation (estimated at 15,000 UGX each participant for each interview) and securely transfer data as soon as possible after completing an interview, per agreed upon standard operating procedures (SOPs).
  • Supervisors will supervise data collection activities and ensure all actions adhere to the approved study protocol and SOPs.
  • The Service Provider will communicate regularly with FHI 360 on progress of fieldwork and submit short reports summarizing key aspects of data collection activities (such as response rates, any challenges and corrective actions, and general observations) after completion of each data collection activity.

Data entry and cleaning (during and immediately following each round of data collection)

  • Produce clean and accurate databases of responses from mentee and mentor questionnaires
  • Arrange for digital audio recording of IDIs and FGDs and manage transcription of interviews, with translation into English as necessary. Check all transcripts for completeness and accuracy, and submit to FHI 360 on an ongoing-basis. When possible, it is expected that recorded interviews will be transcribed by data collectors themselves. The use of external translators may be proposed but is not desirable.
  • Promptly respond to questions from FHI 360 about any inconsistencies discovered in the data  Provide input to finalize project report, as necessary

Duration and Location

The total duration of the work is expected to be approximately 13 months, from March 2024 through March

2025. The contract is to be administered by Right To Play and managed by FHI 360. Data

collector trainings will take place in a central location, logistically and financially feasible for the Service Providers and data collectors, prior to each round of data collection: April 2024 and September/October 2024). Structured questionnaires, IDIs, and FGDs will take place at places of enrollment, and potentially at locations deemed to be convenient to participants.

Table 1. Summary of data collection activities and timing.


Approximate Timing

Sample size

Logistical considerations

Pre-intervention mentee questionnaire with AGYW

May 2024


26 groups (13 in Adjumani, 13 in Buyende), approx. 30 mentees/group.

Pre-intervention mentee questionnaire with ABYM


26 groups (13 in Adjumani, 13 in Buyende), approx. 30 mentees/group.

Pre-intervention AGYW mentor questionnaire

Up to 52

Up to about 52 mentors for 26 groups across two districts, 1-2 mentors per group

Pre-intervention ABYM mentor questionnaire

Up to 52

Up to about 52 mentors for 26 groups across two districts, 1-2 mentors per group

Post-intervention mentee questionnaire with ABYM

Sept.-Oct. 2024


Same as above

Post-intervention ABYM mentor questionnaire

Up to 52

Mentee FGDs with ABYM

4 FGDs (up to 48 total


Approx. 4 FGDs (2 per District), 6-12 participants per FGD

ABYM mentor IDIs

Up to 24

Up to 12 per district

Post-intervention mentee questionnaire with AGYW

Oct.-Nov. 2024


Same as above

Post-intervention AGYW mentor questionnaire

Up to 52

Mentee FGDs with AGYW

4 FGDs (up to 48 total


Approx. 4 FGDs (2 per District), 6-12 participants per FGD

AGYW mentor IDIs

Up to 24

Up to 12 per district

Key informant IDIs

Nov. 2024

Up to 20

Key informants internal to SHARE project as well as external stakeholders

6.    Key Deliverables & Timeline

Milestone schedule


Description of milestone


Completion Date


Detailed plan for data collector training and pre-intervention data collection



Training report for data collector training

Mid-May 2024


Data collection report and raw and clean datasets for mentee and mentor questionnaires

June 2024


Detailed plan for data collector training and post-intervention data collection, including both mentee and mentor structured questionnaires and all qualitative interviews/FGDs

August 2024


Training report for post-intervention data collection data collector training

September 2024


Data collection report and raw and clean datasets for mentee and mentor questionnaires

November 2024


Training report for post-intervention qualitative collection data collector training

November 2024


Final English version transcripts for all qualitative data with all queries resolved

January 2025


Review and provide input/feedback on project final report/ manuscript(s)

March 2025

7.    Application Submission

We invite interested candidates to submit the following application documents:

  1. A summary (max. 2 pages) of directly relevant prior expertise and experience, highlighting those aspects that are particularly relevant to the present assignment, including experience with:
    1. Carrying out research with adolescents and youth study participants, including minors
    2. Electronic data collection using pre-programmed computer tablets and data collection software
    3. Qualitative interviewing and FGD moderation
  2. A draft workplan, based on information provided within the request for applications Sections 5 and 6, and proposed timeline for completing required tasks.
  3. A staffing plan, to include organizational/agency staff, as well as data collectors/interviewers, and study supervisors along with appropriate justification. We require at least one supervisor be physically present in each district during the data collection period and one study coordinator/manager who can provide frequent updates to FHI 360 during preparatory and implementation phases of data collection.
  4. CV or résumé (5 pages maximum each) for proposed key personnel
  5. A proposed budget
    1. Include proposed labor costs, expenses, and other direct costs. Note that the Service Provider will be responsible for providing all equipment necessary to the successful implementation of the study, including recorders for qualitative interviews, computer tablets or smartphones for use in electronic data capture for the structured questionnaires, any computers necessary for data entry and management, including transcription of interviews (and software such as Microsoft Word).
      1. Daily rates for proposed staff and number of days staff will contribute to the project; or monthly rates, number of months, and % time staff will contribute to the project
      2. All direct costs related to training, travel and data collection/management
  • Indirect costs/overhead rate
  1. A budget justification for proposed costs elements

All questions or clarifications regarding these Terms of Reference must be in writing and submitted to Lisa Dulli ( and Kathleen Ridgeway ( no later than 8thst of March 2024. Questions and requests for clarification, and responses thereto, will be circulated to parties who have indicated interest in the opportunity.

Proposals must be submitted no later than 15th of March 2024 to David Amaya (, Monitoring, Evaluation, And Learning Manager, RTP Global, and Lisa Dulli (, Scientist FHI 360, and Kathleen Ridgeway and Kathleen Ridgeway (, Research Associate FHI 360.

Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis and may be reviewed as soon as they are received. Early submissions are therefore encouraged and Right To Play reserves the right to select a consultancy before the proposal submission date noted above.

Disclaimers and Protection Clauses

  1. RTP may cancel solicitation and not award.
  2. RTP may reject any or all responses received.
  3. Issuance of solicitation does not constitute award commitment by RTP.
  4. RTP reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on offeror failure to follow solicitation instructions.
  5. RTP will not compensate offerors for response to solicitation.
  6. RTP reserves the right to issue award based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion.
  7. RTP may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation, or issue multiple awards based on the solicitation activities.
  8. RTP reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.
  9. RTP will be contacting offerors to confirm contact person, address and that bid was submitted for this solicitation.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15th of March 2024
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 11-03-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 11-03-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 11-03-2064
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