Tobacco Consultant job at World Health Organization
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Vacancy title:
Tobacco Consultant

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Healthcare , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

World Health Organization

Deadline of this Job:
08 April 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, March 25, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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World Health Organization jobs in Uganda

1. Purpose of the APW/SSA
The purpose of this APW/SSA is to support work in Uganda under the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BGMF) project on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), Electronic Non- Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENNDS) and Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs), as one of the priority countries, in the context of wider tobacco control. It will involve technical work including assisting in conducting situational analysis and capacity assessment of the status of regulation of these new and emerging nicotine and tobacco products in Uganda, as well as providing support to the BGMF project teams at WHO AFRO and HQ/TFI in identifying and engaging relevant stakeholders. The local consultant will work in close coordination with the Country Office to provide the needed support to the country in line with the project deliverables, as well as the AFRO Consultant for the ENDS Gates Grant.

2. Background
Novel and Emerging Nicotine and Tobacco Products (NENTPs), including Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), Electronic Non-Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENNDS), and Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs), present unique regulatory challenges, especially to regulators who are not equipped to respond to the sophisticated strategies employed by tobacco and related companies. These products have penetrated many markets in Africa, including Uganda. While the evidence on the health effects on users and non-users is mounting, the specific level of risk associated with them has not yet been conclusively estimated and their long-term impacts are unknown. This has created confusion, including on how to classify, monitor, tax and regulate them. In Uganda, the Tobacco Control Act (2015) bans ENDS devices and liquids, but there is limited information regarding enforcement and compliance with this ban as well as imposing penalties for flouting the law.

Furthermore, policy implementation and enforcement mechanisms related to Article 9 regulation of the contents and emissions of products) and Article 10 (regulation of products disclosure) of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) in Africa are limited by the technical nature of tobacco product regulation. In Uganda, the tobacco control law allows the Minister for Health to set limits for contents and emissions of tobacco products. However, the statutory instrument to operationalize this provision, as well as standards against which the contents and emissions would be tested are yet to be developed. Annual reports received so far from the industry are hard to interpret and lacks a mechanism for feedback to the companies.

Due to the above outlined challenges, Uganda has sought WHO’s assistance to strengthen its capacity to implement Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO FCTC, as well as improve compliance with the relevant provisions of the law on NENTPs. Through the BMGF grant, WHO will support Uganda in addressing the challenges faced in testing and disclosure of contents and emissions of conventional tobacco products, as well as strengthening compliance with provisions in the tobacco control law relating to NENTPs.

3. Work to be performed and deliverables
This APW/SSA will involve commissioning of a local consultant in Uganda to assist in the implementation of the workplan to support implementation of Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO FCTC and to protect existing policies on novel and emerging nicotine and tobacco products in Uganda agreed between WHO and Uganda and herein called the ‘workplan’

Activities/ Deliverables

Output 1: Provide support in coordinating the activities related to implementing the ENDS workplan in Uganda**
Activity 1: Work under the guidance of the Regional Consultant and with the National Professional Officer (NPO) for tobacco control to assist with logistical, organizational, and technical arrangements to ensure the smooth running of meetings, webinars, workshops, and other relevant events, including setting up meetings and liaising with service providers, such as event venues
Activity 2: Periodically liaise, where appropriate, under the guidance of the NPO at the Country Office with identified stakeholders to strengthen engagement towards realization of the objectives of the workplan.
Activity 3: Follow up on progress of activities under the workplan and provide regular updates to the WHO team through monthly meetings and reports submitted to the ENDS project team
Activity 4: Keep abreast of developments on ground in Uganda, including activities of the tobacco industry on social media and report to the ENDS project team
Activity 5: Participate in events organized by the MOH and WHO to sensitize and build the capacity of stakeholders, including enforcement officers, to ensure compliance with the law
Activity 6: Work under the guidance of the project team to coordinate activities related to the review of the law, including elaboration of secondary regulations to strengthen implementation of Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO FCTC at country level
April - Oct 2022
April- Oct 2022
May – Oct 2022
Weekly (April – Oct 2022)
April- June 2022
April – Jun 2022

Output 2:
Providing technical input on assigned tasks to support of the delivery of project deliverables towards strengthening tobacco control in Uganda**
Activity 1: Support capacity assessment on the regulation of NENTPs and implementation of Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO FCTC through coordination with the WHO to collect and analyze capacity assessment data, as well as to draft the capacity assessment report
Activity 2: Organize virtual meeting with stakeholders to brief them on data collection process, follow up with stakeholders to seek clarifications/additional information and contribute to the development of policy deep dives based on findings of the capacity assessment
Activity 3: In collaboration with the MOH and the WHO team, assist with setting up of a surveillance system for regular monitoring of compliance with national law
Activity 4: Participate in the training of tobacco control Enforcement Officers to conduct monitoring and market surveillance in collaboration with other actors, such as the civil society to establish the level of compliance with the law and monitor tobacco and related industry activities
Activity 5: Liaise with MOH and WHO to support engagement on various social media platforms to provide information on dangers novel products - to include Tiktok, twitter and Facebook. An online FB event will be organized with someone from the MOH engaging with young people, with a live Q and A session
Mar – Jun 2022
Mar– Jun 2022
June – Oct 2022
May– Oct 2022
April- Oct 2022
Duration –6 months**

4. Technical Supervision
The selected expert/ informant will work under the supervision of National Professional Officer for tobacco control at the Country Office, Dr Hafisa Kasule, with the guidance of the Regional Consultant for the ENDS Gates project and the following responsible officers:

5. Qualification, Experience, and Skills
Educational Qualification
Master’s degree (or equivalent) in public health, law, or any other relevant subject
Experience Required
• Essential: Over 3 years of experience working in public health at national level and, preferably in tobacco control
• Desirable: Experience in stakeholder engagement, particularly in engaging government institutions and intergovernmental organizations
§ Skills/ technical skills and knowledge
• Excellent writing and communication skills, with demonstrable experience in written outputs**
• Technical competency in public health**
• Excellent organizational and country engagement skills**
• Familiarity in interpreting policy data**
• Competent user of Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) and the internet

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
Applications should be sent to

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 08 April 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 25-03-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-03-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 25-03-2025
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