Tenders at AVSI Foundation Among other companies

Deadline of this Job: 19 December 2022


About AVSI Foundation:
AVSI Foundation is a not for profit, non‐governmental humanitarian and development organisation, founded in Italy in 1972 with a mission to promote the dignity of the person through development cooperation activities. AVSI has been working in Uganda since 1984 starting in the Northern Uganda region intervening during the protracted Lord’s Resistance Army conflict, and expanding to at least 80 districts in all the regions. AVSI is a prominent provider of development and humanitarian assistance around the world and brings strong management and innovative strategies to programs in various sectors including environment, energy, agriculture, livelihoods,
education psychosocial, mental health, protection, health, food security and nutrition and water and sanitation.

AVSI believes that every human person deserves to be treated with dignity and so works towards development that is sustainable and capable of responding to the real needs of people, by accompanying individuals and assisting them to become the central character of their own development. AVSI invests in promoting civil society organizations rooted in the community; and through partnerships, fosters the exchange of experiences and optimizes the use of resources to open possibilities for development.

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AVSI Foundation (AVSI) jobs in Uganda

Project Background:
AVSI, as leader of a consortium including DAI Global LLC, Makerere University, Innovations for Poverty (IPA), and RELARLE, is implementing the IKEA Foundation funded “Sustainable Market
Inclusive Livelihood Pathways to Self‐Reliance” (SMILES) project in Kyegegwa and Kikuube
Districts in western Uganda targeting refugees and surrounding host communities in Kyaka II and Kyangwali Refugee Settlements.

In the context of the implementation of the programme “Sustainable Market Inclusive Livelihood Pathways to Self‐Reliance” (SMILES)”, IKEA Foundation funded, AVSI Foundation intends to apply a portion of the grant to payments under this contract/s.

AVSI Foundation invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following project equipment.

Screenshot 2022 11 29 at 12 48 20 Microsoft Word 1. AVSI UGA 2220IKEA1 PROJECT NOV 2022 Tender Notification ADVERT. 1. AVSI UGA 2220IKEA1 PROJECT NOV 2022 Tender Notification ADVERT1.pdf


Offers for Lot No: 001 MUST be expressed in EUROS Only duty paid. Procurement lots No: 002 to 008, prices MUST be indicated in Uganda Shillings Only.

Please download detailed bid documents from the following link. https://www.avsi.org/en/calls‐tenders

All sealed bids should be addressed to:
AVSI Foundation Operations,
P.O. Box 6785, Plot 1119, Ggaba Road, Kampala, Uganda.

All bids MUST be marked with the correspondent Tender No. AVSI‐UGA/KAM04302/PRJ‐2220IKEA2/NOV 2022 ‐001 and the procurement Lot number/s of interest.

Bids not strictly conforming to tender specifications will not be considered. AVSI Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, including the lowest bid received.

The Code of Ethics is an official AVSI Foundation document, approved by the Board of Directors, which contains principles and rules of conduct to be followed by anyone who works or deals with the Foundation, including suppliers and consultant. The Code was adopted by AVSI

Foundation Board of Directors on 2013, April 30 with immediate effect and is available on the
Foundation website: https://www.avsi.org/en/policies‐and‐guidelines

AVSI Foundation Management will officially notify successful bidders only within 3 weeks after deadline date.

Deadline for submission of bids is Monday 19 th December, 2022 at 1.00 p.m. EAT Late bids will not be accepted

Deadline of this Job: 02 December 2022

1. Title of the tender project for which Consultancy Services are requested Azure Cloud based Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

2. Company requesting procurement aBi Development Ltd & aBi Finance Ltd

3. About aBi

aBi comprises of two companies limited by guarantee: aBi Development Ltd and aBi Finance Ltd. aBi Development provides development finance as matching grants and Business Development Services to agricultural producers and agribusinesses targeted at 6 value chains: Coffee, Oilseeds, Pulses, Cereals, Horticulture and Dairy.

aBi Finance supports strengthening of financial institutions by providing matching grants for Financial Service Development (FSD). Lines of Credit (LoCs) to Financial Institutions for on lending to agribusinesses, and an Agriculture Loan Guarantee (ALG) scheme. The primary objective of aBi is to improve profitability, income and employment by Ugandan farmers and agribusinesses.

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4. Summary of the Procurement

aBi is improving the disaster preparedness for its critical Information Technology infrastructure, applications, and services. The purpose of this TOR is to solicit proposals from vendors qualified to perform an implementation of Azure Cloud based Backup and Disaster Recovery services. For a 12 month contract from March 2023 to March 2024.

5. Specific Goals and Objectives

aBi is planning to continue its current backup system and IT Disaster Recovery plan using the Microsoft Azure platform, with a fully functional cloud storage, backup, and recovery solution.

The goals include:

1. Understand the current on-premises and cloud environment applications for both aBi organizations [aBi Finance and aBi Development].

2. MS Azure solution should be in line with aBi's DR Plan and meet the disaster recovery needs of the organization.

3. Provides DR capabilities for on-premises systems, services, and data, with the ability to restore to a data point (RPO) up to 96 hours, back from the time of a DR incident.

4. Provide DR capabilities for a Restore Time Objective (RTO) of no longer than 24 hours after the time of the recorded data loss incident.

5. Scheduled, continuous, or ad hoc backup and restore processes for scalable cloud or on-premises data across multiple types of media.

6. Provide key data restoration services in-line with the overall Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

7. Improve DR service provision by the aBI ICT Department, by being able to avail restored data to users via the MS Azure platform, without the need to visit a physical data center.

8. Increase on the Vfm, efficiency, and efficacy of our existing service.

9. Back up of aBi's entire Server environment.

10. Provide remote access to the aBi server environment, using the safest and most secure methods available.

11. Be entirely compatible with aBi's MS365 user interface platform. 12. Provide 2 X DR Drills within the 12 month contract.

13. Provide onsite Technical Support to aBi for any DR event, and all DR Drills, for the duration of the contract.

14. Provide training and capacity building of the existing IT Officer for sufficient monitoring, oversight and use of all DR tools and dashboard provided by the Azure platform.

6. Technical Requirements

  1. To support the above-mentioned solutions, it is essential that supplier(s) have the right mix of business and technical capabilities to support the required design, development and implementation of solutions as listed below;
  2. Demonstrated ability to assist in articulating and implementing a robust and accurate Information Architecture across relevant solutions.
  3. Indicate if you have a partnership with Microsoft, HP, VMware and Sophos and describe the level of your partnership.
  4. Proven expertise in undertaking similar projects.
  5. Provide a minimum of three (3) references for customers with similar technology being proposed.
  6. Proven expertise to carry out adoption and change management for Microsoft related workloads.
  7. The implementing team should have certified personnel in Microsoft, Sophos, VMware certified engineers and Networking technologies.
  8. Expertise and accreditations in Storage Administration and Networks.
  9. Compliance documents such as registration certificates and tax compliance documents e.g. VAT, WHT, registration certificates etc.

Guidance on submission of Proposal

Only Soft copy of Technical and financial proposals should be sent to procurement@abi.co.ug

The subject: "Azure Cloud based Backup and Disaster Recovery Services"

Submission deadline is before 5:00pm on Thursday 15th December 2022.


To participate in the pre-bid meeting to be held virtually on 02nd December 2022 at 10am, please register by sending an email to procurement@abi.co.ug to receive the meeting link before the meeting date.

Deadline of this Job: 30 November 2022

Call for bids to conduct Gender Value Chain and Market Analysis for the Scaling-up of the Farmer Field and Business School (SUFFBS) in Uganda


Care International in Uganda is a leading humanitarian organization dedicated to fighting poverty and social injustice. It places special emphasis on investing in women and girls based on six decades of experience that shows that promoting gender equality benefits communities as a whole. Funded by the SALL Foundation and in partnership with CARE USA, CARE International in Uganda implements the 3-year scaling up Farmer Field and Business School (SUFFBS) in the Southwestern Districts of Kyenjojo and Kyegegwa Project (SUFFBS, 2022-2025)/ SUFFBS's overall objective is to increase food, nutrition security, and increased incomes of vulnerable women and girls in Uganda.

This is a follow-on intervention to the SFTW (She Feeds the World) project that was implemented between 2018 and 2022 within some of the sub counties of Kyenjojo and Kyegegwa. SFTW project contributed to the improvement of food and nutrition security of 120,000 vulnerable people and their families directly, with a strong emphasis on women small-scale producers. However, despite the notable significant impact seen by increased women participation in leadership, increased yield and household income, and transformation of men, there is still limited impact compared to the need. The project has also achieved less in targeting new user groups and sectors, limited expansion of markets and leveraging the private sector linkages for the most marketable agricultural value chains. Remarkably limited government engagement and adoption of the FFBS model could be incorporated within the government extension and production delivery mechanisms and its alignment to the PDM.

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Gender Value Chain and Market Analysis

This is described as process for understanding the systemic factors and conditions under which a value chainand its firms can achieve higher levels of performance. When using value chains as a means for fostering growth and reducing poverty, the analysis focuses on identifying ways to contribute to improving the competitiveness of value chains with large numbers of small firms and expanding the depth and breadth of benefits generated. This methodology describes existing gender relations in a particular environment ranging from within households or firms to a large scale of community, ethnic group or nation, organises and interprets in a systematic way, information about gender relations to clarify the importance of gender differences for achieving development

objectives value chain exist and operate within a given social context that affects the distribution of resources, benefits and opportunities. Gender relations affect and are affected by the ways in which value chain's function. Gender is thus an important aspect of value chain analysis and value chain offers tremendous opportunities to men and women through better market linkages and employment opportunities.

Key Research Objectives

To map out existing and new Agricultural (crop and livestock) values chains and assess their potential to promote women economic empowerment, community-based nutrition and household incomes.

To identify challenges, specific entry barriers for women into the VC and opportunities along the Value chains of;1) crops 2) livestock and propose ways of addressing these challenges. To develop an individual VCs, including mapping of actors, actions, supporting functions, institutions, policy issues, along each chain and propose recommendations for specific gender sensitive value chain activities that promote women participation and economic empowerment (employment opportunities, improving nutrition status, as well as increasing their incomes along the chain).

To identify Market actors; Local, regional, and international Market Pull Players (agro-processors, marketoperators, FFSP) in targeted commodity in crop & livestock value chain. To identify Market opportunities, demand & supply, niches & challenges along the Commodity in cropand livestock, while proposing ways of taking advantage and addressing respectively in the region.

Submission of technical and financial proposals

We look forward to receiving your bid by November 30, 2022. Bids should include the Company, Organization or Consultants' profile, experience, writing samples, and references as well as a suggestion of the methodology, time and action plan, a proposed budget and if necessary, suggestions and recommendations to the Terms of References. Please send it to UGA.Procurement@care.org  and obtain the terms of reference from CARE at https://careuganda.org/tendersandbids.php