Voucher Examiner / Travel Assistant job at Peace Corps
1024 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Voucher Examiner / Travel Assistant

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Business Operations ]

Jobs at:

Peace Corps

Deadline of this Job:
31 May 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Peace Corps jobs in Uganda

Peace Corps is an international autonomous agency of the US Government with operations in over 60 countries. It operates in Uganda by the invitation of the Government of Uganda. Peace Corps Uganda has memorandum of understanding with government ministries that outline broad areas of agreement of cooperation regarding the work of Peace Corps Volunteers in Uganda. Volunteers are assigned to government and non-government agencies and organizations, community based organizations, universities, colleges and schools who partner to enable Volunteers to provide capacity building in Education, Health and Community Agribusiness. Peace Corps also aims to build cultural understanding between Americans and Ugandans.
Position Title: Voucher Examiner / Travel Assistant
Announcement date: Monday May 16, 2022
Closing date: Monday May 31, 2022, 4:45pm
Position type: Personal Services Contract
Supervised by: Deputy Director, Management and Operations (DDMO)
Location: Peace Corps Uganda, Kampala

Minimum Requirements:
At a minimum, the successful candidate’s CV must demonstrate the following:
• Education: A Diploma in accounting, auditing, business administration or a related field.
• Work Experience: A minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible experience in voucher examining, accounts payables, accounting, auditing or related budget and fiscal work. Furthermore, 2 years of experience in Travel and logistics coordination is also a requirement.
• Level IV English proficiency
• Knowledge: General familiarity with accounting principles and concepts, financial management and reporting procedures.

Skills and Abilities
Ability to comprehend and logically, accurately and properly apply the voucher examination process, various and detailed technical program regulations, terms, and conditions as exist. Must have tact and ability to explain clearly and convincingly the rationales for payment disallowances. Must have demonstrable analytical and decision-making abilities. Ability to work under limited supervision, and to organize and prioritize work schedules is also critical. Incumbent must also be able to undertake a critical review of vouchers, applying technical skills together with existing general rules and regulations to each and every voucher submitted for payment and liquidation. Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills.
Legally able to work in Uganda

Preferred Qualifications:
• Education: A university degree or equivalent in accounting, auditing, business administration or a related field.
• Work Experience: A minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible experience in voucher examining, accounts payables, accounting, auditing or related budget and fiscal work. Furthermore, 2 years of experience in Travel and logistics coordination is also a requirement.
• Experience working with the U.S Government or similar international organizations is an added advantage.
• Level IV English proficiency
• Knowledge: General familiarity with accounting principles and concepts, financial management and reporting procedures.

Skills and Abilities
Ability to comprehend and logically, accurately and properly apply the voucher examination process, various and detailed technical program regulations, terms, and conditions as exist. Must have tact and ability to explain clearly and convincingly the rationales for payment disallowances. Must have demonstrable analytical and decision-making abilities. Ability to work under limited supervision, and to organize and prioritize work schedules is also critical. Incumbent must also be able to undertake a critical review of vouchers, applying technical skills together with existing general rules and regulations to each and every voucher submitted for payment and liquidation. Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills.

The U.S. Peace Corps is an agency of the United States Government, which sends American volunteer development workers to assist in capacity building and technical assistance activities in over 70 countries worldwide. It operates in Uganda by the invitation of the Government of Uganda and has a memorandum of understanding with government ministries that outline broad areas of agreement of cooperation regarding the work of Peace Corps Volunteers in Uganda. Volunteers are assigned to government and non-governmental agencies and organizations, community based organizations, colleges and schools who in partnership enable Volunteers to provide capacity building in Education, Health; Agribusiness and Community Economic Development. Peace Corps also aims to build cultural understanding between Americans and Ugandans. Peace Corps Uganda is located at 48 Malcolm X Avenue, Kololo, and Kampala. Our Post office box numbers are 29348 or 7007 Kampala, Uganda. Please see https://www.peacecorps.gov/uganda for more details about Peace Corps Uganda.
The work of a Peace Corps Personal Services Contractor (PSC) does not limit itself to the role: active support of the Peace Corps mission is paramount to the job because contractors are representatives of Peace Corps in the country.

Objective of the Position
The Voucher Examiner / Travel Assistant is responsible for all aspects of Peace Corps Uganda voucher examination, preparation of Travel Authorizations and review of Travel vouchers. This is a multi-function position requiring a great degree of planning, flexibility and creativity and a high degree of organization and ethics. Due to the myriad of duties required, the Voucher Examiner / Travel Assistant will need to be pro-active, have a sense of prioritization, planning and attention to detail and the ability to efficiently juggle multiple tasks simultaneously.

Tasks & Deliverables
Finance / Voucher Examiner: 50%
• Examines, analyzes, ensures eligibility and recommends for payment a variety of difficult and complex vouchers, including claims against contracts, purchase orders, grants, and complex travel vouchers. Makes independent judgment as to the accuracy and eligibility of the voucher claim presented for payment; ensures that it conforms to the payment provisions set forth in the obligation. Rejects incomplete or invalid voucher claims and returns the documents to vendors within 5 working days
• Ensures that the request for payment documents are valid and accurate; the expenditures presented for reimbursement are consistent with the terms and conditions as stated in the contracts; and that they are adequately supported by proper and sufficient documentation.
• Ensures that travel and program advance requests are approved in accordance with PC Cash Management Policy and the established standard operating procedures.
• The incumbent scrutinizes vouchers and works directly with the FAs to resolve discrepancies at the lowest level and informs supervisor of unresolved issues.
• Ensures that administrative approvals, justification and/or additional supporting documentation have been obtained prior to processing claimed expenses.
• Ensures that payments are eligible under current PC guidance and made against valid obligations and sufficient funds in ForPost. Analyzes historical payment records of recurring expenses and coordinates with the Financial Assistants to provide any necessary increments/adjustments in obligated amounts.
• Ensures that all invoices are paid on time and in full compliance with the requirements of the Prompt Payment Act. Assists vendors with the prompt resolution of payment problems and/or inquiries by tracking all payments.
• Provides interpretation of applicable PC UG payment regulations, procedures and guidance to vendors regarding proposed payments.
• Tracking and reconciling of Vendor Payments
• Processing of VAT reimbursement requests; Put VAT stamp on all invoices lined up for VAT reimbursement, collect receipts for paid up invoices, fill the online VAT return form and submit it to the Embassy.
• Manage an updated tracker for VAT remission.
• Holder of a Purchase Card. May be an authorized holder of a purchase card after successful completion of the requisite purchase card training and receipt of a Delegation of Purchase Card Authority letter issued by the Senior Procurement Executive. Must adhere to the limitations contained in the Delegation of Purchase Card Authority and follow all instructions provided by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), including policies and procedures contained in Manual Section 731 and the Overseas Financial Management Handbook (OFMH), in execution of purchase cardholder duties and responsibilities. (See OFMH)”
Travel: 40%
• Preparation of Travel Authorizations
• Review and process Travel vouchers for PC staff and official visitors
• Dissemination of policies related to travel such as allowable travel expenses, reimbursement procedures, travel Regulations, Per Diem rates, and others.
• Coordinate with Travel Agents to ensure that travel related permissions / formalities are adhered to and also that tickets are issued in a timely manner.
• Coordinates with relevant staff to ensure that PC staff travel requirements are appropriately met
• For staff on official travel, coordinate with hosting Posts to ensure that all travel requirements are met in a timely manner e.g. sending TAs, passport information, VISA information, etc.
• Follow up on travel related invoices and payments such as those for tickets, airport transfers, visas etc
• Makes hotel and other travel-related reservations for official Peace Corps travelers and visitors.
• Ensures obligation in FORPOST is done for travel-related expenses to include but not limited to accommodation, Meals and Incidental expenses, tickets and other miscellaneous expenses.
• Holder of a Peace Corps Travel Card
• Makes purchases as required and reconciles with HQ- CITI and also enters information in the purchase log.
Administrative: 10%
• Photocopying / collating of non-cashier vouchers.
• Coordinate and track all DHL/FedEx shipment to Peace Corps HQ/GAP.
• Be knowledgeable of the Peace Corps Uganda Safety and Security policies and procedures to include timely reporting of suspicious incidents, persons, or articles.
• Serve as back up for admin staff as assigned by DMO/DDMO. Contractor is expected to fill in / ensure physical presence at the receptionist desk in the absence of the Administration Assistant (AA).
• Develop and regularly update travel related guidance for all PC official travelers
• Performs other duties as assigned by the DMO and the DDMO.

Standard Roles and Responsibilities
S&S: Safety and Security of our volunteers is Peace Corps’ number one priority. All staff, including this position, has a role in the Volunteer and Trainee (V/T) safety support system. The contractor shall become familiar with Peace Corps Manual Section 270 (Volunteer/ Trainee Safety and Security) and the Emergency Action Plan at Peace Corps Uganda, including the role of this position in an emergency situation. Contractor shall become familiar with protocols for reporting and responding to safety and security incidents and report all safety and security concerns expressed by V/Ts to the Safety and Security Officer, and CD as soon as possible. When appropriate, the contractor shall support Safety and Security for V/Ts by assisting them to adopt culturally appropriate lifestyles and exercise judgment that promotes safety and reduces risk in their home, at work, and while traveling in Uganda.
Immediately communicates Volunteer safety and security concerns and issues to the Safety and Security Manager (SSM) and CD. Knowledgeable and supportive of Peace Corps safety and security policies and procedures, including the timely reporting of suspicious incidents, persons or articles.
Given that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic there will be a lengthy period where there are likely to be limited or no Peace Corps Trainees and/or Volunteers (jointly referred to as “Volunteers”) at Peace Corps/Uganda, the PSC may be temporarily assigned during the COVID-19 pandemic, as determined by the Peace Corps Director, to carry out additional duties and responsibilities in furtherance of the goals of the Peace Corps in order to enhance the ability of Peace Corps Volunteers to perform functions under the Peace Corps Act, including facilitating a safe environment in order for the successful return of Volunteers.
This temporary assignment may require the PSC to provide services and/or support beyond what is listed in their current Statement of Work (SOW). The services and/or support may take many forms, examples of which may include but are not limited to, training, providing administrative, technical, medical, and/or operational assistance, building on host country programs, etc. This temporary assignment also may require the PSC to provide these services and/or support to individuals/organizations other than those listed in their current SOW such as host country government, partner organization(s), community member(s), staff, and/or contractors.

Logistics, Level of Effort & Duty Station
• The Duty station is the main office that is located in Kololo, Kampala. This position is full time and the candidate will be expected to carry out their duties during a 40 hour work week. Events may require occasional work in the evenings and on weekends and holidays. May carry a duty phone.
• Supervision Received: Under direct supervision of the DDMO. Incumbent must be able to perform assigned tasks independently within established rules and procedures and capable of carrying out routine assignments with minimum supervision.
• Available Guidelines: Peace Corps manuals, OFMH and established practices
• Exercise of Judgment: Considerable independence and exercise of judgment is required in the determination of allowable costs and amounts being recommended for payment certification on a variety of voucher payment types
• Authority to Make Commitments: None
• Nature, Level and Purpose of Contacts: Contact with Peace Corps volunteers, staff, vendors, contractors and banking officials.
• Time Required to Perform Full Range of Duties after Entry into the Position: 52 weeks.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Only Electronic Submissions will be accepted.
Please submit only Ms. Word formatted documents to include: a letter of interest (one page maximum), resume (three pages maximum), names and contact information for three references to ug-applications@peacecorps.gov.

Clearly indicate your name and the position applied for on the subject line of the cover email as well as on all the attachments: For example “Katungu Bonita_Voucher Examiner”. Do not write any other words in the subject line of your mail. Submitted documents become the property of the Peace Corps and will not be returned.
Peace Corps Uganda provides equal opportunity, fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. ONLY candidates deemed to be qualified will be contacted.

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Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Officer jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 May 2022
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 17-05-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-05-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-05-2065
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